Defne (Lauris nobilis) yaprağı uçucu yağının periodontal patojen prevotella intermedia'ya karşı antibakteriyel ve antibiyofilm etkisinin değerlendirilmesi: İn vitro bir çalışma
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Kırıkkale Üniversitesi
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Giriş: Mikrobiyal dental plak, periodontal hastalıkların gelişiminde birincil etiyolojik faktör olarak kabul edilmektedir. Periodontal tedavinin en önemli amacı ise periodontal hastalıkla ilişkili mikrobiyal dental plaktaki subgingival mikroorganizmaları azaltmak veya ortadan kaldırmak ve periodontal sağlığı korumaktır. Günümüzde periodontal hastalıkların tedavisi için bitkisel ürünlerin geliştirilmesi önem kazanmıştır. Maki florasından olan defne; Lauris nobilis L. cinsi, Lauraceae familyasının Lauroideae alt familyası, Litseae tribusu, Lauri-neae alt tribusuna aittir. Defne bitkisi tıbbi aromatik bitkiler grubunda yer alır ve defne yaprağının içerisinde uçucu yağlar bulunduğu için değerlidir. Defne yaprağı yağı ve/veya ekstraktlarının antimikrobiyal ve antioksidan özellikleri bulunmaktadır. Bu in vitro çalışmanın amacı, defne yaprağı yağının periodontal bir patojen olan Prevotella intermedia (P.intermedia) DSM 20706'ya karşı antimikrobiyal ve antibiyofilm etkisini değerlendirmektir. Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmada kullanılan defne yaprağı yağının içerisinde yer alan bileşenler Gaz Kromatografisi-Kütle Spektroskopisi (GK-KS) cihazı ile tespit edildi. Defne yaprağı yağının dişeti fibroblast hücreleri üzerinde sitotoksisitesini göstermek amacıyla Agar Difüzyon Sitotoksisite Yöntemi kullanıldı. Antibakteriyel aktivite tayini için Minimum İnhibitör Konsantrasyon (MİK) testi kullanıldı. Defne yaprağı yağının bakteri morfolojisine etkisi taramalı elektron mikroskobu (SEM) ve floresan mikroskobu ile değerlendirildi. Ayrıca defne yaprağı yağının dişeti fibroblast hücre morfolojisi üzerine etkisi floresan mikroskobu ile incelendi. Defne yaprağı yağının biyofilm oluşumu üzerine etkisi mikroplaka okuyucu cihaz ile sayısal olarak değerlendirildi. Bulgular: GK-KS analizine göre, defne yaprağı yağının içeriğinde 25 bileşik tanımlandı. 1,8-sineol (%64,43), ?-terpinenil asetat (%11,56) ve ?-pinen (%5,62) ana bileşenler olarak belirlendi. Agar difüzyon testine göre, defne yaprağı yağının doğrudan ve %50 konsantrasyonunda uygulama yapılan hücre gruplarında herhangi bir sitotoksik etki gözlenmedi ve disk etrafında zon çapı tespit edilmedi. Çalışmada kullanılan defne yaprağı yağının P. intermedia için MİK değeri 6.25 µl olarak belirlendi. Ayrıca 3,125 µl konsantrasyonda defne yaprağı yağı uygulaması sonrasında her hangi bir biyofilm oluşumu gözlenmedi. SEM ile elde edilen görüntüler, mikroorganizmaya uygulanan defne yaprağı yağının bakteriyi parçaladığını gösterdi. Ayrıca floresan mikroskop incelemesinde de bakterilerin parçalanmış olduğu ve parçacıkların ışıma yaptığı gözlendi. Floresan mikroskobunda ikili boyama solüsyonu ile boyanmış diş eti fibroblast hücreleri incelendiğinde, hücrelerde herhangi bir ölüm olmadığı tespit edildi. Sonuç: Sonuç olarak, defne yaprağı yağının P.intermedia DSM 20706'ya karşı antibakteriyel ve antibiyofilm etkisi olduğu tespit edildi. Anahtar Sözcükler: Antimikrobiyal aktivite, Defne yaprağı yağı, P.intermedia, in vitro
Introduction: Microbial dental plaque is accepted as the primary etiological factor in the development of periodontal diseases. The most important goal of periodontal treatment is to reduce or eliminate subgingival microorganisms in the microbial dental plaque associated with periodontal disease and to maintain periodontal health. Today, the development of herbal products for the treatment of periodontal diseases has gained importance. Laurel from macchia flora; belongs to Laurus nobilis L. genus, Lauraceae family, Leuroideae sub-family, Litseae tribus, Lauri-neae sub tribus. The laurel plant is in the group of medicinal aromatic plants and is valuable because it contains essential oils. Laurel leaf oil and/or extracts have antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. The aim of this in vitro study is to evaluate the antimicrobial and antibiofilm effect of laurel leaf oil against a periodontal pathogen, Prevotella intermedia (P.intermedia) DSM 20706. Material and Method: The components in the laurel leaf oil used in the study were determined by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectroscopy (GC-MS) device. Agar Diffusion Cytotoxicity Method was used to demonstrate the cytotoxicity of laurel leaf oil on gingival fibroblast cells. The Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) test was used for the determination of antibacterial activity. The effect of laurel leaf oil on bacterial morphology was evaluated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and fluorescence microscopy. In addition, the effect of laurel leaf oil on gingival fibroblast cell morphology was examined by fluorescent microscopy. The effect of laurel leaf oil on biofilm formation was evaluated numerically with a microplate reader device. Results: According to the GC-MS analysis, 25 compounds were identified in the content of laurel leaf oil. 1,8-cineol (64.43%), ?