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  • Öğe
    Cafeteria diet can cause systemic inflammation and oxidative damage in the various tissues
    (Ios Press, 2024) Tursun, Serkan; Şahin, Yaşar; Alcigir, Mehmet Eray; Çınar, Miyase; Karahan, İrfan
    BACKGROUND: Cafeteria diet (CAF) is a succesful tool for establishing animal obesity model. This study purposed to show immunoexpression and oxidant-antioxidant status in the various organ tissues of Wistar rats fed CAF. METHODS: Two groups (six rats per group) of Wistar albino rats were fed CAF and standard chow (control) diets for eight weeks. After experimental procedure, the animals were sacrificed. Intestine, stomach, liver, kidney, spleen, heart, lung, and pancreas tissues were sent to Pathology Department and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-kappa B) and cannabinoid receptor-1 (CB-1) immunoexpressions were assessed. Also, plasma liver function tests and lipid levels were measured total oxidant capacity (TOC) and total antioxidant capacity (TAC) were evaluated in both plasma and liver tissue. RESULTS: The immunoexpressions of NF-kappa B, iNOS and CB-1 were higher in the experiment group for all tissues. TOC was significantly higher in the experiment group, for both plasma and liver tissue (p < 0.001 and p = 0.02). TAC was higher in the experiment group's plasma measurement (p = 0.02), while there was no difference in the liver tissue between experiment and control groups (p = 0.11). CONCLUSION: CAF-induced obesity may be related to increased immunoexpression and oxidative damage in the various organs. Systemic problems should be considered and these phenomenon should be studied more comprehensively.
  • Öğe
    Investigation of the biocompatibility and in vivo wound healing effect of Cotinus coggygria extracts
    (Ankara Univ, 2024) Bozkaya, Esra; Türk, Mustafa; Ekici, Hüsamettin; Karahan, Siyami
    Cotinus coggygria is widely recognized its antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antihemorrhagic, and wound-healing properties. In this, aimed to evaluate the phenolic contents, cytotoxicity/proliferation, hemolytic, antimicrobial, genotoxic, apoptotic, necrotic activities, and in vivo wound healing effects of C. coggygria, , a plant species known to have beneficial effects on wound healing. TOF-LC/MS analyzes revealed that the methanol extract of C. coggygria leaves contained flavonoids and phenolic compounds such as gallic acid (18.5 mg/kg), catechin (4.6 mg/kg), protocatesic acid (0.6 mg/kg), vanillic acid (8.4 mg/kg), ellagic acid (0.1 mg/kg), rosmarinic acid (0.1 mg/kg), quercetin (15 ppb) and C. coggygria stems contained such as gallic acid (24.6 mg/kg), catechin (155.1 mg/kg), chlorogenic acid (1.9 mg/kg), 4hydroxybenzoic acid (383.3 mg/kg), rutin (2.5 mg/kg), ellagic acid (15.1 mg/kg), apigenin 7-glycoside (10.5 mg/kg), rosmarinic acid (0,4 mg/kg), quercetin (15.2 mg/kg), naringenin (279.1 mg/kg). Consequently, C. coggyria has a positive effect on wound healing with antibacterial properties, particularly against E. coli, and without cytotoxic, genotoxic, or hemolytic effects at test concentrations. In the in vivo burn model, wounds treated with leaf and stem extracts healed faster than the control group. Thus, C. coggygria is an effective plant for wound healing with antibacterial properties, particularly against E. coli, and without cytotoxic, genotoxic, and hemolytic effects.
  • Öğe
    Determination of blood heavy metal concentrations and oxidant-antioxidant capacities in Angora cats at different age and gender
    (Ankara Univ, 2023) Kabakçı, Ruhi; Yiğit, Ayşe Arzu; Ekici, Hüsamettin; Aluç, Yaşar; Kara, Erdal
    This study was conducted to investigate heavy metal concentrations and oxidative status of plasma and erythrocytes in Angora cats at different ages and gender. Sixteen young (less than 1 year old) and 14 adult (1-6 years old) cats were also grouped according to gender as male (n = 17) and female (n = 13). The separated plasma samples from cat's blood were analyzed for selected heavy metals and total oxidant and antioxidant capacities (TOC and TAC) and calculated for oxidative stress index (OSI). The erythrocyte hemolysates were also evaluated for malondialdehyde (MDA), and super oxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and glutathione peroxidase (GPX). Results of the study showed that most of the measured metals were not varied statistically according to age or gender. However, adult cats had significantly (P<0.01) higher Cu and lower Fe levels compared to young cats. Plasma levels of TOC, TAC and OSI, and erythrocyte MDA concentrations in young cats were significantly (P<0.05) higher than that of adults. While the SOD activity was decreased by the age, GPX activity was increased (P<0.05). However, the activity of CAT was changed by only gender, which was higher in males (P<0.01). In conclusion, metals, especially trace elements, are required for many kinds of physiological processes and the synthesis of antioxidant enzymes. Therefore, it can be suggested that the periodic measurement of metals and the addition of common antioxidant supplements to the diet of adult Angora cats will support weakening antioxidant mechanisms by age.
