Ankara tavşanında endokrin pankreas üzerine ışık ve elektron mikroskobik araştırmalar
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Bu çalışmada, Ankara tavşanlarının (10 adet, sağlıklı ve erişkin) endokrin pankreası histokimyasal ve elektron mikroskobik olarak incelendi. Tavşanlardan alınan pankreas örnekleri Bouin, Carnoy ve gluteraldehit-paraformaldehit solüsyonlarında tespit edildi. Aldehit fuksin light green orange G (AF) ile histokimyasal olarak boyanan pankreas kesitlerinde 2 tip endokrin hücre belirlenmesine rağmen, elektron mikroskobik incelemelerde endokrin adacıkların A, B ve D hücrelerinden oluştuğu gözlendi. Langerhans adacıklarının merkezinde mor-menekşe boyanan çok sayıda B hücrelerinin ve periferinde sarımsı-yeşil boyanan az sayıda A hücrelerinin bulunduğu saptandı. Elektron mikroskobik olarak, A hücrelerinin salgı granülü genellikle yuvarlak ve elektron çok yoğun iken, B hücrelerinin sitoplazmasında salgı içeriği ile salgı membranı arasında belirgin boşluk bulunan elektron çok yoğun ve elektron az yoğun granüller tespit edildi. D hücrelerinin de elektron çok yoğun ve elektron az yoğun materyale sahip yuvarlak 2 çeşit granül içerdiği ancak, bu granüllerin A ve B hücrelerinin granüllerinden daha küçük olduğu gözlendi. Bu çalışmanın sonucunda, Ankara tavşanı endokrin pankreasının çok sayıda B hücreleri, az sayıda A hücreleri ve çok az sayıda da D hücrelerinden oluştuğu saptandı.
The endocrine pancreas of the Angora rabbits (10 healthy adult) was examined in this study using histochemistry and electron microscopy. Pancreas samples taken rabbits were fixed in Bouin, Carnoy, and gluteraldehyde-paraformaldehyde solutions. Although, two endocrine cell types was determined in sections of pancreas staining as histochemical by aldehyde fuchsine light green orange G (AF), endocrine islets were constituted by A, B and D cells in electron microscopical examination. The centre of the Langerhans islets were occupied predominantly by B cells stained purple-violet and surrounded a few by A cells stained yellowish-green. Secretory granules of A cells generally were spherical and high electron-dense whereas in the cytoplasm of B cells were determined high electron-dense and low electron- dens granules, have a halo between the membrane and their content. D cells were observed contain to round two kinds of secretory granules, have high electron-dense and low electron-dense material, but smaller than those A and B cell types. In conclusion, the endocrine pancreas of the Angora rabbits were constituted by numerously B cells, a few A cells, and infrequently D cells.
The endocrine pancreas of the Angora rabbits (10 healthy adult) was examined in this study using histochemistry and electron microscopy. Pancreas samples taken rabbits were fixed in Bouin, Carnoy, and gluteraldehyde-paraformaldehyde solutions. Although, two endocrine cell types was determined in sections of pancreas staining as histochemical by aldehyde fuchsine light green orange G (AF), endocrine islets were constituted by A, B and D cells in electron microscopical examination. The centre of the Langerhans islets were occupied predominantly by B cells stained purple-violet and surrounded a few by A cells stained yellowish-green. Secretory granules of A cells generally were spherical and high electron-dense whereas in the cytoplasm of B cells were determined high electron-dense and low electron- dens granules, have a halo between the membrane and their content. D cells were observed contain to round two kinds of secretory granules, have high electron-dense and low electron-dense material, but smaller than those A and B cell types. In conclusion, the endocrine pancreas of the Angora rabbits were constituted by numerously B cells, a few A cells, and infrequently D cells.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi
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Scopus Q Değeri
Şimşek N., Ergün E., Ergün L. (2010). Ankara tavşanında endokrin pankreas üzerine ışık ve elektron mikroskobik araştırmalar. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 57(1), 11 - 17.