Sözleşmenin devri
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Ülkemizde borç ilişkilerini düzenleyen temel kanun olan 818 sayılı Borçlar Kanunu (BK) döneminde sözleşmenin devri müessesesi genel mahiyette düzenlenmemişti. BK döneminde kira sözleşmesinin; Ticaret Kanununda da mal sigortası sözleşmelerinin devrine ilişkin münferit düzenlemeler bulunmaktaydı. Genel anlamdaki sözleşmenin devri müessesi ise Yargıtay içtihatları ile Doktrinde kabul edilmişti. 818 sayılı Borçlar Kanunu yürürlükten kaldıran 6098 sayılı Türk Borçlar Kanunu 205'nci maddesinde sözleşmenin devri müessesini düzenlemiştir. Sözleşmenin devri, sözleşmeyi devralan ile devreden ve sözleşmede kalan taraf arasında yapılan ve devredenin bu sözleşmeden doğan taraf olma sıfatı ile birlikte bütün hak ve borçlarını devralana geçiren bir anlaşmadır. Sözleşmenin devri üç taraflı kendine özgü hukuki bir işlemdir. Devir sonucunun gerçekleşebilmesi için söz konusu tarafların devre uygun rızalarını beyan etmeleri şarttır. Öyle ki, taraflardan her birinin devir açısından rızası bir birine eşdeğerdir. Bu sebeple taraflardan birinin sözleşmenin devrine rıza göstermemesi durumunda devir işlemi geçerli bir şekilde gerçekleşmiş olmaz. Sözleşmenin devri işlemi hukuki niteliği itibariyle taraf değişikliği sonucunu doğuran bir tasarruf işlemidir. Devir işlemiyle birlikte sözleşmeyi devreden sözleşmesel hakları üzerinde tasarrufta bulunarak bunları sözleşmeyi devralana geçirmekte, böylelikle sözleşmeyi devralan taraf sıfatlığını kazanmaktadır. Sözleşmenin devri işlemi, sözleşmeden kaynaklanan borç ilişkisinin devrine imkân sağlayan hukuki bir müessesedir. Öte yandan tasarruf işlemlerinin de bu şeklide devri olanaklı değildir. Bazı sözleşmeler vardır ki bu sözleşmeler niteliği itibariyle bir taahhüt işlemi değil; bir tasarruf işlemidir ve bu tür sözleşmelerin, devir hükümlerine nakli mümkün değildir Devir işlemiyle birlikte meydana gelen taraf değişikliği asıl sözleşmenin muhtevasında herhangi bir değişikliğe sebep olmaz. Devre konu olan sözleşme, devir işleminden sonra da aynı muhteviyatıyla tekemmül etmeye devam eder.
The institution of "transfer of contract" has been established in Turkish Code of Obligations numbered 818 that is fundamental law regulating debtor-creditor relationships in Turkey. Several regulations relating to rental contract and property insurance agreements were respectively specified in Code of Obligations and Turkish Commercial Code. The generally institution of "transfer of contract" had been accepted in Doctrine through Supreme Court Practices. The institution of "transfer of contract" has been regulated in Article 205 of Turkish Code of Obligations numbered 6098 repealing of Code of Obligations numbered 818. The transfer of contract is an agreement made between transferee and transferor of the contract and remaining party; that the transferor transfers all rights and obligations to transferee in the capacity of being a party of this contract. The transfer of contract is a specific trilateral legal transaction. The parties must declare their consents for transfer in order to implement the transfer result. In fact, the consent of each of the party is equal in terms of transfer. Therefore, in the event that either party does not consent for transfer of contract, the transfer transaction shall not be effectually executed. The transaction of transfer of contract is an act of disposal that results in changing of party by legal characteristics. The transferor of the contract disposes of contractual rights by transfer transaction; and transfers those to the transferee, thereby; the transferee of the contract obtains a party title. The transaction of transfer of contract is a legal institution providing transfer of contractual debtor-creditor relationship. On the other hand, such transfer of dispositive transactions is not possible. There are some contracts that are not a promissory transaction in terms of characteristics; transfer of such contracts is not possible in terms of transfer provisions. Changing of party occurring through transfer transaction does not any change in the content of main contract. The contract mentioned in terms of transfer continues to consummate with the same content even after transfer transactions.
The institution of "transfer of contract" has been established in Turkish Code of Obligations numbered 818 that is fundamental law regulating debtor-creditor relationships in Turkey. Several regulations relating to rental contract and property insurance agreements were respectively specified in Code of Obligations and Turkish Commercial Code. The generally institution of "transfer of contract" had been accepted in Doctrine through Supreme Court Practices. The institution of "transfer of contract" has been regulated in Article 205 of Turkish Code of Obligations numbered 6098 repealing of Code of Obligations numbered 818. The transfer of contract is an agreement made between transferee and transferor of the contract and remaining party; that the transferor transfers all rights and obligations to transferee in the capacity of being a party of this contract. The transfer of contract is a specific trilateral legal transaction. The parties must declare their consents for transfer in order to implement the transfer result. In fact, the consent of each of the party is equal in terms of transfer. Therefore, in the event that either party does not consent for transfer of contract, the transfer transaction shall not be effectually executed. The transaction of transfer of contract is an act of disposal that results in changing of party by legal characteristics. The transferor of the contract disposes of contractual rights by transfer transaction; and transfers those to the transferee, thereby; the transferee of the contract obtains a party title. The transaction of transfer of contract is a legal institution providing transfer of contractual debtor-creditor relationship. On the other hand, such transfer of dispositive transactions is not possible. There are some contracts that are not a promissory transaction in terms of characteristics; transfer of such contracts is not possible in terms of transfer provisions. Changing of party occurring through transfer transaction does not any change in the content of main contract. The contract mentioned in terms of transfer continues to consummate with the same content even after transfer transactions.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Hukuk, Law