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Öğe Antioxidant response of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii grown under different element regimes(Wiley, 2015) Çakmak, Zeynep E.; Ölmez, Tolga T.; Çakmak, Turgay; Menemen, Yusuf; Tekinay, TurgayNutrient stress is one of the most favorable ways of increasing neutral lipid and high value-added output production by microalgae. However, little is known about the level of the oxidative damage caused by nutrient stress for obtaining an optimal stress level for maximum production of specific molecules. In this study, the antioxidant response of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii grown under element deprivation (nitrogen, sulfur, phosphorus and magnesium) and supplementation (nitrogen and zinc) was investigated. All element regimes caused a decrease in growth, which was most pronounced under N deprivation. Element deprivation and Zn supplementation caused significant increases in H2O2 and lipid peroxidation levels of C.reinhardtii. Decrease in total chlorophyll level was followed by an increase of total carotenoid levels in C.reinhardtii under N and S deprivation while both increased under N supplementation. Confocal imaging of live cells revealed dramatic changes of cell shape and production of neutral lipid bodies accompanied by a decrease of chlorophyll clusters. Antioxidant capacity of cells decreased under N, S and P deprivation while it increased under N and Zn supplementation. Fluctuation of antioxidant enzyme activities in C.reinhardtii grown under different element regimes refers to different metabolic sources of reactive oxygen species production triggered by a specific element absence or overabundance.Öğe Apoptotic and necrotic effects of carboxylated quercetin/polyethylenimine complex on HeLa cells(Academic Journals, 2011) Ulug, Murat; Turk, Mustafa; Oguztuzun, Serpil; Menemen, Yusuf; Kahraman, GultenThe effects of quercetin (Q), carboxylated quercetin (CQ) and carboxylated quercetin/polyethylenimine (CQ/PEI) complex on HeLa cell cultures were investigated. Firstly, carboxylated quercetin was acquired through hydroxyl groups of quercetin, using chloroacetic acid. The complex of CQ/PEI was acquired by electron cooperation path over polietilenimine amine groups and quercetin carboxyl groups. CQ and CQ/PEI obtained were characterised by FTIR and H-1-NMR methods. Cytotoxicity was determined by MTT assay. Apoptotic and necrotic indexes were obtained by immunocytochemical staining with the M30 antibodies and double staining and double staining, respectively. It was determined that quercetin caused lower rates of necrosis and apoptosis on HeLa cells by itself, but CQ/PEI complex resulted in high levels. As a result, it was observed that transition of quercetin to HeLa via binding it to polyethylenimine increased its anticarcinogenic effects.Öğe Apoptotic and necrotic effects of plant extracts belonging to the genus Alchemilla L. species on HeLa cells in vitro(Academic Journals, 2011) Turk, Mustafa; Kaya, Bulent; Menemen, Yusuf; Oguztuzun, SerpilApoptotic and necrotic effects of plant extracts belonging to the genus Alchemilla on HeLa cells were investigated. The ratio of viable cells was determined by cell counter. Double staining method for the determination of apoptotic and necrotic index was carried out. The lowest apoptotic effect was found in Alchemilla oriturcica with the ratio of around 14% and the highest apoptotic effect found in Alchemilla trabzonica was 24%. Apoptotic effect was additionally determined by caspase-3 immunostaining. Increasing the concentrations of the extracts, especially in the level of 150 to 200 mu g/mL caused the increase of necrotic effect on cancer cells. Particularly, the effects of A. oriturcica and A. trabzonica extracts with the density of 200 mu g/mL were very high compared to the other species. The flavonoid components were detected in extracts of the species used for this study. The flavonoids identified are orientin (luteolin-8-C-glucoside), hyperoside (quercetin-3-O-galactoside) and isoquercetin (quercetin-3-glucoside) in Alchemilla erythropoda; rutin (quercetin-3-rutinoside), orientin, vitexin (apigenin-8-C-glucoside), hyperoside in Alchemilla ikizdereensis; rutin, hyperoside, isoquercetin (quercetin-3-glucoside) in A. oriturcica, and hyperoside, isoquercetin and quercitrin (quercetin-3-O-rhamnoside) in A. trabzonica.