Seminal plazma ve serum testosteron-östrojen oranlarının semen parametreleri üzerine etkisi
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Kırıkkale Üniversitesi
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ÖZET Ferhat M, Seminal Plazma ve Serum Testosteron/Östrojen Oranlarının Semen Parametreleri Üzerine Etkisi. Kırıkkale Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Üroloji Anabilim Dalı Uzmanlık Tezi, Kırıkkale, 2005. Bu çalışmada serum ve seminal plazmadaki testosteron-östrojen dengesinin semen parametreleri üzerine etkisini araştırmayı amaçladık. Etik kurul onayı alındıktan sonra 18-40 yaşlar arasında 100 hasta çalışmaya alındı. Çalışmaya alınan bütün hastaların kan hormon değerleri normaldi ve sperm analizini etkileyebilecek bir organik patolojileri yoktu. Semen parametreleri normal olan 47 kişi grup I ve bozuk olan 53 hasta ise grup II olarak sınıflandırıldı. Her iki grupta, serum ve seminal plazmada; testosteron, östradiol ve testosteron-östradiol oranlarını karşılaştırdık. İstatistiksel inceleme; gruplar arası ortalamalar farkı student-t testi ile, gruplar arasında seminal plazma ve serumda; testosteron, östradiol ve testosteron-östrojen oranlan ise Pearson Korelasyon testi ile yapıldı. P<0,05 anlamlı kabul edildi. Grup IF de serum da; testosteron düzeyi (P= 0.043) ve testosteron/östradiol oranı (P= 0,048) anlamlı derecede düşük, östradiol düzeyi (P= 0.014) ise anlamlı derecede yüksek bulundu. Yine grup IF de seminal plazma da; total testosteron düzeyi (P=0,598) ve testosteron/östardiol oranlan (P=0,644) daha düşük, östradiol düzeyi ise daha yüksek (P=0,393) bulundu. Serum T/E2 oranlan ile sayı, motilite ve morfoloji karşılaştınldığında; serum T/E2 ile sperm sayısı (P= 0,857), motilite (P= 0,010) ve morfoloji (P = 0,040) arasında doğru, ancak istatstiksel olarak motilite ve morfoloji arasında anlamlı korelasyon vardı. Seminal plazma T/E2 ile sperm sayısı (P= 0,774), motilite (P= 0,403) ve morfoloji (P= 0,252) arasında doğru, fakat istatistiksel olarak anlamsız korelasyon bulundu. Özellikle serum T/E2 oranının, sperm motilitesi ve morfolojisini anlamlı derecede etkilediği ve bu patolojinin anti- östrojenlerle tedavi edilebilir bir infertilite nedeni olduğu sonucuna varıldı. Anahtar Kelimeler: Semen parametreleri, serum, seminal plazma, östradiol testosteron.
VI ABSRTACT Ferhat M, The effect of seminal plasma and serum testosterone/oestrogen ratios on semen parameters. Kirikkale University, School of medicine, Department of Urology, Specialization Thesis, 2005. In this study, we aim to study the effects of the balance of testosterone-oestrogen in serum and seminal plasma on semen parameters. After getting the approval of the Ethics Commitee 100 patients between the ages of 18 to 40. A 11 the patients who are studied had normal blood hormonal values and had no organic pathologies that would effect the analysis of sperm. 47 people with normal semen parameters were classified as group I while 53 patient with abnormal parameters were classified as group II. We compared testosterone, oestradiol and testosterone-oestradiol ratios in serum and seminal plasma in both groups. Statistical analysis; student-t test was used to study the median differences between the groups, while seminal plasma and serum in both groups were tested through using Pearson Correlation test. P<0,005 was accepted as significant. In group II; the testosterone levels (P= 0,043) and testosterone/oestradiol levels were significantly low, while the level of oestradiol ( P= 0,014) was significantly high. Again in group II, regarding seminal plasma; total testosterone (P= 0,598) and testosterone/oestradiol levels (P= 0,644) were found low, while oestradiol level ( p= 0,393) was high. When serum T/E2 compared with number, motility and morphology; there was a direct correlation among sperm count (P= 0,857), motility (P= 0,010) and morphology (P= 0,040) while there was a significant statistical correlation between motility and morphology. There was a direct but statistically insignificant. Correlation between seminal plasma T/E2 and sperm count (P= 0,774), motility (P= 0,403) and morphology (P= 0,252). Especially, it is concluded that serum T/E2 level can influence sperm motility and morphology significantly and it is also found that this pathology as a cause of infertility can be treated through application of anti-estrogen. Key Words: Semen parameters, serum, seminal plasma, oestradiol, testosterone.
VI ABSRTACT Ferhat M, The effect of seminal plasma and serum testosterone/oestrogen ratios on semen parameters. Kirikkale University, School of medicine, Department of Urology, Specialization Thesis, 2005. In this study, we aim to study the effects of the balance of testosterone-oestrogen in serum and seminal plasma on semen parameters. After getting the approval of the Ethics Commitee 100 patients between the ages of 18 to 40. A 11 the patients who are studied had normal blood hormonal values and had no organic pathologies that would effect the analysis of sperm. 47 people with normal semen parameters were classified as group I while 53 patient with abnormal parameters were classified as group II. We compared testosterone, oestradiol and testosterone-oestradiol ratios in serum and seminal plasma in both groups. Statistical analysis; student-t test was used to study the median differences between the groups, while seminal plasma and serum in both groups were tested through using Pearson Correlation test. P<0,005 was accepted as significant. In group II; the testosterone levels (P= 0,043) and testosterone/oestradiol levels were significantly low, while the level of oestradiol ( P= 0,014) was significantly high. Again in group II, regarding seminal plasma; total testosterone (P= 0,598) and testosterone/oestradiol levels (P= 0,644) were found low, while oestradiol level ( p= 0,393) was high. When serum T/E2 compared with number, motility and morphology; there was a direct correlation among sperm count (P= 0,857), motility (P= 0,010) and morphology (P= 0,040) while there was a significant statistical correlation between motility and morphology. There was a direct but statistically insignificant. Correlation between seminal plasma T/E2 and sperm count (P= 0,774), motility (P= 0,403) and morphology (P= 0,252). Especially, it is concluded that serum T/E2 level can influence sperm motility and morphology significantly and it is also found that this pathology as a cause of infertility can be treated through application of anti-estrogen. Key Words: Semen parameters, serum, seminal plasma, oestradiol, testosterone.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Üroloji, Urology
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