KOAH'lı hastalarda yıllık FEV1 kaybı ve yıllık FEV1 kaybını hızlandıran faktörler
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Kırıkkale Üniversitesi
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ÖZET Koçyiğit P., KOAH' lı hastalarda yıllık FEVİ kaybı ve hızlandıran faktörler, Kırıkkale Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Göğüs Hastalıkları ve Tüberküloz Anabilim Dalı Uzmanlık Tezi, Kırıkkale 2005 FEVj azalması havayolu obstrüksiyonunım tipik bir bulgusudur. Bu nedenle KOAH'm seyri yıllık FEVı düşüşüyle değerlendirilir. KOAH tanılı hastalarda FEVj düşüş oram daha fazla görülmektedir. Bu çalışma stabil KOAH'lı hastalarda, yıllık FEVı kaybı ve bunu hızlandıran faktörleri ortaya koymak amacıyla planlandı. Çalışmaya 57 KOAH'lı hasta (Grup 1) ve 22 sigara içmeyen sağlıklı kişiler (Grup 2) katıldı. KOAH'lı hastalar sigara içmeye devam edenler (Grup la) ve sigarayı bırakmış olanlar (Grup lb) diye 2 subgruba ayrıldı. Toplam 18 aylık çalışma süresinde, hastalar 6 aylık peryotlarla kontrollere çağrıldı. Her kontrolde solunum fonksiyon testleri ve difuzyon testleri yapıldı. KOAH'lı hastalara ilk kontrolde bunlara ek olarak arter kan gazlan ve kan oksidan düzeyini yansıtan malondialdehit (MDA) düzeyi çalışıldı. Ayrıca KOAH'lı hastalara histaminle nonspesifik bronşprovokasyon testi uygulandı. KOAH'lı hastaların postbronkodilatör FEVj(L) 2.25±0.75, beklenen %FEVTleri ortalama 69.02±19.71 olarak saptandı. Ortalama sigara paket yılları aktif içicilerde 35.15±12.81, sigarayı bırakmış KOAH' lılarda ise 37.79±16.03 idi. Kontrol grubunun başlangıç FEVı 'i 3.35±0.50 beklenen % FEVı'leri ortalama 98.23±10.65 olarak saptandı. KOAH'lı hastalarda yıllık FEVı kaybı (yaş, boy, sigara-paket-yılı ayarlaması yapıldıktan sonra) 14.67± 12.93 ml/yıl (0- 54.7), kontrol grubunda ise 8.09±7.12 ml/yıl (0-24) olarak saptandı. Bu sonuca göre KOAH'lı hastaların ortalama yıllık FEVj kaybı, kontrol grubundan yaklaşık 2 kat fazlaydı ve bu fark istatistiksel olarak anlamlıydı (p=0.006). Sigara gruplarına göre; Grup la ve Grup lb, yıllık FEVı kaybı açısından karşılaştırıldığında Grup la'da yıllık kayıp anlamlı olarak daha fazla idiİİİ (p=0.02). Grup la ile kontrol grubu karşılaştırıldığında ise yıllık FEVı kaybı Grupla'da anlamlı olarak fazla idi (p=0.002). Grup lb'nin ise; yıllık FEVı kaybı kontrol grubundan'dan fazla olmasına rağmen aralarındaki fark istatistiksel olarak anlamlı değildi (p=0.304). KOAH'lı hastalarda bronşiyal hiperreaktivite görülme oranı %86 olarak tespit edildi. Bronşiyal aşın duyarlılığı saptanan KOAH' lı hastalarda yıllık FEVı kaybı, bronşiyal aşırı duyarlılığı saptanmayan KOAH'lı hastalardan yüksek olarak saptandı. Ancak fark istatistiksel anlama ulaşmadı (p>0.05). Multiple lineer regresyon analizi yapıldığında yıllık FEV) kaybını en çok belirleyen faktörlerin; sigara içimi, Pa02, KOAH hastalık yılı olarak tespit edildi. Bunların arasında da en belirleyici faktörün sigara içimi olduğu saptandı. Bu sonuca göre KOAH'lı hastalarda sigaranın bırakılması hastalık progresyonunun önlenmesinde en önemli tedavi şeklidir. Yıllık FEV] düşüş i ile ilgili mevcut bulgularımız, daha geniş hasta grubu ve daha uzun süreli takiplerle desteklenmelidir. Anahtar Kelimeler: KOAH, sigara, BHR, yıllık FEVı kaybı
IV ABSTRACT Koçyiğit P., The annual decline of FEVi in COPD patients and accelerating factors in annual FEVi decline, Kırıkkale University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pulmonary Diseases and Tuberculosis, Specialty Thesis, Kırıkkale 2005 The decrease of FEV] is a typical finding of airway obstruction. The progression COPD is evaluated by annual decline of FEVi. It has been identified that the FEVj decrease rate in COPD patients is widely seen. This study was planned to show the FEVi decrease and accelerating factors in COPD patients. 