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Öğe Absence of estrogen and progesterone receptors around the affected vessels of angioma serpiginosum - Case report(Adis Int Ltd, 2006) Erkek, Emel; Bozdoğan, Önder; Akarsu, Cengiz; Atasoy, Pınar; Koçak, MukadderAngioma serpiginosum is a disorder of dilated superficial dermal capillaries. The disease is considered by some authors to be a consequence of increasing levels of estrogens. We present a case of angioma serpiginosum in a 46-year-old White woman. The lesions consisting of red-purple puncta were grouped as vaguely annular and angular patches with serpiginous borders, located on the right side of the neck, the right side of the abdomen, and on the left arm. Histopathologic examination revealed clusters of dilated capillaries in the dermal papillae, without endothelial proliferation. Periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) stain-positive deposits were noted around the affected blood vessels. However, immunohistochemical analysis revealed the absence of estrogen and progesterone receptors within the involved blood vessels. Hormonal assays were also normal. Our observations suggest that a hormonal stimulus probably plays no role in the pathogenesis of angioma serpiginosum. The significance of PAS-positive deposits as a diagnostic marker for angioma serpiginosum needs further confirmation.Öğe Absence of human papillomavirus antigens in cutaneous soft fibromas(2003) Koçak, Mukadder; Erkek, Emel; Bozdoğan, Önder; Birol, Ahu; Atasoy, PınarGiriş: Derinin yumuşak fibromlarının gerçek nedeni bilinmemekle birlikte deri yaşlanması, şişmanlık, diyabet, gebelik, menopoz, akromegali ve genetik yatkınlık ile ilişkili olabilecekleri ileri sürülmektedir. Son zamanlarda insan papilloma virüsleri de yumuşak fibrom oluşumunda potansiyel etyolojik faktör olarak suçlanmışlardır. Amaç: Bu çalışmada yumuşak fibrom etyopatogenezinde insan papilloma virüslerinin rolünün araştırılması amaçlanmış ve bu lezyonların diyabet ve obezite ile ilşkileri de sorgulanmıştır. Hastalar ve Yöntem: Bu amaçla 37 hastanın lezyonel deri örneklerinde immünhistokimyasal metod ile HPV antijenleri çalışılmıştır. Her hastadan açlık ve tokluk kan şekeri ve gayitada gizli kan tetkikleri rutin olarak istenmiştir.Bulgular: Lezyonel deri biyopsilerinden yalnızca birinde (2.7 %) HPV antijen varlığı saptanmıştır. On-üç hastanın (35.1 %) vücut kütle indeksi 30'un üstünde hesaplanmıştır. Açlık ve/ veya tokluk kan şekeri 14 hastada (37.8 %) yüksek bulunmuştur. Sonuç: Bu bulgular çok sayıda yumuşak fibrom ile başvuran hastalarda karbonhidrat metabolizmasının değerlendirilmesi gerektiğine işaret etmekte ve insan papilloma virüslerinin bu lezyonların etyolojisinde rolü olmadığını düşündürmektedir.Öğe Analysis of estrogen and progesterone receptors in lesional and normal skin of patients with acne rosacea(2003) Erkek, Emel; Bozdoğan, Önder; Koçak, Mukadder; Birol, Ahu; Atasoy, PınarGiriş: Rozase etyolojisinde hormonal faktörlerin rol oynayabileceğine ilişkin çok sayıda kanıt bulunmaktadır. Lezyonel deride östrojen reseptörlerinin azalması ve progesteron reseptörlerinin artışı hipotetik olarak rozase oluşumunda önemli olabilir. Amaç: Bu çalışmada rozaseli hastaların lezyonel ve normal deri dokularında östrojen ve progesteron reseptörlerinin ekspresyonunun saptanması amaçlanmıştır. Hastalar ve Yöntem: Bu amaçla rozaseli 20 hastanın lezyonel deri örneklerinde ve gönüllü 5 hastanın nonlezyonel deri örneklerinde immünhistokimyasal metod ile östrojen ve progesteron reseptörleri çalışılmıştır. Bulgular: Lezyonel deri biyopsilerinden 2'sinde (10%) progesteron reseptör varlığı saptanmış, ancak hiç bir örnekte östrojen reseptörleri gösterilememiştir. Sonuç: Bu bulgular rozase etyolojisinde östrojen ve progesteron reseptörlerinin önemi hipotezini desteklememekle birlikte bloklanamayan/ karşı konulamayan androjenik uyarı hipotezinin araştırılması gerektiğini düşündürmektedir.