  • Öğe
    Effects of functional poly(ethylene terephthalate) nanofibers modified with sericin-capped silver nanoparticles on histopathological changes in parenchymal organs and oxidative stress in a rat burn wound model
    (Ankara Univ, 2023) Şahin, Yaşar; Gün Gök, Zehra; Alçığır, Mehmet Eray; Çınar, Miyas
    In this study, it was aimed to investigate the effect of a poly(ethylene terephthalate)-g-poly(hydroxyethyl methacrylate) (PET-g-HEMA) nanofiber wound dressing modified with sericin-coated silver nanoparticles (S-AgNPs) on internal organs, oxidative stress, and biochemical parameters. To establish a burn model, the backs of anesthetized rats were shaved and then third-degree burns were created with a round-bottomed stainless steel rod 2 cm in diameter kept in 100 degrees C water for 20 seconds. The wounds of the negative control group (G1) were covered with standard bandages; the wounds of the positive control group (G2) were covered with silvercel, used as burn wound material; and the wounds of the experimental group (G3) were covered with PET-based dressing material. Histopathological changes in organs (liver, kidneys, heart, pancreas, lungs), total oxidant status (TOS), total antioxidant status (TAS), nitric oxide (NO), and biochemical parameters (serum aspartate aminotransferase [AST], alanine aminotransferase [ALT], gamma glutamyl transpeptidase [GGT], creatine kinase, lactate dehydrogenase [LDH], total protein, albumin, globulin, urea) were examined. Compared with the G1 group, plasma AST, ALT, and GGT levels were found to be significantly decreased in G2 and G3 (P<0.001). Plasma TAS was found to be significantly increased in G2 and G3 compared to G1 (P<0.05). Compared to the G1 group, degenerative and necrotic changes in the liver, kidneys, and pancreas were found to be significantly reduced in G2 and G3 (P<0.05). In conclusion, this work demonstrates that the synthesized PET-based wound dressing material has the capacity to be used commercially.
  • Öğe
    Investigation of The Effectiveness of Plant Based Algan Hemostatic Agent in a Rat Model of Femoral Arterial Bleeding
    (Bezmialem Vakif Univ, 2022) Ekici, Hüsamettin; Kumandaş, Ali; Özbaykuş, Abdullah Canberk; Dizdaroglu, Hazal; Midi, Ahmet; Balik, Mehmet Sabri; Yesilada, Erdem
    Objective: The aim of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of the Algan Hemostatic Agent (AHA) available in three different physical form (liquid, powder and sponge absorbed) in the femoral artery incision model in rats. Methods: A total of sixty-four 5-7 weeks old rats were used in the study. Rats were randomly divided into 8 groups each consisting of eight rats (4 groups heparinized and 4 groups non-heparinized). An experimental femoral artery incision was created. As a control, physiological saline absorbed sponge was applied. AHA liquid, AHA powder and AHA sponge absorbed forms were applied to the experimental groups. Results: Upon application to the bleeding sites, all the AHA forms stopped bleeding in a significantly shorter time compared to the control group (p<0.05). In contrast, bleeding in control group could not be controlled within 4 minutes. The best result was in AHA powder form and it was able to control bleeding in the non-heparinized group at 87.5% in the first minute and 12.5% in the second minute. In the heparinize group, the AHA powder form was able to control the bleeding at 62.5% in the first minute and 37.5% in the second minute. Conclusion: This study shows that AHA is a highly effective and promising hemostatic agent in bleeding control.
