Lumbal disk patolojilerinde manyetik rezonans myelografinin 2 ve 3 boyutlu sekanslarla değerlendirilmesi
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Kırıkkale Üniversitesi
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İntervertebral disk hernisi, diskte meydana gelen dejenerasyon veya travma sonucu disk materyalinin yer değiştirmesini ifade eden bir terimdir. Disk hernilerinin değerlendirilmesinde bir çok görüntüleme yöntemi kullanılmakla birlikte manyetik rezonans görüntüleme (MRG), ilk ve çoğunlukla tek görüntüleme yöntemi olarak kullanılmaktadır. MRG'ye ek olarak alınabilen manyetik rezonans myelografi (MRM) tekniklerinin, olguların bir kısmında tanıya yardımcı olabildiği daha önce yapılan çalışmalarda bildirilmiştir. Çalışmamızda, lumbal disk hernilerinin saptanmasında MRG'ye yardımcı olmak için, 2D/Myelo, 3D/Myelo ve B-TFE teknikleri ile elde edilen MRM görüntülerinin etkinliğini, konvansiyonel MRG ile karşılaştırmalı olarak değerlendirdik. Çalışmaya yaşları 13 ile 72 arasında değişen, konvansiyonel MRG'de disk hernisi saptanan, 30'u erkek 70'i kadın toplam 100 olgu dahil edildi. Bu olgularda rutin MRG çekiminden sonra MRM için TSE tekniği olan 2D/Myelo ve 3D/Myelo ile gradien eko tekniği olan B-TFE çekimleri yapılarak sekanslarda izlenen disk patolojisi değerlendirildi. Veriler üzerinden konvansiyonel MRG altın standart kabul edilerek her üç sekansın performans analizleri ve Kappa uyum testleri yapıldı ve sekanslar karşılaştırıldı. 2D/Myelo'nun duyarlılığı %39.8, seçiciliği %98.7, 3D/Myelo'nun duyarlılığı %45.9, seçiciliği %98.8, B-TFE'nin duyarlılığı %54.4, seçiciliği %98.8 olarak bulundu. Bu sonuçlara göre 2 boyutlu olan 2D/Myelo ile 3 boyutlu olan 3D/Myelo ve B-TFE sekansları disk hernilerinin varlığı ve lokalizasyonu açısından değerlendirildiğinde 3 boyutlu sekansların duyarlılık ve seçiciliği 2 boyutlu sekanstan daha yüksek çıkmaktadır. 3D/Myelo ve B-TFE kendi içinde değerlendirildiğinde ise disk hernisinin tespitinde B-TFE, 3D/Myelo'dan tanı değeri açısından azda olsa daha yüksek bulundu.Sonuç olarak disk hernilerinin tespitinde Konvansiyonel MRG tetkikine yardımcı olmak için MRM planlanan hastalarda hem duyarlılık ve seçiciliğinin yüksek olması ve hemde süresinin daha kısa olması nedeniyle 3 boyutlu B-TFE sekansının, 2 boyutlu 2D/Myelo yerine kullanılabileceği düşünülmüştür.
Intervertebral disc herniation is a term implying the disc degeneration and relocation of disc material as a result of trauma. Though many methods exist for evaluation of disc herniations, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is mainly used as the first and solitary imaging technique. When used in conjuct to MRI, magnetic resonance myelography (MRM) is reported to be contributory in some cases. In our study, we assessed the efficiency of MRM images obtained with 2D/Myelo, 3D/Myelo and B-TFE sequences to assist MRI on diagosis of lumbar disc herniations, by comparing them with conventional MRI. 100 cases with ages ranging between 13 and 72 (30 male, 70 female), who had disc herniations on their conventional MRI were included in the study. After the routine MRI scan, images with 2D/Myelo and 3D/Myelo sequences that are turbo spin echo techniques, and B-TFE sequence which is a gradient tecnique, were obtained and disc pathologies seen on these exams vere evaluated. Performance analysis and Kappa agreement tests were done on all three sequences with MRI being accepted as the gold standard. Sensitivity and specifity values for 2D/Myelo, 3D/Myelo and B-TFE were 39.8%-98.7%, 45.9%-98.8% and 54.4% and 98.8%, respectively. As a result of these findings, when 2 dimentional technique 2D/Myelo and 3 dimentional techniques 3D/Myelo and B-TFE were compared in terms of herniation presence and localization, specifity and sensitivity of 3D sequences were higher than that of 2D sequences. When B-TFE and 3D/Myelo techniques were compared with each other, B-TFE was found to have a slightly higher diagnostic value.In conclusion, for patients who are planned to undergo MRM to compliment conventional MRI scans for diagnosis of lumbar disc herniations, 3 dimentional B-TFE sequence should be preferred for both its high spesifity ,sensitivity and shorter scan duration.
Intervertebral disc herniation is a term implying the disc degeneration and relocation of disc material as a result of trauma. Though many methods exist for evaluation of disc herniations, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is mainly used as the first and solitary imaging technique. When used in conjuct to MRI, magnetic resonance myelography (MRM) is reported to be contributory in some cases. In our study, we assessed the efficiency of MRM images obtained with 2D/Myelo, 3D/Myelo and B-TFE sequences to assist MRI on diagosis of lumbar disc herniations, by comparing them with conventional MRI. 100 cases with ages ranging between 13 and 72 (30 male, 70 female), who had disc herniations on their conventional MRI were included in the study. After the routine MRI scan, images with 2D/Myelo and 3D/Myelo sequences that are turbo spin echo techniques, and B-TFE sequence which is a gradient tecnique, were obtained and disc pathologies seen on these exams vere evaluated. Performance analysis and Kappa agreement tests were done on all three sequences with MRI being accepted as the gold standard. Sensitivity and specifity values for 2D/Myelo, 3D/Myelo and B-TFE were 39.8%-98.7%, 45.9%-98.8% and 54.4% and 98.8%, respectively. As a result of these findings, when 2 dimentional technique 2D/Myelo and 3 dimentional techniques 3D/Myelo and B-TFE were compared in terms of herniation presence and localization, specifity and sensitivity of 3D sequences were higher than that of 2D sequences. When B-TFE and 3D/Myelo techniques were compared with each other, B-TFE was found to have a slightly higher diagnostic value.In conclusion, for patients who are planned to undergo MRM to compliment conventional MRI scans for diagnosis of lumbar disc herniations, 3 dimentional B-TFE sequence should be preferred for both its high spesifity ,sensitivity and shorter scan duration.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Radyoloji ve Nükleer Tıp, Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, , , , , , ,