Ankilozan spondilitli hastalarda denge bozukluğu ve düşme riskinin günlük yaşam aktivitesine etkisinin değerlendirilmesi
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ANKİLOZAN SPONDİLİTLİ HASTALARDA DENGE BOZUKLUĞU VE DÜŞME RİSKİNİN GÜNLÜK YAŞAM AKTİVİTESİNE ETKİSİNİN DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ Amaç: Çalışmamızda Ankilozan Spondilit (AS) tanılı hastaların düşme riski, düşme korkusu, anksiyete ve depresyon durumlarının sağlıklı kontrol grubu ile karşılaştırılması, hasta grubundaki düşme riski ve ilişkili faktörlerin belirlenmesi, düşme riskinin yaşam kalitesi üzerine etkilerinin araştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Hastalar ve Yöntem: 70 AS tanılı hasta ve yaş - cinsiyet açısından hasta grubu ile uyumlu 30 sağlıklı birey çalışmaya dahil edildi. Çalışmamızda AS tanılı hastalar ile kontrol grubu demografik veriler, hastalık süresi ve son 12 ay içindeki düşme öyküsü açısından sorgulandı. Ek olarak AS tanılı hastaların alt ekstremite tutulumu ve kullanmakta oldukları ilaçlar kaydedildi. AS'li hastalarda Visual Analog Skala (VAS) ile ağrı düzeyi, BASFİ (Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Functional İndex) ile hastanın fonksiyonel kapasitesi, BASMİ (Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Metrology İndex) ile hastanın spinal mobilitesi ve BASDAİ (Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activation Index) ile hastalık aktivitesi değerlendirildi. Ankilozan Spondilit Yaşam Kalitesi Değerlendirme ölçeği (EASi-QoL) ile hastaların yaşam kalitesi değerlendirildi. Modifiye shober testi, tragus - duvar mesafesi, oksiput - duvar mesafesi, göğüs ekspansiyonu, el parmak- zemin mesafesi ölçümü ile hastaların postür değerlendirilmesi yapıldı. AS ve kontrol grubunda Berg Denge ölçeği (BDÖ), Zamanlı Kalk ve Yürü Testi (TUGT), Tinetti Denge (TD) ve Yürüme Testi (TY) ile düşme riski değerlendirildi. Tinetti'nin Düşme Etkinlik Ölçeği (TİNETTİ FES) ile düşme korkusu korkusu, Hastane anksiyete ve depresyon ölçeği (HADS) ile depresyon ve anksiyete düzeyi değerlendirildi. Bulgular: Hasta ve kontrol grubu arasında demografik veriler açısından anlamlı fark saptanmadı. Hasta ve kontrol grubu karşılaştırıldığında Düşme Etkinlik Ölçeği, BDÖ, TD, TY, TUGT Testlerinde iki grup arasında anlamlı fark saptandı (p<0,05). Hastalar BDÖ'ye göre 41 puan ve üstünü alan hastalar düşük riskli, 21-40 arası puan alan hastalar orta riskli olarak gruplandırıldığında BDÖ'ye göre orta düşme riskine sahip olan hasta grubunda yaş ortalamasının daha yüksek, hastalık süresinin daha uzun olduğu görüldü. Yine orta riskli grupta BASMİ, BASFİ, BASDAİ, VAS, Düşme korkusu, HADS anksiyete (HADS-A) ve depresyon (HADS-D), EASi-Qol puanlarının istatistiksel olarak anlamlı yüksek olduğu görüldü (p<0,05). Postüral değişiklikler açısından orta ve düşük riskli grubu karşılaştırdığımızda modifiye shober testi, el parmak - zemin mesafesi, göğüs ekspansiyonu ölçümlerinin daha kısıtlı, oksiput - duvar, tragus - duvar mesafesi ölçümlerinin ise orta riskli grupta daha fazla olduğu saptandı. Kifoz artışı olan hastalarda BDÖ puanlarının istatistiksel olarak daha düşük olduğu belirlendi (p=0,004). Hastaları düşme öyküsüne göre gruplandırarak değerlendirdiğimizde düşme öyküsü olan grupta sadece BASDAi'nin istatistiksel olarak anlamlı yüksek olduğunu görüldü. Düşme etkinlik ölçeği ile BASDAİ, BASFİ, HADS-A ve HADS-D arasında anlamlı korelasyon saptandı (p<0,01). BASDAİ, BASMİ, BASFİ, VAS ile HADS-A ve HADS-D arasında istatistiksel olarak pozitif yönde anlamlı korelasyon saptandı (p<0,001). Yine BASDAİ, BASFİ, BASMİ, VAS ile HADS-A, HADS-D ve EASi-Qol arasında pozitif yönde korelasyon belirlendi. Sonuç: Çalışmamıza göre AS'li hastalarda, sağlıklı kontrollere göre düşme riski artmıştır. İleri yaş, uzun hastalık süresi, yüksek ağrı skorları, spinal mobilite ve fonksiyonellikteki kayıp, hastalık aktivitesi ve hastalarda meydana gelen postüral deformitelerin düşme için risk faktörleri olduğunu görüldü. Bu klinik özelliklere sahip hastaların poliklinik şartlarında düşme riski açısından değerlendirilmesi gerekmektedir. Hastaların düşme riskinin değerlendirilmesininde düşme öyküsünün sorgulanması ile karar vermek yeterli olmadığı için, hastalar denge ölçümüne yönelik spesifik testler ile değerlendirilmelidir. Yine hastalığı aktif olan, spinal mobilite ve fonksiyonellikte kısıtlılık gelişmiş, yüksek ağrı skorlarına sahip ve düşme riski artmış hastalarda daha fazla anksiyete ve depresyon görüldüğü ve bu durumların yaşam kalitesini olumsuz yönde etkilelediğini saptadık. Poliklinik başvurularında ileri yaş ve uzun hastalık süresine sahip, hastalığı aktif olan, postür bozukluğu gelişmiş, fonksiyonelliği kısıtlanmış AS hastalarının düşme açısından artmış riske sahip oldukları düşünülmeli, bu hastaların depresyona daha eğilimli oldukları bilinerek hastalar değerlendirilmelidir.