  • Öğe
    Survey of aflatoxin residue in feed and milk samples in Kırıkkale province, Turkey
    (2018) Yıldırım, Ebru; Macun, Hasan Ceyhun; Yalçınkaya, İlkay; Kocasarı, Fatma Şahindokuyucu; Ekici, Hüsamettin
    Bu çalışmada Kırıkkale ilindeki sütçü inek işletmelerinden toplanan yem ve süt örneklerinde total aflatoksin (AF) ve aflatoxin M1 (AFM1) kontaminasyonuna bakıldı. Türkiye, Kırıkkale İlindeki ilçelerden (Delice, Keskin, Sulakyurt, Bahşılı, Yahşihan, Çelebi, Karakeçili, Balışeyh) ve merkezden Haziran 2012 - Ağustos 2013 tarihleri arasında 154 yem ve 154 süt örneği toplandı. Toplanan numunelerdeki total AF ve AFM1' in kantitatif analizi, ticari kitlerle (HELICA biosystems inc.) enzim bağlı immünoassay (ELISA) kullanılarak gerçekleştirildi. Tüm yem ve süt örneklerinde total AF ve AFMsaptanmıştır. 154 yem örneğinden 5'inde total AF miktarı 20 µg/kg'ın üstünde bulunmuştur. Süt örneklerinin hiçbiri yasal sınırı aşmamıştır. Süt yemlerinde toplam AF düzeyi minumum 0.20 µg/kg, maksimum 28.80 µg/kg olarak tespit edilmiştir ve ortalaması 6.43±7.01 µg/kg'dir. Süt örneklerinde AFM1düzeyi minimum 0.08 ng/L, maksimum 10.11 ng/L tespit edilmiştir ve ortalaması 1.73 ±2.20 ng/L'dir. Sonuç olarak, tüm süt örneklerinde AFM1 kalıntısı bulunsa da bu yasal düzeyin üstünde değildir. Yem örneklerinin ise sadece %3.25 kadarı 20 µg/kg üzerinde total AF içermektedir. Halk sağlığı yönünden AFM1 bir risk oluşturmamaktadır. Aflatoksin bulaşmalarının önüne geçmek için stratejiler geliştirilmeli ve izleme programları oluşturulmalıdır
  • Öğe
    Kadmiyum, bakır ve kurşunun in vitro inek uterus kasılmaları üzerine etkileri
    (2013) Yıldırım, Ebru; Macun, Hasan Ceyhun
    Bu çalışma, in vitro koşullarda kadmiyum, bakır ve kurşunun folliküler ve luteal evredeki izole inek uterus kasılmaları üzerine olan etkilerinin belirlenmesi amacı ile yapıldı. Çalışmada; Kırıkkale mezbahasında kesilen sağlıklı Holstein ırkı ineklerin myometrial şeritleri kullanıldı. Bu şeritler, izole organ banyosuna 2 g ön gerimle asıldı. Spontan, 2.5 mIU/ml oksitosin ve 10-6 M prostaglandin F2 alfa (PGF2 alfa) ile oluşturulan kasılmalar üzerine 10-5 M kadmiyum, 10-4 M bakır ve 10-4 M kurşunun etkileri değerlendirildi. Kadmiyum, folliküler evrede oksitosin ve PGF2 alfa’nın, luteal evrede ise spontan, oksitosin ve PGF2 alfa’ nın oluşturduğu kasılmaların tüm parametrelerini (maksimum ve ortalama amplitüd, frekans değerleri) anlamlı olarak azalttı. Bakır; folliküler evrede spontan kasılmaların ortalama ve maksimum amplitüd değerlerini, oksitosin kasılmalarının tüm parametrelerini, PGF2 alfa kasılmalarının frekans ve maksimum amplitüd değerlerini düşürdü. Luteal evrede bakır, spontan kasılmaların maksimum amplitüdünü, oksitosin kasılmalarının frekans ve maksimum amplitüdünü, PGF2 alfa kasılmalarının ortalama ve maksimumum amplitüd değerlerini düşürdü. Kurşun, folliküler ve luteal evrede PGF2 alfa ve oksitosin kasılmalarının frekans değerini azaltırken, luteal evrede spontan kasılmaların ortalama amplitüd değerini artırdı. Sonuç olarak; kadmiyum, bakır ve kurşunun inek uterusunun kasılma yanıtlarını değiştirdiği ve buna bağlı olarak fertiliteyi etkileyebileceği kanısına varıldı.