Öğe Bufonia L. (Hatunotu) Cinsi Taksonomisine Katkılar(2023) Menemen, YusufBu çalışmada, iki lektotip ve bir epitip belirlenmiş, yeni bir varyete tanımlanmış ve yeni bir kombinasyon gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bufonia calyculata Boiss. & Balansa türü için bir lektotiplendirme yapılmış ve B. calyculata var. kayseriensis Menemen, yeni bir varyete olarak tanımlanmıştır. İlk olarak varyete düzeyinde yayınlanan B. anatolica var. elatior Chrtek & K?ísa, tür düzeyine yükseltilerek B. elatior (Chrtek & K?ísa) Menemen kombinasyonu yapılmış ve bu taksonun teşhisine yardımcı olması için üzerinde tohum bulunan bir örnek epitip olarak belirlenmiştir. B. parviflora Griseb. isminin sinonimi olarak kabul edilmiş olan B. virgata Boiss. ismi için de bir lektotip seçilmiştir.Öğe Cerastium (Caryophyllaceae) Cinsinin Türkiye'deki Bazı Türlerinin Tiplendirilmesi(2023) Keskin, Mustafa; Menemen, YusufBurada, Türkiye’de yayılış gösteren bazı Cerastium L. türlerinin adları için tip düzenlemesi yapılmıştır. C. armeniacum Gren., C. longifolium Willd. ve C. fragillimum Boiss. için lektotip; ayrıca, C. longifolium için bir epitip ve C. ligusticum Viv. ve C. diffusum Pers. için ise neotip belirlenmiştir.Öğe Comparative pollen morphology studies on some species of Brassicaceae in Turkey(2021) Erden, Ayşe; Menemen, YusufPollen aperture type, shape, size, polar axis length, equatorial axis length, P/E ratio, colpus length, thickness ofthe sexine and nexine, S/N ratio, ornamentation type, and lumen shape and width were determined by using light andscanning electron microscope. A multivariate analysis was carried out using the Gover’s general similarity coefficientand UPGMA based on 3 qualitative and 8 quantitative pollen characters for 43 taxa belonging to 30 genera and 19tribes. In all of the taxa studied, the pollen grains were generally small or medium-sized, tricolpate, except in Matthiolalongipetala, with an inconspicuous aperture. The shape varied from prolate-spheroidal to perprolate. The exineornamentation was microreticulate, reticulate, or macroreticulate. In some species, reticulate ornamentation was foundtogether with microreticulate, and in some others, with macroreticulate ornamentation. It was seen that some taxabelonging to some genera placed near each other in the dendogram partially supported some tribes, such as Brassiceae,Alysseae, Sisymbrieae, and Camelineae. It is notable that some closely-related tribes were placed near each other on thedendrogram, which partially supports some previous molecular studies. In addition to exine ornamentation, the pollensize, shape, sexine and nexine thickness, and colpus length were the most useful characters. These characteristics can beused to identify and distinguish some genera, species and partly tribes within the family. They also provide detailedinformation on the pollen grains of some Brassicaceae taxa, some of which were studied herein for the first time, andthis knowledge will be useful for comparisons in future pollen studies.Öğe Düğünçiçeğigiller (Ranunculaceae) familyasına ait bazı türlerin polen morfolojileri üzerine bir çalışma(2016) Menemen, Yusuf; Uzel, FatmaTürkiye'de yetişen Ranunculaceae familyasından 5 cinse ait 9 türün polen morfolojisi ışık ve taramalı elektron mikroskobu ile incelenmiştir; bunlar, Adonis aestivalis L., A. flammea Jacq., Consolida hellespontica (Boiss.) Chater., C. orientalis (J.Gay) Schrödinger, C. regalis Gray, Delphinium venulosum Boiss., Nigella arvensis L., Ranunculus argyreus Boiss. ve R. arvensis L. taksonlarıdır. Heteropolar olan R. argyreus dışındaki bütün türlerde polen izopolar simetriye sahiptir. R. arvensis poleninde apertür bulunmazken, R. argyreus poleni 3-kolpat ilâ 6-kolpat, diğer bütün türlerin polenleri ise 3-kolpattır. İncelenen taksonlarda polen şekilleri prolat, subprolat, prolat-sferoidal, perprolat ya da oblat-sferoidal olup, türler arasında ve tür içerisinde varyasyon gösterebilmektedir. Bütün türlerde ekzin seyrek dağılmış küçük dikenlerle (mikroekinat) ve seyrek veya yoğun mikroporlarla kaplıdır, ancak R. arvensis'te hem küçük dikenler hem de büyük dikenler bulunmaktadırÖğe Flavonoid compounds identified