Öğe Apoptosis-related proteins and steroid hormone receptors in normal, hyperplastic, and neoplastic endometrium(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2002) Bozdoğan, Önder; Atasoy, Pınar; Erekul, Selim; Bozdoğan, Nazan; Bayram, MerihThe purpose of this study was to evaluate the distribution and frequency of apoptosis-related proteins and their correlation with estrogen, progesterone, and androgen receptors in endometrial tissues. Immunohistochemical analyses of bcl-2, bax, bcl-x, and steroid receptors were performed in 22 endometrial carcinomas, 26 endometrial hyperplasias, and 19 cases of normal cyclical endometrium. Bcl-2 was expressed in 45.4% of carcinomas and 92.3% of hyperplasias. Bax immunostaining was found in 90.9% of carcinomas and 76.9% of hyperplasias. Bcl-x positivity was similar in carcinomas (68.1%) and endometrial hyperplasias (76.9%). In nor-Mal cyclical endometria, bcl-2 staining was intense and diffuse in the proliferative phase, but decreased dramatically in the early and mid-secretory phase to reappear in the late secretory phase. Bax was expressed throughout the menstrual cycle but more strongly in the secretory phase. Bcl-x displayed a similar degree of expression in proliferative and secretory endometria. Nineteen carcinomas (86.3%), 25 hyperplasias (96.1%), and 18 normal cyclical endometria (94.7%) were positive for estrogen receptor (ER). Progesterone receptor (PR) was observed in 20 carcinomas (90.9%), all hyperplasias (100%), and 18 normal cyclical endometria (94.7%). Androgen receptor (AR) positivity was seen in 7 carcinomas (31.8%), 6 hyperplasias (23.0%), and 3 normal cyclical endometria (15.7%). There was a statistically positive correlation between bcl-x and ER and a tendency toward significant correlation between bcl-x and PR and between ER and PR in carcinomas. In hyperplasias, there was a significant positive correlation between bcl-2 and PR and between bcl-2 and bax and a negative correlation between ER and bax. There was a statistically significant difference for bcl-2 (p = 0.001) and bax (p = 0.001) between the hyperplasia and carcinoma groups. There was increased expression of bax. decreased expression of bcl-2, and persistence of bcl-x protein in advanced endometrial carcinomas. Our findings show that ovarian hormones have a regulatory role on bcl-2 protein and that there is a correlation between other members of the bcl-2 family (bcl-x and bax) and steroid hormone receptors. Bax/bcl-x may be the major control mechanisms of apoptosis in advanced carcinomas; other members of the bcl-2 family may also be under hormonal control.Öğe BAG-1 expression in hyperplastic and neoplastic prostate tissue: Is there any relationship with BCL-related proteins and androgen receptor status?(Sage Publications Ltd, 2005) Bozdoğan, Önder; Atasoy, Pınar; Bozdoğan, Nazan; Erekul, Selim; Batislam, Ertan; Yılmaz, Erdal; Basar, M. MuradAims and background: To evaluate the function and distribution of BAG-1 protein in hyperplastic and neoplastic prostate tissue and establish the relationship between this protein and BCL-related proteins (BCL-2 and BAX), androgen receptor (AR) expression and chromogranin A. Methods: Twenty-eight prostatic adenocarcinomas and 16 prostate hyperplasias were included in this retrospective study. BAG-1, BCL-2, BAX, androgen receptor and chromogranin A immunostaining was performed by means of standard avidin-biotin peroxidase methods. The M30 antibody was used to identify preapoptotic and apoptotic cells. The immunohistochemical histological score (HSCORE) semi-quantative system was used to evaluate immunohistochemical staining. Results: Statistical analysis showed a significant difference in HSCOREs of BAX, M30 and AR between the carcinoma and hyperplasia groups. Carcinomas expressed higher HSCOREs of these markers than hyperplasias. There were significant differences in nuclear and cytoplasmic BAG-1 positivity between high and low-grade carcinomas. BAG-1 expression was higher in low-grade carcinomas. In the carcinoma group there was a positive correlation (Pearson) between BCL-2 and cytoplasmic/nuclear BAG-1. In the hyperplasia group there was a negative correlation between BAX and BCL-2, and between AR and M30. We also detected a positive correlation between AR and nuclear/cytoplasmic BAG-1 and between nuclear and cytoplasmic BAG-1 in hyperplasias. BAG-1 showed the same specific basal cell localization as BCL-2 in hyperplastic and normal glands. Conclusions: The BAG-1 protein showed a distinct distribution pattern in hyperplastic and neoplastic prostate. BAG-1 in association with BCL-2 inhibits apoptosis and may prolong the life of neoplastic cells and give them a chance to gain new oncogenic features in early carcinogenesis.