  • Öğe
    Healing Effects of Single-Dose Triptolide in Rats with Severe Acute Pancreatitis
    (2020) Özden, Hüseyin; Kilitci, Asuman; Şahin, Yaşar; Karaca, Gökhan; Umudum, Haldun; Yıldız, Ahmet; Dulkadiroğlu, Erkan
    Aim: Severe acute pancreatitis (SAP) carries high morbidity and mortality risk. If the proinflammatory response phase of SAP cannot be controlled, it may result in multiorgan failure (MOF). Nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-?B) activation plays an important role in the development of MOF. In this study, it was aimed to investigate the healing effects of triptolide, an anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive agent in rats with SAP. Material and Methods: A total of 20 Wistar-Albino rats were divided into two groups as the SAP and triptolide treatment (TT) groups. SAP was induced by intraperitoneal injection of cerulean (50 mg/kg) in both groups. TT group was administered a single dose (0.2 mg/kg) triptolide 24 hour after the induction of SAP. Serum ALT, AST, GGT, Lipase, Glucose, ALP and amylase levels and pancreatic tissue samples were examined. Results: Serum glucose and amylase levels were found to be significantly lower in the TT group (p=0.011 and p=0.035, respectively). There was no significant difference between the groups in terms of other biochemical parameters. Pancreatic edema, acinar cell degeneration, fat necrosis, intrapancreatic&perivascular inflammation, inflammation in the peripancreatic fat tissue were common histopathological findings in both groups. There was no significant difference between the groups in terms of histopathologic changes. Conclusion: Cerulein-induced pancreatitis is a successful method for experimental SAP. The healing effects of single-dose triptolide treatment are not evident in the early phase of SAP. The therapeutic effects of triptolide on inflammatory and oxidative stress were not significantly approved by histopathological and biochemical parameters by the pancreatic tissue.
  • Öğe
    What is the protective effect of krill oil on rat ovary against ischemia–reperfusion injury?
    (Blackwell Publishing, 2019) Yeral I.; Sayan C.D.; Karaca G.; Simsek Y.; Sagsoz N.; Ozkan Z.S.; Atasoy P.
    Aim: In this study, we aimed to investigate the protective effect of krill oil (KO) against ischemia–reperfusion (I/R) injury on rat ovary. Methods: This study was conducted with 32 Wistar Albino rats. Rats were divided into four groups, with eight rats in each group-as follows: Sham group, I/R group, I/R + low dose KO group (50 mg) and I/R + high dose KO group (500 mg). The histopathological and follicle counts were performed on the right ovary. The total antioxidant status, total oxidant status and oxidative stress index were evaluated on the left ovary. And also serum N-thiol level, serum T-thiol level, serum disulfide (SDS) level, serum disulfide/N-thiol and serum disulfide/T-thiol ratios were evaluated too. Results: A statistically significant difference was determined between the I/R group and all the other groups for all parameters. There was significant difference between KO groups and the Sham group for the parameters of serum N-thiol, serum T-thiol, SDS, serum disulfide/N-thiol and serum disulfide/T-thiol. SDS, total oxidant status and oxidative stress index were determined to be the highest in the I/R group and the lowest in the low dose KO group. The total antioxidant status values were found to be the highest in the high dose KO group and the lowest in the I/R group. Follicle counts and histological injury scores showed no significant difference between Sham and KO groups. Conclusion: This study demonstrated that KO has beneficial effects on decreasing the injury after I/R on rat ovary. © 2018 Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology
  • Öğe
    In vitro exposure to di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) stimulates spontaneous feline uterine contractions
    (SCIENTIFIC TECHNICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL TURKEY-TUBITAK, 2020) Kabakci, Ruhi; Macun, Hasan Ceyhun; Yildirim, Ebru; Polat, Ibrahim Mert; Elifoglu, Taha Burak
    Di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) is widely used as a plasticizer in various products such as PVC-derived plastics, toys, packaging materials, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals. This study aimed to investigate the effect of DEHP on spontaneous contractions of the feline uterus in vitro. Tubal 1-cm uterine samples prepared from 10, 9, and 12 uteri obtained from adult cats in estrus (n = 5), diestrus (n = 5), and interestrus (n = 5), respectively, after ovariohysterectomy were suspended in an isolated organ bath in aerated Krebs solution at 39 +/- 1 degrees C, and an initial 1 g tension was given. After 1 h equilibration of tissues, the spontaneous contractions were recorded for 10 min as control. The effects of solvent and DEHP (0.001-100 mu M) on contractions were then evaluated in terms of frequency and mean amplitude parameters. It was observed that DEHP had no effect on uterine contractions of cats in interestrus. However, DEHP significantly increased the mean amplitude of uterine contractions during the estrus and diestrus periods at concentrations of 1 mu M and 10 mu M, respectively, depending on the dose (P < 0.05). Decreases in the frequency of the contractions in the estrus and diestrus periods were not statistically significant (P > 0.05). 'this study, carried out for the first time in cats, showed that DEHP has a stimulatory effect on uterine contractions. We concluded that disruption of the uterine contractions, which are essential for physiological reproductive processes such as regular estrous cycles, sperm and zygote transport, implantation and continuation of pregnancy, by DEHP exposure may cause many reproductive problems.