57 COPD patients (Group 1) and 22 healthy non-smoking controls (Group 2) participated in the study. The COPD patients were separated to two subgroups as active smokers (Group la) and exsmokers (Group lb). During the period of 18 months, patients were controlled on a period of 6 months. During each visit pulmonary function tests and diffusion capacity were controlled. During the first visit, blood gas and the malondialdehit (MDA) level were analyzed in addition to the mentioned tests. Moreover nonspecific bronchoprovocation tests with histamine have been made. The post bronchodilator FEVi (L) 2.25±0.75 and expected FEVi% was identified as 69.02±19.71. The FEVi% in patients who continued smoking was 35.15±12.81 whereas the FEVi% in COPD patients who quitted smoking were 37.79±16.03. The based FEVi of the control group was 3.35±0.50, whereas the predicted FEVi% was identified as 98.23± 10.65. The annual FEVi decrease in COPD patients has been calculated as 14.67Ü2.93 ml/year (0-54.7), whereas the FEVi decrease in the control group was calculated as 8.09±7.12 ml/year (0- 24). The annual FEVi decrease in COPD patients was two times higher than therates of the control group, and the difference between two groups was statistically significant (p=0.006). When the smoking group, Group la and Group lb, were compared the annual FEVi decrease of Group la was respectively higher compared to Group lb. (p=0.02). When Group 1 was compared with Group 2, the annual FEVi decrease of Group 1 was respectively higher than Group 2, the difference between two groups was statistically not significant (p=0.304) although. Frequency of bronch hyperreactivity (BHR) was higher in patients with COPD (86%). We found that the annual decline of FEVi, in COPD patients with BHR is higher than the patients without BHR, but the difference between two groups was not statistically significant (p>0.05) Multiple lineer regression analysis has showen that: the most important factor for annual FEVi decrease is continuing smoking, Pa02 and chronicity of COPD diagnosis. Within the mentioned factors continuing smoking ir the domain factor. Key Words: COPD, smoking, BHR, annual FEVi decrease
IV ABSTRACT Koçyiğit P., The annual decline of FEVi in COPD patients and accelerating factors in annual FEVi decline, Kırıkkale University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pulmonary Diseases and Tuberculosis, Specialty Thesis, Kırıkkale 2005 The decrease of FEV] is a typical finding of airway obstruction. The progression COPD is evaluated by annual decline of FEVi. It has been identified that the FEVj decrease rate in COPD patients is widely seen. This study was planned to show the FEVi decrease and accelerating factors in COPD patients. 57 COPD patients (Group 1) and 22 healthy non-smoking controls (Group 2) participated in the study. The COPD patients were separated to two subgroups as active smokers (Group la) and exsmokers (Group lb). During the period of 18 months, patients were controlled on a period of 6 months. During each visit pulmonary function tests and diffusion capacity were controlled. During the first visit, blood gas and the malondialdehit (MDA) level were analyzed in addition to the mentioned tests. Moreover nonspecific bronchoprovocation tests with histamine have been made. The post bronchodilator FEVi (L) 2.25±0.75 and expected FEVi% was identified as 69.02±19.71. The FEVi% in patients who continued smoking was 35.15±12.81 whereas the FEVi% in COPD patients who quitted smoking were 37.79±16.03. The based FEVi of the control group was 3.35±0.50, whereas the predicted FEVi% was identified as 98.23± 10.65. The annual FEVi decrease in COPD patients has been calculated as 14.67Ü2.93 ml/year (0-54.7), whereas the FEVi decrease in the control group was calculated as 8.09±7.12 ml/year (0- 24). The annual FEVi decrease in COPD patients was two times higher than therates of the control group, and the difference between two groups was statistically significant (p=0.006). When the smoking group, Group la and Group lb, were compared the annual FEVi decrease of Group la was respectively higher compared to Group lb. (p=0.02). When Group 1 was compared with Group 2, the annual FEVi decrease of Group 1 was respectively higher than Group 2, the difference between two groups was statistically not significant (p=0.304) although. Frequency of bronch hyperreactivity (BHR) was higher in patients with COPD (86%). We found that the annual decline of FEVi, in COPD patients with BHR is higher than the patients without BHR, but the difference between two groups was not statistically significant (p>0.05) Multiple lineer regression analysis has showen that: the most important factor for annual FEVi decrease is continuing smoking, Pa02 and chronicity of COPD diagnosis. Within the mentioned factors continuing smoking ir the domain factor. Key Words: COPD, smoking, BHR, annual FEVi decrease
Anahtar Kelimeler
Göğüs Hastalıkları, Chest Diseases