Öğe Bilateral upper eyelid edema in Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2005) Akarsu, Cengiz; Atasoy, Pınar; Erdoğan, Sibel; Koçak, MukadderMelkersson-Rosenthal syndrome is an uncommon disorder characterized by a triad of facial nerve palsy, orofacial edema, and fissured tongue. A 42-year-old woman with Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome presented with painless, nonpitting, bilateral asymmetric upper eyelid edema. The left eyelid was a bit larger than the right eyelid. CT and MRI demonstrated periorbital soft tissue thickening compatible with the microscopic findings of infiltration of lymphocytes, edema, and cystic dilatation of lymphatic vessels. After treatment by systemic doxycycline and corticosteroid, she showed some improvement of the eyelid edema. Isolated bilateral eyelids swelling may be observed in Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome. In the case of unexplained nonpitting eyelid edema, biopsy should be performed.Öğe Case Report: Incidental Testicular Tumor(Wiley-Blackwell, 2014) Tuglu, Devrim; Bal, F.; Yuvanc, E.; Kirdağ, Mustafa Koray; Atasoy, Pınar; Yılmaz, Erdal; Batislam, Ertan…Öğe Darier hastalığı ve akrokeratozis verrusiformis(2000) Erkek, Emel; Atasoy, PınarDarier hastalığı nadir görülen, otozomal dominant geçişli bir keratinizasyon bozukluğu hastalığıdır. Seboreik bölgeleri tutan simetrik keratotik papüller, el ayasında çukurcuklar ve tırnak distrofisi ile karakterizedir. Akrokeratozis verrusiformis (Hopf), el ve ayak dorsumlarında verrü planaya benzeyen poligonal papüller ve tırnak distrofisi ile seyreden, otozomal dominant nadir bir hastalıktır. Darier hastalarının bir kısmında el ve ayak dorsumlarında akrokeratozis verrusiformise benzeyen siğilimsi papüller görülebilir. Burada akrokeratozis verrusiformis benzeri akral lezyonların eşlik ettiği bir sporadik Darier hastalığı olgusu sunulmakta ve akral Darier hastalığı ile akrokeratozis verrusiformisin klinikopatolojik ayırıcı tanıları tartışılmaktadır.Öğe Dermal vacuoles in two biopsies of psoriasis(Wiley-Blackwell, 2008) Ayva, Şebnem; Erkek, Emel; Atasoy, PınarTwo patients presented with cutaneous lesions clinically typical of psoriasis. The first case was a 38-year-old man and the second was a 51-year-old woman. To confirm the diagnosis, 4-mm punch biopsy samples were obtained from both patients from the lesions on the knees. Histology in both cases was in favour of psoriasis and also revealed empty vacuoles in the papillary dermis, concentrated at sites of intense lymphocyte infiltration. The empty vacuoles resembled true fat cells or fat globules. They did not reveal positive immunostaining with CD34 antigen, suggesting that they were not lined by endothelial cells. Final histological diagnosis was psoriasis associated with dermal vacuolization.Öğe Diffuse hemangiomatosis of the spleen associated with pregnancy: A case report(2004) Atasoy, Pınar; Bozdoğan, Önder; Erekul, SelimWe report a 21-year-old postpartum woman presenting with a very rare tumor of the spleen, diffuse hemangiomatosis. Gross and microscopic examination revealed that the whole spleen was permeated by neoplastic blood vessels. Immunohistochemical staining suggested an origin from vascular endothelium (CD 31+, CD 34+, FVIII+ and CD 8-). Although steroid hormone receptors are discovered in other vascular proliferations, we report the first case of a diffuse hemangiomatosis of the spleen showing strong and diffuse immunopositivity for estrogen receptor (ER). Hormonal changes associated with pregnancy might have induced or promoted the development of diffuse splenic hemangiomatosis.