Bafra ırkı koyunlarda yapağı kalite özellikleri
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Bafra Irkı Koyunlarda Yapağı Kalite Özellikleri Araştırmanın hayvan materyalini 10 ve 24 aylık yaşta toplam 32 baş Bafra ırkı (16 koç ve 16 koyun) oluşturmuştur. Yapağı kalite özelliklerini belirlemek amacıyla her hayvandan ayrı olmak üzere vücudun üç bölgesinden (omuz, kaburga, sağrı) toplam 96 adet yapağı örneği alınmıştır. Örneklerde yapağı kalite özellikleri (incelik, elastikiyet, mukavemetve randıman) analizleri Uluslararası Hayvancılık Araştırma ve Eğitim Merkezi Müdürlüğü/LALAHAN, Yapağı-Tiftik Laboratuvarı'nda yaptırılmıştır. Bafra ırkında incelik, elastikiyet, mukavemet, randıman özelliklerine ait en küçük kareler ortalama değerleri 10 aylık ve 24 aylık yaşta sırasıyla 31.26 ve 31.24 µm, % 37.04 ve 38.37, 15.92 ve 22.95 cN/tex, % 67.33 ve 67.49 olmuştur. İncelik, elastikiyet, mukavemet ve randıman özelliklerine cinsiyetin etkisi önemli olmuştur (P<0.001) İncelik, elastikiyet, mukavemet ve randıman özelliklerinde dişiler erkeklerden yüksek değerler almıştır. İncelik (P<0.05), mukavemet (P<0.05), ve randıman (P<0.01) özelliklerinde vücut bölgeleri arası farklılık önemli olmuştur. Sağrı bölgesindeki incelik ve mukavemet değerleri omuz ve kaburga bölgelerine göre yüksek değerler almıştır. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre, Türkiye yerli ırklarıyla karşılaştırıldığında Bafra ırkı yapağısının incelik yönünden orta düzeyde kaliteye sahip olduğu, randıman yönünden ise iyi olduğu söylenebilir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Bafra, yapağı, yapağı kalite özellikleri.
Hair Fleece Characteristics of Bafra Sheep The study material were consisted of 32 Bafra sheep (16 ram and 16 ewe), which were 10 and 24 months of age. A total of 96 fibre samples were taken from three regions of the body (wither, chest, rump) separately from each animal to determine the fleece quality traits. Fleecetraits (fibrediameter, fibreelongation, fibretenacity, fibreproportion) were determined at Livestock Central Research Institute, wool and mohair laboratory/LALAHAN. Least squares mean of fibrediameter, fibreelongation, fibretenacity, and fibreproportio nfor 10 and 24 months of age Bafra sheep were defined as 31.26 and 31.24 µm, 37.04 and 38.37%, 15.92 and 22.95 cN/tex, 67.33 and 67.49%, respectively. Fibrediameter, fibreelongation, fibretenacity, and fibre proportion traits were affected bysex (P<0.001). Fibrediameter, fibretenacity, fibre elongation and fibre proportion of the females were significantly higher than those of the males. The effects of body region on fibrediameter (P < 0.05), fibretenacity (P < 0.05) and fibre proportion (P<0.001) were statically significant. Fibre diameter and fibre tenacity of the rump regionwere significantly higher than that of wither and chest regions. According to the research results, comparedto other Turkey indigenous sheep breeds, we concluded that the fleece of Bafrabreed has a moderate quality in terms of fibre diameter and it is well quality in terms of fibre proportion. KeyWords: Bafra, fleece, fleece quality traits
Hair Fleece Characteristics of Bafra Sheep The study material were consisted of 32 Bafra sheep (16 ram and 16 ewe), which were 10 and 24 months of age. A total of 96 fibre samples were taken from three regions of the body (wither, chest, rump) separately from each animal to determine the fleece quality traits. Fleecetraits (fibrediameter, fibreelongation, fibretenacity, fibreproportion) were determined at Livestock Central Research Institute, wool and mohair laboratory/LALAHAN. Least squares mean of fibrediameter, fibreelongation, fibretenacity, and fibreproportio nfor 10 and 24 months of age Bafra sheep were defined as 31.26 and 31.24 µm, 37.04 and 38.37%, 15.92 and 22.95 cN/tex, 67.33 and 67.49%, respectively. Fibrediameter, fibreelongation, fibretenacity, and fibre proportion traits were affected bysex (P<0.001). Fibrediameter, fibretenacity, fibre elongation and fibre proportion of the females were significantly higher than those of the males. The effects of body region on fibrediameter (P < 0.05), fibretenacity (P < 0.05) and fibre proportion (P<0.001) were statically significant. Fibre diameter and fibre tenacity of the rump regionwere significantly higher than that of wither and chest regions. According to the research results, comparedto other Turkey indigenous sheep breeds, we concluded that the fleece of Bafrabreed has a moderate quality in terms of fibre diameter and it is well quality in terms of fibre proportion. KeyWords: Bafra, fleece, fleece quality traits
Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Zootekni (Veterinerlik) Ana Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Veteriner Hekimliği, Veterinary Medicine