Organik kökenli tekstil boyalarının sulu ortamlardan uzaklaştırılmasında Trametes trogii'nin kullanılması
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Kırıkkale Üniversitesi
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ÖZETORGANİK KÖKENLİ TEKSTİL BOYALARININ SULU ORTAMLARDANUZAKLAŞTIRILMASINDA Trametes trogii'nin KULLANILMASITARIM, YunusKırıkkale ÜniversitesiFen Bilimleri EnstitüsüBiyoloji Anabilim Dalı, Yüksek Lisans TeziDanışman: Prof. Dr. M. Yakup ARICAOrtak Danışman: Doç. Dr. Gülay BAYRAMOĞLUHaziran 2005, 55 sayfaTrametes trogii mikroorganizması kullanılarak sulu ortamdan organikkökenli boya moleküllerinin uzaklaştırılması işleminde, model olarak seçilen ReaktifOrange 14 ve Reaktif Blue 2 tekstil boyalarının biyosorpsiyonu araştırıldı. Fungalbiyokütlenin biyosorpsiyon kapasitesine fiziksel ve kimyasal ön işlemin etkisiaraştırıldı. Doğal fungal biyokütle ile ısı, asit ve alkol ile işleme maruz bırakılarakyüzey özellikleri değiştirilen biyokütlelerin, sulu ortamlardan tekstil boyalarınıuzaklaştırma eğilimi ve kapasitelerine ortam pH'sı, sıcaklık, başlangıç boyakonsantrasyonu gibi parametrelerin etkisi kesikli sistemde incelendi. Önişlemuygulanmamış fungal biyokütle ile ısı, asit ve alkol ile önişlem gören Trametes trogiibiyokütlesinin maksimum biyosorpsiyon kapasitesi, Reaktif Orange 14 tekstil boyasıPDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version www.pdffactory.comiçin sırasıyla 161.8, 202.2, 127.8 ve 174.3 mg/g ve Reaktif Blue 2 tekstil boyası içinsırasıyla 219.6, 251.2, 154.6 ve 201.2 mg/g olarak bulundu. Reaktif Orange 14 veReaktif Blue 2 tekstil boyalarının fungus biyokütlesine ilgisi ısıl > doğal > alkol >asit ve ısıl > alkol > doğal > asit olarak sıralandı. Önişlem uygulanmamış biyokütleile ısı, asit ve alkol ile işlem gören Trametes trogii biyosorbenti üzerine tekstil boyasıbiyosorpsiyonu için optimal pH değeri, 1.0-10.0 değerleri arasında araştırıldı.Maksimum Reaktif Orange 14 ve Reaktif Blue 2 tekstil boyalarının biyosorpsiyonu,doğal biyokütle ile ısı, asit ve alkol ile işlem gören biyosorbentlerle pH 2.0'degözlendi.Anahtar Kelimeler: Trametes trogii; biyosorpsiyon; Reaktif Orange 14; ReaktifBlue 2; ısı, asit ve alkol ile işlemPDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version
ABSTRACTTHE REMOVAL OF ORGANIC TEXTILE DYES FROM AQUEOUSSOLUTIONS BY USING Trametes trogiiTARIM, YunusKırıkkale UniversityGraduate School of Natural and Applied SciencesDepartment of Biology, M.Sc.ThesisSupervisor: Prof. Dr. M. Yakup ARICACo-Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gülay BAYRAMOĞLUJune 2005, 55 pagesThe removal of organic Reactive Orange 14 and Reactive Blue 2 textile dyesfrom aqueous solution was studied by using Trametes trogii. The effect of physicaland chemical treatment on the biosorption capacity of fungal biomass wasdetermined in batch experiment. The effect of system parameters such as pH,temperature and initial dye concentration on the biosorption capacity of heat-, acid-,alcohol treated and native fungal biomass was also determined by batch experiments.Maximum biosorption capacity of heat-, acid-, alcohol treated and native fungalbiomass for Reactive Orange 14 was 161.8, 202.2, 127.8 and 174.3 mg/g,respectively. And the maximum biosorption capacity of Reactive Blue 2 for heat-,acid-, alcohol treated and native fungal biomass was 219.6, 251.2, 154.6 and 201.2mg/g, respectively. Biosorption capacity of fungal biomass for Reactive Orange 14PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version www.pdffactory.comand Reactive Blue 2 increases in order heat > native > alcohol > acid and heat >alchol > native > acid, respectively. The pH effect on the biosorption capacity ofheat-, acid-, alcohol treated and native fungal biomass was determined in the pHrange of 1.0-10.0. Maximum biosorption capacity of heat-, acid-, alcohol treated andnative fungal biomass for Reactive Orange 14 and Reactive Blue 2 textile dyes wereobserved at pH 2.0.Key Words: Trametes trogii; biosorption; Reactive Orange 14; Reactive Blue 2;heat-treated; acid-treated; alcohol-treatedPDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version
ABSTRACTTHE REMOVAL OF ORGANIC TEXTILE DYES FROM AQUEOUSSOLUTIONS BY USING Trametes trogiiTARIM, YunusKırıkkale UniversityGraduate School of Natural and Applied SciencesDepartment of Biology, M.Sc.ThesisSupervisor: Prof. Dr. M. Yakup ARICACo-Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gülay BAYRAMOĞLUJune 2005, 55 pagesThe removal of organic Reactive Orange 14 and Reactive Blue 2 textile dyesfrom aqueous solution was studied by using Trametes trogii. The effect of physicaland chemical treatment on the biosorption capacity of fungal biomass wasdetermined in batch experiment. The effect of system parameters such as pH,temperature and initial dye concentration on the biosorption capacity of heat-, acid-,alcohol treated and native fungal biomass was also determined by batch experiments.Maximum biosorption capacity of heat-, acid-, alcohol treated and native fungalbiomass for Reactive Orange 14 was 161.8, 202.2, 127.8 and 174.3 mg/g,respectively. And the maximum biosorption capacity of Reactive Blue 2 for heat-,acid-, alcohol treated and native fungal biomass was 219.6, 251.2, 154.6 and 201.2mg/g, respectively. Biosorption capacity of fungal biomass for Reactive Orange 14PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version www.pdffactory.comand Reactive Blue 2 increases in order heat > native > alcohol > acid and heat >alchol > native > acid, respectively. The pH effect on the biosorption capacity ofheat-, acid-, alcohol treated and native fungal biomass was determined in the pHrange of 1.0-10.0. Maximum biosorption capacity of heat-, acid-, alcohol treated andnative fungal biomass for Reactive Orange 14 and Reactive Blue 2 textile dyes wereobserved at pH 2.0.Key Words: Trametes trogii; biosorption; Reactive Orange 14; Reactive Blue 2;heat-treated; acid-treated; alcohol-treatedPDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version
Anahtar Kelimeler
Biyokimya, Biochemistry ; Biyoloji, Biology