Öğe The Effect of Adipose Tissue-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells on Regeneration of Uterine Scars(2017) Bender, R. Ada; Yücel, Aykan; Noyan, Volkan; Gürpınar, Aylin; Atasoy, Pınar; Comu, Faruk M.OBJECTIVE: The mesenchymal stem cell application to uterine healing scars may provide better tissuestrength.STUDY DESIGN: Hysterectomy was performed on rats, and the wound recovery as a result of primarysuturing was evaluated as tissue stretching and the positive histopathological effects. The mesenchymalstem cells originating from the adipose tissue were used during the healing period of the wound and woulddifferentiate to mesenchyme-originated cells present in intact tissue for an optimum level of healing.RESULTS: The weights of non-incised uterine horns in the control group were found to be significantlyhigher than the weights of the incised uterine horns (z2.52, p0.012). In the experiment group, theweights of the incised uterine horns were found to be significantly higher than the non-incised uterinehorns (z2.52, p0.012). In the control group, the non-incised uterine horns withstood the stretching testto a higher extent than the incised horns, and a significant difference was found between the stretchingvalues (z2.5, p0.012). In the experiment group, the incised uterine horns withstood the stretching teststo a higher extent than the non-incised uterine horns; however, there was no significant difference between the stretching tests (z1.540, p0.123).CONCLUSION: Adipose tissue-originated mesenchyme stem cells were observed to increase the tissue stretching during wound healing.Öğe The effects of ozone on the acute phase of intestinal ischemia-reperfusion injury in rats(2020) Günal, Yasemin Dere; Türer, Özlem Boybeyi; Atasoy, Pınar; Kısa, Üçler; Aslan, Mustafa KemalBACKGROUND: In this study, we aimed to examine the therapeutic effects of ozone on the acute phase of intestinal ischemia-reperfusion (I/R) injury in rats to resemble clinical practice. METHODS: Eighteen Wistar albino rats were assigned to control (CG, n=6), sham (SG, n=6) and ozone groups (OG, n=6). A midline laparotomy was performed and a superior mesenteric artery (SMA) in the SG and OG was occluded with a 0/0 catgut suture, but in the CG, the incision was closed without any intervention. Tissue oxygenation was monitored with a tissue oxygenation monitor to achieve the same grade during intestinal ischemia. The incision was closed and, in the OG, ozone/oxygen mixture (0.7 mg/kg) was injected intraperitoneally, 20 minutes before reperfusion. Surgical incision was reopened and reperfusion was achieved after 60 minutes of ischemia in the SG and OG. After 60 minutes of reperfusion, 2 cm small intestine segment was sampled for histopathological assessment of the intestinal mucosal damage (Chiu score) and biochemical assessment of oxidative stress markers (nitric oxide: NO, malondialdehyde: MDA, superoxide dismutase: SOD) in all groups. RESULTS: The Chiu scores of the SG and OG were statistically increased than that of the CG (p=0.002; and p=0.002, respectively). Chiu score in the OG was higher compared to that in the SG, but not statistically significant (p=0.175). MDA levels were statistically higher in the SG and OG than that of the CG (p=0.004; and p=0.010, respectively). However, the difference between the SG and OG was not statistically significant (p=0.522). SOD and NO levels were not significantly different between groups (p=0.451 and p=0.056, respectively). CONCLUSION: Contrary to the literature, single-dose ozone therapy did not reduce the oxidative stress or improve the ischemic damage in intestinal I/R injury in rats. Further evaluation with different doses in different time periods is needed for potential clinical use.