EVALUATION OF THE EFFECT OF BALANCE DISORDERS AND FALLING RISK ON DAILY LIFE ACTIVITY IN PATIENTS WITH ANKYLOSİNG SPONDYLİTİS Objective: The aim of this study was to compare the fall risk, fear of falling, anxiety and depression of patients diagnosed with Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) with the healthy control group, to determine the risk of falling and related factors in the patients with AS, and to investigate the effects of fall risk on quality of life. Patients and Methods: Seventy AS patients and 30 healthy individuals who were compatible with the patient group in terms of age and gender were included in the study. Patients diagnosed with AS and the control group were questioned in terms of demographic data and fall history in the last 12 months. In addition, lower extremity involvement of patients with AS and medications were recorded. Pain level with Visual Analog Scale (VAS), functional capacity of the patient with BASFI (Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Functional Index), spinal mobility of the patient with BASMI (Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Metrology Index) and disease activity of the patient with BASDAI (Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activation Index) was evaluated. The quality of life of the patients was evaluated with the Ankylosing Spondylitis Quality of Life Assessment Scale (EASi-QoL). Posture evaluation of the patients was performed by measuring modified shober test, tragus - wall distance, occiput - wall distance, chest expansion, hand to ground distance. Fall risk was evaluated with Berg Balance Scale (BDI), Timed Up and Go Test (TUGT), Tinetti Balance (TB) and Gait Test (GT) in AS and control groups. Fear of falling was evaluated with Tinetti's Falls Efficacy Scale (TINETTI FES), and the level of depression and anxiety were evaluated with the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS). Results: There was no significant difference between the patient and control groups in terms of demographic data. When the patient and control groups were compared, a significant difference was found between the two groups in the Fall Efficiency Scale, BDI, TB, GT, TUGT tests (p <0,05). When the patients who got 41 points and above according to the BDI were grouped as low-risk and those who scored between 21-40 as medium-risk, it was observed that the average age was higher and the duration of the disease was longer in the patient group with a medium risk of falling compared to the BDI. in the medium-risk group, BASMI, BASFI, BASDAI, VAS, fear of falling, HADS-A and HADS-D, EASi-Qol scores were found to be statistically significantly higher (p <0,05). When we compared the moderate and low-risk groups in terms of postural changes, it was found that the modified shober test, hand to ground distance, chest expansion measurements were more limited, and the measurements of occiput-wall, tragus-wall distance were higher in the medium-risk group. BDI scores were found to be statistically lower in patients with increased kyphosis (p = 0,004). When we evaluated the patients by grouping according to their fall history, it was seen that only BASDAI was statistically significantly higher in the group with fall history. A significant correlation was found between the fall effectiveness scale and BASDAI, BASFI, HADS anxiety and depression (p <0,01). A statistically positive significant correlation was found between BASDAI, BASMI, BASFI, VAS and HADS-A and HADS-D (p<0,001). A positive correlation was determined between BASDAI, BASFI, BASMI, VAS, fall effectiveness scale, HADS anxiety and depression and EASi-Qol. Conclusion: According to our study, the risk of falling has increased in patients with AS compared to healthy controls. Older age, long disease duration, high pain scores, loss of spinal mobility and functionality, active disease, and postural deformities in patients were found to be risk factors for falling. Patients with these clinical features should be evaluated in terms of fall risk at outpatient clinic. İn order to make a decision of fall risk AS patients should be evaluated by comprehensive balance test. We also showed that anxiety and depression were more common in patients with active disease, limited spinal mobility and functionality, high pain scores and increased risk of falling, and these conditions negatively affected the quality of life. In outpatient clinic admissions, it should be considered that AS patients with older age and long illness duration, active disease, developed posture disorder, restricted functionality have an increased risk of falling, and patients should be evaluated, knowing that these patients are more prone to depression.
