Alchemilla L. (Rosaceae) cinsi türlerinde flavonoid bileşiklerinin tayin edilmesi ve bu bileşiklerin taksonomik olarak kullanılması
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Kırıkkale Üniversitesi
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Bu tez çalışmasında Alchemilla L. cinsine ait 25 türde ve bu cinse yakın akraba olan Potentilla L. cinsine ait bir türde ilk defa flavonoid bileşiklerinin izolasyonu ve tayini gerçekleştirilmiş ve bu bileşiklerin sistematik açıdan önemi değerlendirilmiştir.Çalışılan Alchemilla türleri Türkiye florasında Alchemilla cinsi için verilmiş olan teşhis anahtarındaki grupların tamamını temsil etmekte olup, bunlardan 15 tanesi Türkiye için endemik olan türlerdir. Grup A'dan A. ovitensis (E), Grup B'den A. sericata ve A. erythropoda, Grup C'den A. hirtipedicellata, A. armeniaca (E), A. orthotricha, A. erzincanensis (E), A. cimilensis (E), A. mollis, A. orduensis (E), A. ikizdereensis (E), A. porrectidens, A. oriturcica (E), A. bursensis (E), A. persica, A. speciosa, A. hirsutiflora (E) ve A. holocycyla (E), Grup D'den A. ciminensis (E), A. buseriana (E), A. trabzonica (E), A. tiryalensis (E), A. stricta ve A. barbatiflora, Grup E'den A. procerrima (E) ve Potentilla cinsinden de P. recta türlerinin flavonoidleri bu çalışma kapsamında incelenmiştir. Çalışılan Alchemilla türleri cinsin Alchemilla seksiyonunun Chirophyllum Rothm., Heliodrosium Rothm. ve Calycanthum Rothm. altseksiyonlarına ve Sericeae Bus., Pubescentes Bus., Elatae Rothm. ve Calycinae Bus. serilerine aittir.Flavonoid tayin yöntemi olarak kromatografik yöntemlerden analitik ve preparatif ince tabaka kromatografisi, kolon kromatografisi ve yüksek basınç sıvı kromatografisi kullanılmıştır. Türkiye florasında yer alan Alchemilla ve Potentilla cinslerine ait türlerde rutin (quercetin-3-rutinoside), orientin (luteolin-8-C-glucoside), vitexin (apigenin-8-C-glucoside), hyperoside (quercetin-3-O-galactoside), isoquercetin (quercetin-3-glucoside), quercitrin (quercetin-3-O-rhamnoside) flavonoidleri tayin edilmiştir.Tüm örneklere ait flavonoid verileri PAUP 4.0b.10 programı kullanılarak analiz edildi ve çalışılan Alchemilla türleri arasındaki akrabalık ilişkilerini gösteren hem parsimoni hem de komşu bağlantı ağacı oluşturuldu. Kimyasal verilerden elde edilen sonuçlar morfolojik karakterlere dayalı sınıflandırma ile karşılaştırılmış ve çalışılan taksonlar arasındaki ilişkiler ortaya konulmaya çalışılmıştır.Analiz sonuçları, çalışılan türlerden elde edilen flavonoid bileşiklerinin türler arasında ciddi anlamda farklılık göstermediğini, bazı durumlarda türiçi varyasyonun türler arasındaki varyasyondan daha fazla olduğunu göstermiştir.Alchemilla cinsinin Potentilla cinsiyle karşılaştırılması sonucunda da benzer sonuçlar elde edilmiştir. Potentilla cinsinden elde edilen flavonoidlerin Alchemilla cinsiyle benzerlik gösterdiği görülmüştür. Bu durum bu iki cinsin morfolojik karakterlerin yanı sıra kimyasal karakterler açısından da birbirlerine yakın cinsler olduğunu göstermiştir.