Öğe Endometrial hiperplazilerde epitelyal sitoplazmik değişiklikler (metaplaziler)(2001) Bozdoğan, Önder; Bozdoğan, Nazan; Atasoy, PınarAMAÇ:"Endometriyumun epitelyal sitoplazmik değişiklikleri (metaplaziler)" (EESD) genellikle hiperöstrojenik klinik durumlarda ortaya çıkan bir grup lezyonu tanımlar. EESD'ler prognostik öneme sahip olmamalarına rağmen yanlış tanılara neden olabilirler. Bu çalışmanın amacı endometrial hiperplazilerde EESD'lerin sıklığının ve öneminin araştırılmasıdır. YÖNTEM: Johannes Gutenberg Üniversitesi (Mainz -Almanya) Patoloji Enstitütüsü ve Kırıkkale Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Patoloji Anabilim Dalı arşivlerinden derlenen endometrial hiperplazi tanısı almış 27 olguya ait 23 adet küretaj ve 7 adet histerektomi materyali iki patolog tarafından yeniden değerlendirildi. SONUÇLAR: Olguların, 12'si kompleks atipili, 7'si kompleks atipisiz, 8'i basit atipisiz hiperplazi tanılarını almıştı. Toplam 17 olguda metaplastik değişiklik saptandı. Olguların 8'inde fokal silyalı, 4'ünde yüzey sinsityal, 1'inde skuamoz ve 1'inde müsinöz değişiklik izlendi. Üç olguda silyalıyüzey sinsityal değişiklik, yüzey sinsityaleosinofilik değişiklik, skuamozsilyaiı değişiklik birlikteliği görüldü. YORUM: Bu çalışmada, EESD'lerin endometrial hiperplazilerde beklediğimizden sık görüldüğünü saptadık. Ayrıca bu lezyonların, deneyimsiz gözlemcilerde önemli tanısal sorunlara yol açabileceğini düşünmekteyiz.Öğe Endosalpingiosis in association with uterine anomaly: A case report(2003) Sağsöz, Nevin; Atasoy, Pınar; Bayram, MerihEndosalpinjiosis fallop tüpüne ait glandüler epitelin ektopik lokalizasyonda bulunmasıdır. Endosalpingiosisin semptom, bulgu ve tedavisi net olarak belirlenmemiştir. Bikornuat uterusla birlikte tespit edilen endosalpinjiosis olgusu sunuldu ve literatür eşliğinde tartışıldı.Öğe Evaluation of the systemic antiinflammatory effects of levosimendan in an experimental blunt thoracic trauma model(2017) Ateş, Gökay; Yaman, Ferda; Bakar, Bülent; Kısa, Üçler; Büyükkoçak, Ünase; Atasoy, PınarBACKGROUND: Blunt thoracic injury often leads to pulmonary contusion and the development of acute respiratory distress syndrome, which carries a high risk of morbidity and mortality, originating from the local and systemic inflammatory states. This study aimed to investigate the local and systemic antiinflammatory effects of levosimendan in rat models of blunt chest trauma.METHODS: A total of 32 Wistar albino rats were randomly assigned to one of the following four groups: control, sham, low-dose levosimendan (LDL) (5 µg/kg loading dose for 10 min and 0.05 µg/kg/min intravenous infusion), and high-dose levosimendan (HDL) (10 µg/kg loading dose for 10 min and 0.1 µg/kg/min intravenous infusion). Blunt chest trauma was induced, and after 6 h, the contused pulmonary tissues were histopathologically and immunohistopathologically evaluated, serum TNF-?, IL-1?, IL-6, and NO levels were biochemically evaluated.RESULTS: The mean arterial pressure was low throughout the experiment in the LDL and HDL groups, with no statistically difference between the groups. Levosimendan reduced the alveolar congestion and hemorrhage, which developed after inducing trauma. Neutrophil infiltration to the damaged pulmonary tissue was also reduced in both the LDL and HDL groups. In rats in which pulmonary contusion (PC) was observed, increased activation of nuclear factor kappa B was observed in the pulmonary tissue, and levosimendan did not reduce this activation. Both high and low doses of levosimendan reduced serum IL-1? levels, and high doses of levosimendan reduced IL-6 and NO levels. TNF-? levels were not reduced.CONCLUSION: In conclusion, the results showed that in a rat model of PC, the experimental agent levosimendan could reduce neutrophil cell infiltration to damaged pulmonary tissues and the systemic expressions of some cytokines (IL-1?, IL-6, and NO), thereby partially reducing and/or correcting pulmonary damage. Systemic inflammatory response that occurs after trauma could also be reducedÖğe Expression profile and prognostic importance in prostate lesions of the reverse transcriptase component