Temporomandibuler Rahatsızlıklarda Hasta Farkındalığı
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Temporomandibuler eklem rahatsızlıklarının/disfonksiyonlarının (TMD) preva-- lansını değerlendirmek zordur; çünkü genellikle hastalar rahatsızlıklarının farkında değildir. Bu çalışmada, nüfusun belli bir grubunda, TMD prevalansının belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Gereç ve Yöntemler. TMD varlığını araştırmak için, 10 sorudan oluşan bir anket kullanılmıştır. Bu ça-- lışma, kesitsel bir çalışma örneği olarak tanımlanmıştır. İki yüz elli bir hasta, anketleri doldur-- duktan ve ağız açma sırasında ses, deviasyon, masseter hipertrofisi açısından klinik değerlendirmesi yapıldıktan sonra çalışmaya dâhil edilmiştir. Elde edilen verilerin analizi, bir istatistik programı yardımıyla (PASW, sürüm 18.0) işlenmiştir. Ki--kare testi kullanılmış ve ista-- tistiksel anlamlılık düzeyi p<0,05 olmuştur. Bulgular: Klinikte muayenesi yapılan hastaların %10,9'u TMD hastalığından habersizdi. Çalışmaya katılan 251 hastanın 213'ünde hafiften şiddetliye kadar TMD olduğu, hastaların 0/037,56'51nda TMD gözlenmezken, %40,72'sinde hafif şiddette TMD, %19,43'ünde orta şiddette TMD ve %2,72'sinde şiddetli TMD olduğu bulundu; 157 (%62,6) hastada tek taraflı çiğneme alışkanlığı, 191 (%76,1) hastada ise ağız açma sırasında deviasyon saptandı. Sonuç: Keşfedilmemiş TMD hastalarının sayısının yüksek olduğu, tedavi gerektiği görülmüştür. Ka-- dınlarda TMD sayısı ve semptomları daha fazla gözlenmiş, genç bireylerde yaşlı bireylere göre daha sık TMD görülmüştür.
The prevalence of temporomandibular disorders (TMD) is difficult to estimate because individuals are often unaware that they possess the disorder. It was aimed to determine the prevalence of TMD in cohort group drawn from the population. Material and Methods: For data, self—applicable history questionnaire consisting of 10 questions that aimed to detect TMD was used. The research was descriptive type with cross—sectional sample. Two hundred and fifty—one patients were involved in the study that discussed the signs such as clic— king sound, masseter hypertrophy, deviation during opening of the mouth of TMD after the patients completed the questionnaires and examinations. The data obtained were processed with the aid of statistical software program (PASW, version 18.0) for descriptive and inferential analysis. Chi— squared test was used and level of statistical significance was of p<0.05. Results: Patient unaware— ness of TMD was 10.9% of the total patients observed in the clinics. Of the 251 subjects involved in the study 213 exhibited mild—to—severe TMD: 37.56% showed no TMD, 40.72% showed mild TMD, 19.43% showed moderate TMD and 2.72% showed severe TMD. 157 (62.6%) patients had unilateral chewing habits and 191 (76.1%) patients exhibited deviations While opening or closing their mouth. Conclusion: There is high number of undiscovered TMD patients who need treat— ment. Women showed TMD both in terms of number and symptoms. Young individuals had TMD more often than the elderly.
The prevalence of temporomandibular disorders (TMD) is difficult to estimate because individuals are often unaware that they possess the disorder. It was aimed to determine the prevalence of TMD in cohort group drawn from the population. Material and Methods: For data, self—applicable history questionnaire consisting of 10 questions that aimed to detect TMD was used. The research was descriptive type with cross—sectional sample. Two hundred and fifty—one patients were involved in the study that discussed the signs such as clic— king sound, masseter hypertrophy, deviation during opening of the mouth of TMD after the patients completed the questionnaires and examinations. The data obtained were processed with the aid of statistical software program (PASW, version 18.0) for descriptive and inferential analysis. Chi— squared test was used and level of statistical significance was of p<0.05. Results: Patient unaware— ness of TMD was 10.9% of the total patients observed in the clinics. Of the 251 subjects involved in the study 213 exhibited mild—to—severe TMD: 37.56% showed no TMD, 40.72% showed mild TMD, 19.43% showed moderate TMD and 2.72% showed severe TMD. 157 (62.6%) patients had unilateral chewing habits and 191 (76.1%) patients exhibited deviations While opening or closing their mouth. Conclusion: There is high number of undiscovered TMD patients who need treat— ment. Women showed TMD both in terms of number and symptoms. Young individuals had TMD more often than the elderly.
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Diş Hekimliği
Türkiye Klinikleri Diş Hekimliği Bilimleri Dergisi
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