in Alchemilla L. species collected in the North-eastern Black sea region of Turkey(African Networks Ethnomedicines, 2012) Kaya, Bulent; Menemen, Yusuf; Saltan, Fatma ZerrinThis study identified flavonoid glycosides in species of the genus Alchemilla, A. procerrima, A. stricta, A. hirtipedicellata and A. sericata. A. procerrima is an endemic species for Turkey. After detailed investigation, flavonoid compounds of the species were identified for the first time. In this study, flavonoid compounds were determined by using two different chromatography techniques, TLC and HPLC. The following flavonoid compounds were identified from the Alchemilla species studied. They are as follows: orientin (luteolin-8-C-glucoside) Rf: 0,70, vitexin (apigenin-8-C-glucoside) Rf: 0,77 as flavone-C-glycoside, rutin (quercetin-3-O-rutinoside) Rf: 0,44, hyperoside (quercetin-3-O-galactoside) Rf: 0,65, isoquercetin (quercetin-3-O-glucopyranoside) Rf: 0,72, quercitrin (quercetin-3-O-rhamnoside) Rf: 0,84 as flavonol-O-glycoside. Three more folavonoids with Rf values of Rf(1)= 0,36, Rf(2)=0,54 and Rf(3)=0,68 were also identified for the first time in this study. Rutin (quercetin-3-O-rutinoside) and the flavonoid glycoside, shown as Rf(2) were found in all species. Quercitrin and isoquercetin were determined in all analysed species but A. procerrima. Hyperoside was identified in all species except for A. stricta. Vitexin was determined only in A. stricta. Orientin was determined in A. procerrima and A. stricta, but could not be determined in A. sericata and A. hirtpedicellata. Unknown flavonoid with Rf(1) and Rf(3) were determined outside of A. sericata. Description of these compounds in Turkish Alchemilla plants for the first time should be viewed as a discovery of an important chemosystematic feature.Öğe Flavonoids in the endemic species of Alchemilla L., (section Alchemilla L. subsection Calycanthum Rothm. Ser. Elatae Rothm.) from north-east black sea region in Turkey(Pakistan Botanical Soc, 2012) Kaya, Bulent; Menemen, Yusuf; Saltan, F. ZerrinThis study was undertaken to determine the flavonoids in the species of genus Alchemilla L. section Alchemilla L. subsection Calycanthum Rothm. Ser. Elatae Rothm., using the identification techniques such as high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and thin layer chromatography (TLC). Eight endemic Turkish species were studied for their flavonoid profiles. They are A. armeniaca, A. erzincanensis, A. cimilensis, A. orduensis, A. ikizdereensis, A. oriturcica, A. bursensis and A. hirsutiflora. It is the first time that flavonoid profiles of these species have been identified. Flavonol O-glycosides and flavone C- glycosides were identified in Alchemilla endemic species. The flavonoid components determined in the species are rutin (quercetin-3-O-rutinoside), hyperoside (quercetin-3-O-galactoside), isoquercetin (quercetin-3-O-glucopyranoside), quercitrin (quercetin-3-O-rhamnoside) as flavonol O-glycosides, and orientin (luteolin-8-C-glucoside), vitexin (apigenin-8-C-glucoside) as the flavone C-glycosides.Öğe Geçmişten Günümüze Cruciferae (Lahanagiller) Familyası: Sistematiği ve Filogenisi(2019) Erden, Ayşe; Menemen, Yusufİlk olarak Jussieu tarafından Latince bir betimle geçerli olarak yayınlanan Cruciferaefamilyası içerisinde meyve, embriyo ve tüy gibi karakterlerde gözlemlenen geniş homoplazidikkate alınmadan yapılan supragenerik sınıflandırmalar son derece yapay olup, familyanınfilogenetik ve taksonomik çalışmalarında çok sınırlı bir değere sahiptir. Moleküler biyoloji vebiyoinformatik alanındaki gelişmeler bitki sistematiği ve filogenetik alanda, özellikle deekonomik ve etnobotanik açıdan önemli olan Cruciferae familyasında devrim yapmıştır.Familya içerisinde ana soyların akrabalık ilişkileri yapılan moleküler çalışmalarla büyükölçüde aydınlatılmış olmasına rağmen, oymak düzeyinde akrabalık ilişkileri hakkında yeterlibilgi henüz ortaya konmamıştır. Supragenerik sınıflandırmanın olgunlaşması için, daha fazlamoleküler belirtecin kullanıldığı ve daha fazla taksonun yer aldığı moleküler çalışmalaraihtiyaç bulunmaktadır.