of human telomerase (hTERT) and of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p57 (p57kip2a)(Springer, 2009) Atasoy, Pınar; Yılmaz, Erdal; Bozdoğan, Önder; Ayva, Şebnem; Batislam, ErtanTo investigate expression of the reverse transcriptase component of human telomerase (hTERT) and of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p57 (p57(kip2a)) in prostate neoplasms and evaluate the relationship between these proteins and the Gleason score. hTERT and p57(kip2a) antibodies were studied by immunohistochemical methods in 70 prostate adenocarcinomas (33 high-grade and 37 low-grade carcinomas), 29 benign prostate hyperplasias, and 19 prostatic intraepithelial neoplasias (PIN). Only nuclear staining was evaluated with p57(kip2a) whereas both nuclear and nucleolar staining were evaluated with hTERT. Immunohistochemical histologic scores (HSCOREs) of hTERT were significantly higher in the PIN group than in the hyperplasia group (P = 0.03). hTERT HSCOREs were not significantly different between hyperplasias and carcinomas or between low and high-grade carcinomas. p57(kip2a) HSCOREs were significantly higher in hyperplasias than other groups, and in PINS than carcinomas, but did not differ significantly between low and high-grade carcinomas. A significant negative correlation was observed between hTERT and p57(kip2a) (P = 0.007) in the hyperplasia group. No such correlation was found in PINs and carcinomas. This study suggests that p57(kip2a) is down-regulated in the malignant side of the spectrum of prostate carcinogenesis. Loss of p57(kip2a) control on hTERT might have an important role in the development of prostate cancer.Öğe FAS, FAS ligand, tumor infiltrating lymphocytes, and macrophages in malignant melanoma: an immunohistochemical study(Wiley, 2010) Bozdoğan, Nazan; Bozdoğan, Önder; Pak, Işın; Atasoy, PınarBackground FAS and its ligand, FASL, have important roles in the neoplasia-immunity relationship. In melanoma, the importance of FAS and FASL remains controversial, despite a group of studies. In this study, we aimed to demonstrate the distribution of FAS/FASL in melanotic lesions and to investigate the correlation between tumor infiltrating lymphocytes and macrophages. Methods Ten intra-dermal nevi, 12 primary malignant melanoma, and eight skin and 15 lymph node metastases were included in this study. FAS and FASL were studied in all of the groups using classical labeled streptavidin-biotin immunohistochemical method. Tumor infiltrating lymphocyte status and macrophage number demonstrated by CD68 immunostain were also evaluated in primary melanoma and skin metastases. Results FAS positivity was detected in all of the cases. FASL expressions were seen in 60% of the intra-dermal nevus and in all of the other groups. There were significant differences in FASL between nevus and primary melanoma, nevus and skin metastasis, and nevus and lymph node metastasis. There were strong positive correlations between FAS expression and intra-neoplastic macrophage score and between FASL and density of lymphocyte infiltration in skin metastases. Conclusion Although FAS and FASL expression is a constant feature of melanotic lesions, its diagnostic importance is very limited because of the different results obtained in the past studies. The correlation between FAS status and macrophage number and between FASL status and lymphocyte number in skin metastasis but not in primary lesions might point to diverse FAS/FASL interaction between neoplastic cells and macrophages in the different microenvironments.Öğe Fox-Fordyce hastalığı(2002) Erkek, Emel; Koçak, Mukadder; Atasoy, Pınar; Birol, Ahu; Bozdoğan, ÖnderFox-Fordyce hastalığı nadir görülen, sporadik, apokrin ter bezi retansiyonu sonucu oluşan, kaşıntılı, foliküler papüllerle karakterize bir dermatozdur. Patogenezindeki en önemli basamak apokrin ter bezi duktuslarının tıkanması ve rüptürüdür. Bu makalede, Fox-Fordyce tanısı alan bir olgu sunulmuş ve literatür ışığında klinikopatolojik özellikleri tartışılmıştır.