Tanzimat döneminde roman anlayışı
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ÖZET Siyasi, ekonomik ve kültürel yönden önemli yeniliklerin gerçekleştirildiği bir zaman dilimi olan Tanzimat dönemi, edebiyatta da, günümüze kadar devam eden bir çizgiyi ortaya çıkaran yeni bir anlayışın doğduğu devirdir. Bu dönemde eskiden beri devam eden edebi türlerde yenilikler yapılması yanında, daha önce kültür ve edebiyat hayatımızda bulunmayan yeni türlerin de Batı'dan alınarak gelişmiş olması çok mühim bir gelişmedir. Roman da edebiyatımıza Batı'dan giren yeni bir edebi tür olup Tanzimat döneminde, hakkında çok şey söylenen bir kavram olarak hep gündemde kalmıştır. Toplumsal hayaün değiştirilmesinde edebiyatın bir araç kabul edildiği bu dönemde, roman, özellikle bu amaca ulaşmada en uygun edebi tür olarak önplana çıkmıştır. Hem Yeni Türk Edebiyati'nm temellerini iyi kavramak, hem de yenileşme fikrinin dayalı olduğu ana düşünceleri daha yakından tahlil edebilmek için bu konulan ele alan yazıların birinci dereceden önemli inkar edilemez. Bu yazılarda tartışılan kavramların ve öne sürülen düşüncelerin günümüzde bile geçerliliğini ve etkilerini koruduğunu söyleyebiliriz. Dönemin roman anlayışım belirlemede ele almaya çalışüğımız budüşünceler, Tanzimat aydınlarının siyasi ve sosyolojik kabullerini saptamakta da gözden kaçırılmaması gereken noktalar içerir. Yaptığımız çalışmanın, Tanzimat döneminde kaleme alman romanları daha iyi anlamada ve Yeni Türk Edebiyatı'nın, üzerine kurulu olduğu anlayışı daha yakından tanımada bir faydası olacağına inanıyorum. Modern anlamda hikaye ve romanın doğuşu, nasıl anlaşıldığı ve hangi beklentilere muhatap olduğu üzerine yapmaya çalıştığımız bu çalışmanın, bu konuda günümüzde hakim olan anlayışların tarihsel temeline ışık tutmak bakımından da yarar sağlayacağını umuyorum.
ABSTRACT The Tanzimat period during which in politics, economics and culture significant novelties had been achieved is also a period in which a new mentality arose that brought up to light a line lasting until the contemporary in literature. In this period the reformation in the literal forms that had been lasting for centuries and the importation of the new literal forms from the West is an important development. Novel also being a new form that had been imported to our literature from the West, had always taken its place on agenda in the Tanzimat period as a new concept about which many things had been discussed. In this period that literature had been accepted as a means of chaning the social life, novel and stepped forward by being the most suitable literal form the achive this purpose. The primary consequence of the articles examining these subjects can not be denied both in comperehending the fundamentals of the New Turkish Literature and the through analyses the basic conceptions of the idea of ranovation. We can say that the concepts discussed and the conceptions put forward in these articles are still valid and effective even today. These conceptions we used in determining the novel mentaility of the period include clues that should not escape detection in confirming the Üİpoliticaland sociological consents of the intellectuals of the Tanzimat period. I belive that the study study we have done will be useful in understanding the novels written in the Tanzimat period better and in acknowledging the mentality on which the New Turkish Literature was built. I hope that this study we tried to do on the origination, how it had been understood and which the novel had faced in the modern sense will also be useful in enlightening the historical bases of the up to date mentalities on this subject. IV
ABSTRACT The Tanzimat period during which in politics, economics and culture significant novelties had been achieved is also a period in which a new mentality arose that brought up to light a line lasting until the contemporary in literature. In this period the reformation in the literal forms that had been lasting for centuries and the importation of the new literal forms from the West is an important development. Novel also being a new form that had been imported to our literature from the West, had always taken its place on agenda in the Tanzimat period as a new concept about which many things had been discussed. In this period that literature had been accepted as a means of chaning the social life, novel and stepped forward by being the most suitable literal form the achive this purpose. The primary consequence of the articles examining these subjects can not be denied both in comperehending the fundamentals of the New Turkish Literature and the through analyses the basic conceptions of the idea of ranovation. We can say that the concepts discussed and the conceptions put forward in these articles are still valid and effective even today. These conceptions we used in determining the novel mentaility of the period include clues that should not escape detection in confirming the Üİpoliticaland sociological consents of the intellectuals of the Tanzimat period. I belive that the study study we have done will be useful in understanding the novels written in the Tanzimat period better and in acknowledging the mentality on which the New Turkish Literature was built. I hope that this study we tried to do on the origination, how it had been understood and which the novel had faced in the modern sense will also be useful in enlightening the historical bases of the up to date mentalities on this subject. IV
Anahtar Kelimeler
Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı, Turkish Language and Literature, , , , ,