Sodyum aljinat ve vinil pirolidon aşılanmış sodyum aljinat kürelerden indomethasinin kontrollü salımı
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Kırıkkale Üniversitesi
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Çalısmada ilk olarak, azobisizobütironitril baslatıcısı kullanılarak sulu fazda N-vinil-2-pirolidon ile sodyum aljinatın ası kopolimeri hazırlandı. Sodyum aljinat-gpoli( vinil pirolidon) ası kopolimeri fourier transform infrared spektroskopisi, element analizi ve diferansiyel taramalı kalorimetre ile karakterize edildi. Kontrollü salım çalısması için indomethasin içeren sodyum aljinat ve sodyum aljinat-g-poli(vinil pirolidon) küreleri, hidroklorik asit ortamında gluteraldehit ile çapraz baglanarak hazırlandı. Hazırlanan küreler tutuklanma verimi, kürelerin sisme kapasiteleri, partikül boyutları ve salım verileri ile karakterize edildi. ndomethasin kürelere kapsüllendikten sonra kimyasal kararlılıgı fourier transform infrared spektroskopisi ölçümleri ile dogrulandı. Taramalı elektron mikroskobu verileri kürelerin yüzeyinin pürüzlü ve küresel sekilli olduklarını gösterdi. Kürelerin çapraz ii baglanma yetenegini anlamak için sisme parametrelerinden yararlanılarak çapraz baglar arasındaki moleküler kütle degerleri hesaplandı. Hücre dısı salım çalısmaları, baslangıçta 2 saat süreyle mide sıvısına benzer pH 1,2, hidroklorik asit çözeltisi ve ardından 4 saat süreyle bagırsak sıvısına benzer pH 7,4, H2PO4 -/HPO4 -2 tamponu ortamlarında gerçeklestirildi. Gluteraldehit derisimi, gluteraldehit ile çapraz baglama süresi, ilaç/polimer oranı ve hidroklorik asit yüzdesi gibi çesitli etkenlerin indomethasin salımına etkisi incelendi. Gluteraldehit derisiminin, gluteraldehit ile çapraz baglama süresinin, ilaç/polimer oranının ve hidroklorik asit yüzdesinin artmasıyla indomethasin salımının azaldıgı, bununla birlikte sodyum aljinat üzerine N-vinil-2-pirolidon asılanmasıyla indomethasin salımının arttıgı gözlendi. Kinetik parametreler salım sonuçlarından yararlanılarak Peppas esitligi ile belirlendi. Difüzyon katsayısı polimerik kürelerden ilacın difüzyonu için hesaplandı ve salım sonuçları ile uyumlu degerler bulundu. Anahtar Kelimeler: Ası Kopolimer, Kontrollü Salım, ndomethasin, Sodyum Aljinat, N-Vinil-2-Pirolidon
In the study, first, graft copolymers of sodium alginate with N-vinyl-2- pyrrolidone were prepared in aqueous solutions using azobisisobutyronitrile as initiator. The sodium alginate-g-poly(vinyl pyrrolidone) graft copolymer was characterized with fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, elemental analysis and differential scanning calorimetry. For the controlled release study, sodium alginate and sodium alginate-g- poly(vinyl pyrrolidone) beads containing indomethacin were prepared by crosslinking with glutaraldehyde in hydrochloric acid medium. Prepared beads were characterized by considering the percentage entrapment efficiency, swelling capacity of beads, particle size and their release data. Chemical stability of the indomethacin after encapsulation into beads was confirmed by fourier transform infrared ii spectroscopy measurements. The scanning electron microscopy data indicated that the surface structure of the beads are rough and spherical. In order to understand the crosslinking ability, molar mass between crosslinks values was calculated using the swelling parameters. In vitro release studies were performed in simulated gastric fluid at pH 1,2, hydrochloric acid solution for the initial 2 h, followed by simulated intestinal fluid at pH 7,4, H2PO4 -/HPO4 -2 buffer for 4 h. Effects of variables such as, glutaraldehyde concentration, exposure time to glutaraldehyde, drug/polymer ratio and percentage of hydrochloric acid on the release of indomethacin were investigeted. It was observed that, indomethacin release from the beads decreased with increasing glutaraldehyde concentration, exposure time to glutaraldehyde, drug/polymer ratio and percentage of hydrochloric acid, whereas it increased with grafting of N-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone onto sodium alginate. Kinetic parameters were determined by using release results with Peppas Equation. The diffusion coefficients were calculated for the transport of drug through the polymeric beads and the results were found in consistence with the release results. Key Words: Graft Copolymer, Controlled Release, Indomethacin, Sodium Alginate, N-Vinyl-2-Pyrrolidone
In the study, first, graft copolymers of sodium alginate with N-vinyl-2- pyrrolidone were prepared in aqueous solutions using azobisisobutyronitrile as initiator. The sodium alginate-g-poly(vinyl pyrrolidone) graft copolymer was characterized with fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, elemental analysis and differential scanning calorimetry. For the controlled release study, sodium alginate and sodium alginate-g- poly(vinyl pyrrolidone) beads containing indomethacin were prepared by crosslinking with glutaraldehyde in hydrochloric acid medium. Prepared beads were characterized by considering the percentage entrapment efficiency, swelling capacity of beads, particle size and their release data. Chemical stability of the indomethacin after encapsulation into beads was confirmed by fourier transform infrared ii spectroscopy measurements. The scanning electron microscopy data indicated that the surface structure of the beads are rough and spherical. In order to understand the crosslinking ability, molar mass between crosslinks values was calculated using the swelling parameters. In vitro release studies were performed in simulated gastric fluid at pH 1,2, hydrochloric acid solution for the initial 2 h, followed by simulated intestinal fluid at pH 7,4, H2PO4 -/HPO4 -2 buffer for 4 h. Effects of variables such as, glutaraldehyde concentration, exposure time to glutaraldehyde, drug/polymer ratio and percentage of hydrochloric acid on the release of indomethacin were investigeted. It was observed that, indomethacin release from the beads decreased with increasing glutaraldehyde concentration, exposure time to glutaraldehyde, drug/polymer ratio and percentage of hydrochloric acid, whereas it increased with grafting of N-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone onto sodium alginate. Kinetic parameters were determined by using release results with Peppas Equation. The diffusion coefficients were calculated for the transport of drug through the polymeric beads and the results were found in consistence with the release results. Key Words: Graft Copolymer, Controlled Release, Indomethacin, Sodium Alginate, N-Vinyl-2-Pyrrolidone
Anahtar Kelimeler
Kimya, Chemistry, , , , ,