Öğe Gastrik preneoplastik bulguların kolon polibi ile ilişkisi(2013) Kalkan, İsmail Hakkı; Sapmaz, Ferdane; Güliter, Sefa; Atasoy, PınarGiriş ve Amaç: Helicobacter pylori enfeksiyonu ile kolon polibi gelişimi arasındaki ilişkiye yönelik çalışmalarda çelişkili sonuçlar elde edilmiştir. Mide için preneoplastik olduğu bilinen atrofi ve intestinal metaplazi ile kolon polibi gelişimi arasındaki ilişki ise henüz yeterince irdelenmemiş- tir. İki merkezde yürütmüş olduğumuz çalışmada, gastrik preneoplas- tik bulgu varlığı ile kolon polibi arasındaki ilişkiyi araştırmayı amaçla- dık. Gereç ve Yöntem: Kırıkkale Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi ve Kırıkkale Yüksek İhtisas Hastanesi Gastroenteroloji polikliniklerine 01.01.2012 ile 01.09.2012 tarihleri arasında başvuraran hastalardan özofagogastrodu - odenoskopi yapılarak Helicobacter pylori için biyopsi örneği alınan ve eş zamanlı kolonoskopi işlemi yapılan olgular çalışmaya dahil edildi. Olgu - ların demografik özellikleri, polip saptanan olgularda polip karakteristik- leri (büyüklük, sayı, histoloji) ve özofagogastroduodenoskopik biyopsi sonucuna göre gastrik atrofi-intestinal metaplazi ve Helicobacter pylori pozitifliği Sydney klasifikasyonuna göre kaydedildi. Bulgular: Çalışma- ya yaş ortalaması 57,413,3 olan toplam 150 (93 erkek, %62,0) olgu dahil edildi. Olguların 51inde (%34,0) en az 1 kolon polibi mevcuttu. Kolon polibi ve adenoma varlığı için atrofi [(Sırasıyla; OR:3,1 (p0,01) ve OR:3,2 (p0,02)] bağımsız risk faktörü idi. Toplam adenomatöz po- lip çapı atrofinin derecesi (p0,04) ve intestinal metaplazinin derecesi (p0,01) ile, toplam adenom sayısı ise atrofinin derecesi (p0,01), intes- tinal metaplazinin derecesi (p0,001) ile korele idi. Sonuç: Çalışmamız- da; gastrik atrofi kolon polibi/adenom gelişimi için bağımsız risk faktörü olarak bulundu. Helicobacter pylori pozitifliğinin kolon polibi varlığı ile ilişkisi saptanmadı. Gastrik preneoplastik lezyonlar ile kolon neoplazisi arasındaki ilişkinin konfirme edilebilmesi için geniş ölçekli, popülasyon tabanlı çalışmalara ihtiyaç bulunmaktadır.Öğe Gross tumour volume and poorly differentiated clusters can indicate high-risk patients for poor survival in pT1-2 rectal carcinomas(2020) Zengin, Mehmet; Atasoy, PınarAim: Colorectal carcinomas are one of the most common carcinomas in the Western world. Survival is mainly associated with the tumournode-metastasis (TNM) stage but patients with the same tumour stage usually show marked distinct survival. We analyzed the survival effect of gross tumour volume and poorly differentiated clusters in pT1-2 rectal carcinomas. Material and Method: Sixty-five pT1-2 rectal carcinomas that were curatively resected between 1999 and 2014 were included in this retrospective study at Kırıkkale University Medical Faculty Hospital. Gross tumour volume and poorly differentiated clusters were scored using a macroscopic specimen and hematoxylin and eosin-stained sections. Results: These parameters were significantly associated with large tumour size (gross tumour volume [GTV]: p=0.020), invasive pattern (GTV: p=0.004; poorly differentiated clusters [PDC]: p=0.020), angiolymphatic invasion (GTV: p=0.001; PDC: p=0.009), tumour necrosis (GTV: p=0.002; PDC: p=0.038), and high grade (PDC: p=0.001). In univariate analysis, patients with these parameters had worse 5-year survival for both relapse-free survival (RFS) and overall survival (OS) ([GTV: RFS= 78.5%, p=0.001; OS: 81.0%, p=0.005], [PDC: RFS= 80.0%, p=0.013; OS: 83.1%, p=0.039]). Multivariate analysis confirmed that these parameters are independent predictors of poor survival for RFS (GTV: Hazard ratio [HR]=1.42 [1.06-2.85], p=0.006; PDC: HR=1.39 [1.06-3.28], p=0.028) and OS (GTV: HR=1.35 [1.09-3.37], p=0.011). Also, GTV was found to be more useful than PDC. Conclusions: According to our study, GTV and PDC play an important role in the prognosis of rectal carcinomas and the addition of these markers to the current risk classification may contribute to better patient selection.
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