Öğe Induction of triacylglycerol production in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii: Comparative analysis of different element regimes(Elsevier Sci Ltd, 2014) Cakmak, Zeynep E.; Olmez, Tolga T.; Cakmak, Turgay; Menemen, Yusuf; Tekinay, TurgayIn this study, impacts of different element absence (nitrogen, sulfur, phosphorus and magnesium) and supplementation (nitrogen and zinc) on element uptake and triacylglycerol production was followed in wild type Chlamydomonas reinhardtii CC-124 strain. Macro- and microelement composition of C. reinhardtii greatly differed under element regimes studied. In particular, heavy metal quotas of the microalgae increased strikingly under zinc supplementation. Growth was suppressed, cell biovolume, carbohydrate, total neutral lipid and triacylglycerol levels increased when microalgae were incubated under these element regimes. Most of the intracellular space was occupied by lipid bodies under all nutrient starvations, as observed by confocal microscopy and transmission electron micrographs. Results suggest that sulfur, magnesium and phosphorus deprivations are superior to nitrogen deprivation for the induction triacylglycerol production in C. reinhardtii. On the other hand, FAME profiles of the nitrogen, sulfur and phosphorus deprived cells were found to meet the requirements of international standards for biodiesel. Crown Copyright (C) 2013 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Öğe Investigation of Antioxidant, Antimicrobial and In Vitro Cytotoxic Effects on PC-3 Cancer Lines of Alchemilla holotricha Juz. in Different Polarities Extracts(2024) Kaya, Bülent; Artuvan, Yekta; Caf, Fatma; Menemen, YusufThe extracts of Alchemilla holotricha Juz. with different polarities were obtained using hexane, dichloromethane, ethyl acetate, methanol, and water. The samples were further analyzed for their overall antioxidant activity, ability to scavenge DPPH free radicals, capacity to chelate metals, total reducing power, ability to scavenging hydrogen peroxide, and hydroxy radical scavenging activity. The ethyl acetate extract exhibited the highest concentration of total phenols (67.63± 0.88 mg GAE/g extract), whereas both the ethyl acetate and dichloromethane extracts demonstrated the highest levels of total flavonoids (14.82±1.02-14.82±0.03 mg CE/g extract). On the other hand, the hexane extract displayed the highest content of phenolic acids (0.72±0.21 mg SAE/g extract). The antimicrobial activity of each extract was assessed using the agar disk diffusion method. The A. holotricha strain's ethyl acetate fraction displayed the most potent antibacterial activity. The Escherichia coli exhibited the greatest antibacterial impact, measuring 17 mm, while the Klebsiella pneumoniae showed a somewhat lower effect of 15 mm. Bacillus subtilis had the highest level of resistance among the microorganisms tested, with a diameter of 8 mm. A. holotricha displayed the most potent antioxidant and antibacterial properties in the ethyl acetate extracts. The study showed that ethyl acetate, a solvent with moderate polarity, is more efficient at dissolving aromatic compounds in the above-ground portion of the plant compared to non-polar solvents like n-hexane and diethyl ether. Moreover, the water and methanol extracts exhibited cytotoxicity towards PC-3 cells at particular concentrations.Öğe Ixiolirion (Ixioliriaceae) Cinsi Üzerine Nomenklatürel Bir Çalışma(2020) Menemen, YusufIxiolirion Fisch. ex Herb. cinsi birkaç türden oluşmasına rağmen, cinsin ve içerisindekitaksonların taksonomik durumu her zaman tartışılmıştır. Bu çalışmada, Amaryllis tataricaPall. (?Ixiolirion tataricum (Pall.) Schult. & Schult.f.) için bir lektotip belirlenmiştir.Ixiolirion tataricum tür altı taksonu bulunmaksızın tür seviyesinde monotipik bir taksonolarak tanınmıştır. Kolpakowskia ixiolirioides Regel türünün Ixiolirion cinsine taşındığındavaryete düzeyinde (I. tataricum var. ixiolirioides (Regel) X.H. Qian) değil, tür seviyesindeIxiolirion ixiolirioides (Regel) Dandy olarak tanınmasının daha uygun olacağına kararverilmiştir. Cinsin familya adının kaynaklarda farklı yazılışı üzerine bir değerlendirmedebulunulmuştur. Pfeiffer (1874) tarafından I. montanum olarak belirlenen cinsin tip türü teyitedilmiştir.