-terpinenyl acetate (11.56%) and ?-pinene (5.62%) were determined as the main components. According to the agar diffusion test; in the cell groups in which laurel leaf oil applied directly and at 50% concentration, no cytotoxic effect was observed and no zone diameter was detected around the disc. The MIC value of the laurel leaf oil used in the study for P. intermedia was determined as 6.25 µl. In addition, no biofilm formation was observed after the application of laurel leaf oil at a concentration of 3.125 µl. The images obtained by SEM showed that the laurel leaf oil applied to the microorganism broke apart the bacteria. In addition, in the fluorescence microscopy examination, it was observed that the bacteria were fragmented and the particles radiated. When gingival fibroblast cells stained with double staining solution were examined under fluorescence microscope, it was determined that there was no death in the cells. Conclusion: As a result, it was determined that laurel leaf oil has antibacterial and antibiofilm effect against P.intermedia DSM 20706. Keywords: Antimicrobial activity, Laurel leaf oil, P. intermedia, in vitro
Introduction: Microbial dental plaque is accepted as the primary etiological factor in the development of periodontal diseases. The most important goal of periodontal treatment is to reduce or eliminate subgingival microorganisms in the microbial dental plaque associated with periodontal disease and to maintain periodontal health. Today, the development of herbal products for the treatment of periodontal diseases has gained importance. Laurel from macchia flora; belongs to Laurus nobilis L. genus, Lauraceae family, Leuroideae sub-family, Litseae tribus, Lauri-neae sub tribus. The laurel plant is in the group of medicinal aromatic plants and is valuable because it contains essential oils. Laurel leaf oil and/or extracts have antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. The aim of this in vitro study is to evaluate the antimicrobial and antibiofilm effect of laurel leaf oil against a periodontal pathogen, Prevotella intermedia (P.intermedia) DSM 20706. Material and Method: The components in the laurel leaf oil used in the study were determined by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectroscopy (GC-MS) device. Agar Diffusion Cytotoxicity Method was used to demonstrate the cytotoxicity of laurel leaf oil on gingival fibroblast cells. The Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) test was used for the determination of antibacterial activity. The effect of laurel leaf oil on bacterial morphology was evaluated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and fluorescence microscopy. In addition, the effect of laurel leaf oil on gingival fibroblast cell morphology was examined by fluorescent microscopy. The effect of laurel leaf oil on biofilm formation was evaluated numerically with a microplate reader device. Results: According to the GC-MS analysis, 25 compounds were identified in the content of laurel leaf oil. 1,8-cineol (64.43%), ?-terpinenyl acetate (11.56%) and ?-pinene (5.62%) were determined as the main components. According to the agar diffusion test; in the cell groups in which laurel leaf oil applied directly and at 50% concentration, no cytotoxic effect was observed and no zone diameter was detected around the disc. The MIC value of the laurel leaf oil used in the study for P. intermedia was determined as 6.25 µl. In addition, no biofilm formation was observed after the application of laurel leaf oil at a concentration of 3.125 µl. The images obtained by SEM showed that the laurel leaf oil applied to the microorganism broke apart the bacteria. In addition, in the fluorescence microscopy examination, it was observed that the bacteria were fragmented and the particles radiated. When gingival fibroblast cells stained with double staining solution were examined under fluorescence microscope, it was determined that there was no death in the cells. Conclusion: As a result, it was determined that laurel leaf oil has antibacterial and antibiofilm effect against P.intermedia DSM 20706. Keywords: Antimicrobial activity, Laurel leaf oil, P. intermedia, in vitro
Anahtar Kelimeler
Diş Hekimliği, Dentistry