Çift bazlı (DB) roket yakıtlarının yaşlanma karakterizasyonun belirlenmesi
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İnsanlığın en çok merak ettiği konuların başında uzayın derinliklerinin keşfedilmesi konusunun geldiği bilinmektedir. Bu konuda gelişmiş ülkeler diğer ülkelere üstünlük sağlamak hedefiyle sürekli rekabet halinde uzayın keşfi için durmaksızın farklı yakıt türleri ile çalışabilen roket motorları geliştirilmektedir. Roketlerin tarihi gelişimine bakıldığında ilk roketin Çin'de 13.yüzyılda kara barut yakıtı ile fırlatıldığı bilinmektedir. Daha sonraki süreçlerde roketlerin uzun yıllar gelişimlerinin geciktiği ve ancak 1800'lü yılların sonlarına doğru Avrupalıların roketleri geliştirilmesi konusunda yoğun çaba harcamalarına karşın roketlerin dengesi konusunda ciddi sorunlar yaşamışlardır. Genellikle roketler, yakıt, motor ve egsoz kısımlarından oluşan, uç kısmı hava sürtünmesini azaltacak şekilde dizayn edilmiş, silindir şeklinde kaplardır. Roketler çalışmaları sırasında havaya gereksinim duymazlar, yanma için gerekli oksijen yakıt içerisinde mevcuttur. Hareket yönünün tersinde sıcak gaz püskürterek hareket ederler. Roketler çok pahalı sistemler olması nedeniyle mümkün olan en uzun süre optimum çalışma koşullarında ve standartlar dahilinde kullanım sürecinde kalması en önemli konuların başında gelmektedir. Roketlerin ömür tayininde standartlar dahilinde roketin içerik maddelerindeki stabilizatör yüzdeleri öncelikli olmak kaydıyla birçok karakteristik parametrede değerlendirmeye alınabilmektedir. Yakıtın yaşlanmasında kimyasal (oksidadif çapraz bağlar gibi), fiziksel (plastikleştirici göçü, sıvı yanma katalizörleri ve nem) ve mekanik (termalyükler, vibrasyon gibi) prosesler bozunmayı etkilemektedir. Bu proje ile MKE A.Ş. 'de üretilen yeni çift bazlı roket yakıtının ömür tespiti kapsamında yaşlanma ile oluşan stabilizör kaybına bağlı olarak ömür tespiti yapılması hedeflenmiştir. Bu maksatla yakıta 60°C, 70°C ve 80°C sıcaklıklarda yaşlandırmalar uygulanmış ve stabilizör kaybına bağlı aktivasyon enerjisi enerjisi hesaplanarak yakıtın 25°C ve 40°C sıcaklıklarda depolanması durumunda yakıt ömrünün nasıl değiştiği incelenmiştir. 25°C depolama koşullarında yakıtın depolanması durumunda ömrünün 451 yıl, 40°C depolama koşullarında depolanması durumunda ise ömrünün 29 yıl olduğu hesaplanmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Roketler, İtki, Roket Yakıtları, Ömür Tespiti, Aktivasyon Enerjisi
It is known that one of the most curious subjects of humanity is the discovery of the depths of space. In this regard, rocket engines that can operate with different fuel types are being developed non-stop for the exploration of space, in constant competition with the aim of gaining superiority over other countries. Looking at the historical development of rockets, it is known that the first rocket was launched in China in the 13th century with black powder fuel. Despite the fact that the development of rockets was delayed for many years in the following processes and the Europeans made great efforts to develop rockets towards the end of the 1800s, they had serious problems with the balance of the rockets. In fact, the development process of rockets gained momentum after the 1920s. Generally, rockets are cylindrical containers consisting of fuel, engine and exhaust, the tip of which is designed to reduce air friction. During their work, rockets move by spraying hot gas in the opposite direction of the direction of movement without the need for air. Due to the fact that rockets are very expensive systems, it is one of the most important issues that they remain in the process of use in optimum working conditions and within the standards for as long as possible. In the determination of the life of rocket propellants, many characteristic parameter values are taken into consideration, provided that the stabilizer percentages in the ingredients of the fuel are prioritized within the standards. In fuel aging, chemical (such as oxidative cross-links), physical (plasticizer migration, liquid combustion catalysts and moisture) and mechanical (such as thermal loads, vibration) processes affect degradation. With this project, MKE A.Ş. It is aimed to determine the life of the new dual-base rocket propellant produced in Turkey, depending on the loss of stabilizer caused by aging. In the experimental study, aging was applied to the fuel at 60°C, 70°C and 80°C temperatures and the activation energy due to the loss of stabilizer was calculated and how the propellant life changed when the propellant was stored at 25°C and 40°C was investigated. It has been calculated that the storage life of the propellant is 451 years at 25°C, and 29 years if it is stored under 40°C storage conditions. Keywords: Activation Energy, Propulsion, Life Determination, Rockets, Rocket Propellant.
It is known that one of the most curious subjects of humanity is the discovery of the depths of space. In this regard, rocket engines that can operate with different fuel types are being developed non-stop for the exploration of space, in constant competition with the aim of gaining superiority over other countries. Looking at the historical development of rockets, it is known that the first rocket was launched in China in the 13th century with black powder fuel. Despite the fact that the development of rockets was delayed for many years in the following processes and the Europeans made great efforts to develop rockets towards the end of the 1800s, they had serious problems with the balance of the rockets. In fact, the development process of rockets gained momentum after the 1920s. Generally, rockets are cylindrical containers consisting of fuel, engine and exhaust, the tip of which is designed to reduce air friction. During their work, rockets move by spraying hot gas in the opposite direction of the direction of movement without the need for air. Due to the fact that rockets are very expensive systems, it is one of the most important issues that they remain in the process of use in optimum working conditions and within the standards for as long as possible. In the determination of the life of rocket propellants, many characteristic parameter values are taken into consideration, provided that the stabilizer percentages in the ingredients of the fuel are prioritized within the standards. In fuel aging, chemical (such as oxidative cross-links), physical (plasticizer migration, liquid combustion catalysts and moisture) and mechanical (such as thermal loads, vibration) processes affect degradation. With this project, MKE A.Ş. It is aimed to determine the life of the new dual-base rocket propellant produced in Turkey, depending on the loss of stabilizer caused by aging. In the experimental study, aging was applied to the fuel at 60°C, 70°C and 80°C temperatures and the activation energy due to the loss of stabilizer was calculated and how the propellant life changed when the propellant was stored at 25°C and 40°C was investigated. It has been calculated that the storage life of the propellant is 451 years at 25°C, and 29 years if it is stored under 40°C storage conditions. Keywords: Activation Energy, Propulsion, Life Determination, Rockets, Rocket Propellant.
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Savunma Teknolojileri Ana Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Savunma ve Savunma Teknolojileri, Defense and Defense Technologies