Öğe Lappula Cinsi (Boraginaceae) ve Türkiye’deki Türlerinin TürkçeAdlandırılması(2020) Erden, Ayşe; Menemen, Yusuf“Türkiye Bitkileri Listesi (Damarlı Bitkiler)” kitabında Türkiye’de yetişen bitkilerdenHodangiller (Boraginaceae) familyasından Lappula cinsine ve L. barbata türüne Türkçebilimsel ad olarak “Gürke” ve cinse ait diğer altı türe de bu isimden türetilmiş adlar verilmiştir.Aslında, “Gürke” adı L. barbata, L. microcarpa, L. patula ve L. sessiliflora kombinasyonlarınıyapan yazarın adıdır ve muhtemelen bilinçli şekilde bitki adı olarak kullanılmamıştır.Dolayısıyla, bitkinin halk tarafından kullanılan adı değildir. Arazi ve literatür çalışmalarındaL. barbata bitkisine “Dikenli çiğit” ya da “Çiğit otu” denildiği tespit edilmiştir. Bu nedenle,Türkçe Bilimsel Bitki Adları Yönergesi’ne uygun olarak, Lappula cinsi ve L. barbata için“Dikenli çiğit” ve Türkiye'de yayılış gösteren diğer türleri için de “Çiğit otu”ndan türetilmişyeni isimler önerilmektedirÖğe Lepyrodiclis alinihatii (Caryophyllaceae), a new species from Turkey(Wiley, 2021) Menemen, Yusuf; Yalcinkaya, Ramazan; Erden, AyseA new species, Lepyrodiclis alinihatii, is described from the eastern Anatolia region of Turkey. Diagnostic and morphological characteristics that distinguished it from its allied species, L. holosteoides, and an identification key for all Lepyrodiclis species are provided. Lepyrodiclis alinihatii differs from L. holosteoides by its paniculate inflorescence, rarely with terminal cymes, glabrous pedicels, ovate or ovate-oblong and glabrous sepals with broad scarious margin, large obovate to subcircular, deeply notched petals, turbinate ovary and thick (not thin) stilus. Moreover, L. alinihatii pollen grains differ from those of L. holosteoides by their pore number: 18-20, pore diameter: 3.56-5.00 mu m, interporal distance: 6.0-6.5 mu m, and number of microechini per sample area of 5 x 5 mu m: 15-20.Öğe A molecular phylogenetic study on some Turkish Ferula L. (Apiaceae) species using nrDNA its sequences(Pakistan Botanical Soc, 2012) Elibol, Zeynep; Menemen, Yusuf; Sagiroglu, Mehmet; Duman, HayrinrDNA ITS sequence variation of Ferula species were studied by comparing with the other species of Ferula, Leutea and Dorema to clarify relationships amongst the taxa and infrageneric delimitation of the genus Ferula. In total, 35 nrDNA ITS sequence accessions (34 species) of Ferula, Leutea and Dorema were included in the analyses. 10 of these accessions were newly sequenced and belonged to Turkish species. Possible phylogenetic relationships amongst the species were determined using Maximum parsimony and neighbour joining tree methods. The analyses showed that the genus might be monophyletic upon the addition of Leutea and Dorema, but did not support the classification of the genus dividing into the subgenera.Öğe Morphology, anatomy, ecology and palynology of two Centaurea species from Turkey(Bangladesh Botanical Soc, 2008) Celik, Sezgin; Uysal, Ismet; Menemen, YusufCentaurea L. sect. Plosimopappa, a local endemic group in the Mediterranean and South East Anatolia, is represented by only two species, namely C. ptosimopappa Hayek and C. ptosimopappoides Wagenitz in Turkey. Both these species show a very restricted distribution as serpentine habitat indicators and are recorded as vulnerable. Present study was carried out to enlighten the morphological, anatomical and ecological features of these two species in detail. The structure of achene, indumentum and pollen grains were investigated by using Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). The capitulum, involucre and leaf structure of these two species are rather similar, but their achenes and pollen grains differ from each other. In C. ptosimopappa pollen spinules are densely distributed but in C. ptosimopappoides they are sparsely distributed. The achenes are obovate in C. ptosimopappa and rectangular in C. ptosimopappoides. C. ptosimopappa is a scrub species but C. ptosimopappoides is a subscrub species. A negative relation in terms of the proportion of sand to silt content of the soil and positive relation between the percentage of CaCo3 and pH was observed for C. ptosimopappa (p < 0.05). A negative relation in terms of the proportion of sand to silt content of the soil was observed in C. ptosimopappoides (p < 0.01).