EVALUATION OF THE EFFECT OF BALANCE DISORDERS AND FALLING RISK ON DAILY LIFE ACTIVITY IN PATIENTS WITH ANKYLOSİNG SPONDYLİTİS Objective: The aim of this study was to compare the fall risk, fear of falling, anxiety and depression of patients diagnosed with Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) with the healthy control group, to determine the risk of falling and related factors in the patients with AS, and to investigate the effects of fall risk on quality of life. Patients and Methods: Seventy AS patients and 30 healthy individuals who were compatible with the patient group in terms of age and gender were included in the study. Patients diagnosed with AS and the control group were questioned in terms of demographic data and fall history in the last 12 months. In addition, lower extremity involvement of patients with AS and medications were recorded. Pain level with Visual Analog Scale (VAS), functional capacity of the patient with BASFI (Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Functional Index), spinal mobility of the patient with BASMI (Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Metrology Index) and disease activity of the patient with BASDAI (Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activation Index) was evaluated. The quality of life of the patients was evaluated with the Ankylosing Spondylitis Quality of Life Assessment Scale (EASi-QoL). Posture evaluation of the patients was performed by measuring modified shober test, tragus - wall distance, occiput - wall distance, chest expansion, hand to ground distance. Fall risk was evaluated with Berg Balance Scale (BDI), Timed Up and Go Test (TUGT), Tinetti Balance (TB) and Gait Test (GT) in AS and control groups. Fear of falling was evaluated with Tinetti's Falls Efficacy Scale (TINETTI FES), and the level of depression and anxiety were evaluated with the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS). Results: There was no significant difference between the patient and control groups in terms of demographic data. When the patient and control groups were compared, a significant difference was found between the two groups in the Fall Efficiency Scale, BDI, TB, GT, TUGT tests (p <0,05). When the patients who got 41 points and above according to the BDI were grouped as low-risk and those who scored between 21-40 as medium-risk, it was observed that the average age was higher and the duration of the disease was longer in the patient group with a medium risk of falling compared to the BDI. in the medium-risk group, BASMI, BASFI, BASDAI, VAS, fear of falling, HADS-A and HADS-D, EASi-Qol scores were found to be statistically significantly higher (p <0,05). When we compared the moderate and low-risk groups in terms of postural changes, it was found that the modified shober test, hand to ground distance, chest expansion measurements were more limited, and the measurements of occiput-wall, tragus-wall distance were higher in the medium-risk group. BDI scores were found to be statistically lower in patients with increased kyphosis (p = 0,004). When we evaluated the patients by grouping according to their fall history, it was seen that only BASDAI was statistically significantly higher in the group with fall history. A significant correlation was found between the fall effectiveness scale and BASDAI, BASFI, HADS anxiety and depression (p <0,01). A statistically positive significant correlation was found between BASDAI, BASMI, BASFI, VAS and HADS-A and HADS-D (p<0,001). A positive correlation was determined between BASDAI, BASFI, BASMI, VAS, fall effectiveness scale, HADS anxiety and depression and EASi-Qol. Conclusion: According to our study, the risk of falling has increased in patients with AS compared to healthy controls. Older age, long disease duration, high pain scores, loss of spinal mobility and functionality, active disease, and postural deformities in patients were found to be risk factors for falling. Patients with these clinical features should be evaluated in terms of fall risk at outpatient clinic. İn order to make a decision of fall risk AS patients should be evaluated by comprehensive balance test. We also showed that anxiety and depression were more common in patients with active disease, limited spinal mobility and functionality, high pain scores and increased risk of falling, and these conditions negatively affected the quality of life. In outpatient clinic admissions, it should be considered that AS patients with older age and long illness duration, active disease, developed posture disorder, restricted functionality have an increased risk of falling, and patients should be evaluated, knowing that these patients are more prone to depression.