In this thesis, isolation and identification of flavonoid compounds in 25 species belonging to the genus Alchemilla L. and one from the genus Potentilla L., closely related to it, was carried out, and taxonomical importance of the substances was assessed with respect to systematics.Alchemilla species studied, of which 15 are endemic for Turkey, represent all groups in the identification key given for Alchemilla species in Flora of Turkey. Flavonoids of A. ovitensis (E) from Group A, A. sericata and A. erytropoda from Grup B, A. hirtipedicellata, A. armeniaca (E), A. orthotricha, A. erzincanensis (E), A. cimilensis (E), A. mollis, A. orduensis (E), A. ikizdereensis (E), A. porrectidens, A. oriturcica (E), A. bursensis (E), A. persica, A. speciosa, A. hirsutiflora (E) and A. holocycla (E) from Group C, A. ciminensis (E), A. buseriana (E), A. trabzonica (E), A. tiryalensis (E), A. stricta and A. barbatiflora from Grup D, A. procerrima (E) from Grup E and P. recta from the genus Potentilla were examined in the course of this study. Alchemilla species studied belong to the subsections of Chirophyllum Rothm., Heliodrosium Rothm. and Calycanthum Rothm., and the series of Sericeae Bus., Pubescentes Bus., Elatae Rothm. and Calycinae Bus. of the section Alchemilla of the genus.Analitical and preperative thin layer chromatography, colon chromatography and high pressure liquid chromatography were used for the identification of flavonoid compounds as chromatographical techniques. In species of the genera Alchemilla and Potentilla existing in Flora of Turkey, rutin (quercetin-3-rutinoside), orientin (luteolin-8-C-glucoside), vitexin (apigenin-8-C-glucoside), hyperoside (quercetin-3-O-galactoside), isoquercetin (quercetin-3-glucoside), quercitrin (quercetin-3-O-rhamnoside) flavonoids were identified.Flavonoid data belonging to all samples were analysed by using PAUP 4.0b.10 program and parsimonic and neighbour joining trees were both generated to display relationships amongst Alchemilla species studied. The results obtained from chemical data were compared to the classification based on morphological characters and it was performed to clarify relationships amongst the taxa studied.As a result, flavonoid compounds obtained from the species studied showed that they do not show sericeous variations amonst the species and even in some cases variation within a species is grater than it is between species.Similar results were obtained from the comparisons of the genera Alchemilla and Potentilla. The flavonoid compounds obtained from Alchemilla are similar to those from the genus Potentilla. This shows that these two genera are closely related genera in terms of chemical characters alongside morphological features.Key words: Alchemilla L., Flavonoid, Chromatography, Taxonomy
In this thesis, isolation and identification of flavonoid compounds in 25 species belonging to the genus Alchemilla L. and one from the genus Potentilla L., closely related to it, was carried out, and taxonomical importance of the substances was assessed with respect to systematics.Alchemilla species studied, of which 15 are endemic for Turkey, represent all groups in the identification key given for Alchemilla species in Flora of Turkey. Flavonoids of A. ovitensis (E) from Group A, A. sericata and A. erytropoda from Grup B, A. hirtipedicellata, A. armeniaca (E), A. orthotricha, A. erzincanensis (E), A. cimilensis (E), A. mollis, A. orduensis (E), A. ikizdereensis (E), A. porrectidens, A. oriturcica (E), A. bursensis (E), A. persica, A. speciosa, A. hirsutiflora (E) and A. holocycla (E) from Group C, A. ciminensis (E), A. buseriana (E), A. trabzonica (E), A. tiryalensis (E), A. stricta and A. barbatiflora from Grup D, A. procerrima (E) from Grup E and P. recta from the genus Potentilla were examined in the course of this study. Alchemilla species studied belong to the subsections of Chirophyllum Rothm., Heliodrosium Rothm. and Calycanthum Rothm., and the series of Sericeae Bus., Pubescentes Bus., Elatae Rothm. and Calycinae Bus. of the section Alchemilla of the genus.Analitical and preperative thin layer chromatography, colon chromatography and high pressure liquid chromatography were used for the identification of flavonoid compounds as chromatographical techniques. In species of the genera Alchemilla and Potentilla existing in Flora of Turkey, rutin (quercetin-3-rutinoside), orientin (luteolin-8-C-glucoside), vitexin (apigenin-8-C-glucoside), hyperoside (quercetin-3-O-galactoside), isoquercetin (quercetin-3-glucoside), quercitrin (quercetin-3-O-rhamnoside) flavonoids were identified.Flavonoid data belonging to all samples were analysed by using PAUP 4.0b.10 program and parsimonic and neighbour joining trees were both generated to display relationships amongst Alchemilla species studied. The results obtained from chemical data were compared to the classification based on morphological characters and it was performed to clarify relationships amongst the taxa studied.As a result, flavonoid compounds obtained from the species studied showed that they do not show sericeous variations amonst the species and even in some cases variation within a species is grater than it is between species.Similar results were obtained from the comparisons of the genera Alchemilla and Potentilla. The flavonoid compounds obtained from Alchemilla are similar to those from the genus Potentilla. This shows that these two genera are closely related genera in terms of chemical characters alongside morphological features.Key words: Alchemilla L., Flavonoid, Chromatography, Taxonomy
Anahtar Kelimeler
Biyoloji, Biology ; Botanik, Botany