Öğe A new species of Cymbocarpum (Apiaceae) from the Central Anatolia Region of Turkey and its phylogenetic position within Tordylieae(Tubitak Scientific & Technical Research Council Turkey, 2018) Menemen, Yusuf; Cingay, Burcin; Cimen, Askin Oyku; Ertas, SerefA new species, Cymbocarpum alinihatii, is described from the Central Anatolia Region of Turkey. Diagnostic and morphological characteristics that distinguish it from allied species C. anethoides, C. wiedemannii, C. amanum, C. erythraeum, and C. marginatum and an identification key for all Cymbocarpum species are provided. To assess its phylogenetic placement, a maximum parsimony analysis of nrDNA ITS sequences from representative members of tribe Tordylieae was carried out. It shows that the new species nests within a well-supported clade comprising members of Cymbocarpum with strong bootstrap value, but it is distinguished from its most closely related species, C. anethoides and C. wiedemannii. In terms of stem and leaf hairiness, leaf type, and mericarp shape, C. alinihatii differs from C. anethoides by having sparsely to densely scabrid hairy stem and leaf (not glabrous), sometimes having ternate leaves and ovate mericarp shape (not elliptic to oblong). The distribution areas of these two species are also isolated in the high mountains occupying large areas of eastern Turkey. The new species clearly differs from C. wiedemannii by having 4-8 cm (not 20-40 cm) high stem, ca. 1-1.5 cm leaf lamina (not 3 cm), 1-2 cm petiole (not 5 cm), 2-4 mm ultimate leaf segments (not 5 mm), umbel with generally 4-7 (not 10-20) rays, and hairy 2.9-3.2 mm (not 4-5 mm) long mericarps. Based on characters of morphology, and concordant with the molecular phylogenetic results, we recognize the new species as belonging to the genus Cymbocarpum.Öğe Pastinaca erzincanensis (Apiaceae), a new species from eastern Turkey and its phylogenetic position within Tordylieae(Finnish Zoological Botanical Publishing Board, 2016) Menemen, Yusuf; Kandemir, Ali; Downie, Stephen R.Pastinaca erzincanensis Menemen & Kandemir (Apiaceae) is described as a new species, restricted to a single location in Erzincan Province, Turkey. To describe the species and assess its phylogenetic placement, field-collected and herbarium specimens were examined for morphological, fruit anatomical/micromorphological and palynological variation and included in a molecular phylogenetic study. Comparisons of leaf morphology, palynology and fruit anatomy suggest an affinity with Pastinaca (Tordylieae tribe Tordyliinae), although the presence of vittae in the fruit ribs is unique within the genus. Maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood analyses of nrDNA ITS sequences from representative members of tribe Tordylieae show that P. erzincanensis nests within a well-supported clade comprising members of Pastinaca, Malabaila and Trigonosciadium. Within a poorly supported Pastinaca s. lato clade, P. erzincanensis is sister group to M. pastinacifolia, with P. pimpinellifolia, P. yildizii and M. brachytaenia placed as successive sister taxa. Pastinaca erzincanensis differs from M. pastinacifolia, P. pimpinellifolia, P. yildizii and M. brachytaenia by having nine vittae on its dorsal mericarp surface (four vallecular and five rib vittae) and no commissural vittae. Based on characters of leaf morphology, palynology and fruit anatomy, and the molecular phylogenetic analysis results, we recognize the new species as belonging to the genus Pastinaca.Öğe Pollen studies on some Turkish endemic species of Centaurea L. (Asteraceae)(EuroJournals, Inc., 2007) Çelik, Sezgin; Uysal, İsmet; Menemen, YusufPollen grains of nine endemic Turkish Centaurea L. were studied by using scanning electron microscope (SEM). The species are: C. spicata Boiss. (Sect: Cynaroides), C. tomentella Hand.-Mazz. (Sect: Cynaroides), C. screlolepis Boiss. (Sect: Cynaroides), C. amonicola Hub.-Mor. (Sect: Cynaroides), C. kurdica Reichardt (Sect: Cynaroides), C. haussknetchii Boiss. (Sect: Cynaroides), C. odyssei Wagenitz (Sect: Pteracantha), C. polyclada DC. (Sect: Acrolophus) and C. consanguinea DC. (Sect: Acrolophus)). The polen grains are tricolporate, prolate to prolate spheroidal, with sparsely or densely distributed spinules ranging from 0.50 to 1.73 ?m height and with irregular pores. P/E ratio in the grains ranges between 1.05 and 1.73. It was determined that the pollen features could be used in separation of some species studied. © EuroJournals Publishing, Inc. 2007.