  • Öğe
    Evaluation of melamine and cyanuric acid cytotoxicity: an in vitro study on L929 fibroblasts and CHO cell line
    (ANKARA UNIV PRESS, 2020) Melekoglu, Abdullah; Ekici, Husamettin; Arat, Esra; Karahan, Siyami
    Melamine and its metabolites pose health concern as they are used in various industrial products including feed and drugs. There are a limited number of studies on melamine and cyanuric acid cytotoxicity and cellular damage without a certain conclusion. The present study aimed to evaluate melamine, cyanuric acid and its combined cytotoxic effects using 3-(4.5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl) methyl thiazole tetrazolium (MTT) bromide test. The study also evaluated apoptotic and necrotic effect using a double staining method of Hoechst 33342 and propidium iodide. Melamine, cyanuric acid and their combination (1:1) were applied to L929 fibroblasts and Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells at various concentrations (1000 mu g/mL, 500 mu g/mL, 250 mu g/mL, 125 mu g/mL and 62.5 mu g/mL). At the highest concentration (1000 mu g/mL), the cell viability dropped down approximately to 50% both in CHO cells and L929 cells. Melamine, cyanuric acid and their mixture caused cytotoxicity in CHO cells and L929 fibroblasts in dose-dependent manner Cell death occurred through both apoptosis and mainly necrosis. Both cell types were more sensitive to the mixture of melamine and cyanuric acid and, furthermore, CHO cells were more sensitive than L929 fibroblasts. As a result, melamine, cyanuric acid and their combination caused cytotoxicity in CHO cells and L929 fibroblasts. Further studies should be conducted in different cell lines. These studies should also aim to reveal the mechanism of cytotoxicity and related pathways.
  • Öğe
    Effects of Algan Hemostatic Agent on bleeding time in a rat tail hemorrhage model
    (TURKISH ASSOC TRAUMA EMERGENCY SURGERY, 2020) Totuk, Ozgan Melike Gedar; Guzel, Sevket Ergun; Ekici, Husamettin; Kumandas, Ali; Aydingoz, Selda Emre; Yilmaz, Enis Cagatay; Kirdan, Taylan
    BACKGROUND: Algan Hemostatic Agent (AHA) is a multi-herbal extract containing a standardized amount of Achillea millefolium, Juglans regia, Lycopodium clavatum, Rubus caesius or Rubis fruciosus, Viscum album, and Vitis vinifera, each of which is effective in hemostasis. In this study, we aimed to investigate the effects of AHA on bleeding time in a rat tail hemorrhage model. METHODS: Forty-eight Sprague Dawley rats (5-7 weeks old, 180-210 g) were randomly and equally allocated to six groups as follows: heparin plus saline (heparinized control), heparin plus AHA-soaked sponge, heparin plus liquid form of AHA, saline (non-heparinized control), AHA-soaked sponge and liquid form of AHA. Heparin (640 IU/kg) was administered intraperitoneally three times a day for three days in heparinized groups. For the bleeding model, the tail of rats was transected. According to the study group, either saline- or AHA-soaked sponge or liquid form of AHA was applied over the hemorrhage area. In AHA- or saline-soaked sponge groups, once the bleeding time had started, it was checked every 10 seconds. If the bleeding did not stop after 40 seconds, it was accepted as a failure. In liquid AHA group, the duration of bleeding was measured using a chronometer and defined as the time (seconds) from wounding until the bleeding stopped. RESULTS: Bleeding time in the heparinized and non-heparinized control groups was over 40 seconds. After applying the sponge form of AHA on the wound area, bleeding time was significantly shortened to less than 20 seconds in both heparinized and non-heparinized rats (p<0.001 for both). The liquid form of AHA stopped bleeding in 5.0 +/- 1.2 seconds and 8.0 +/- 1.3 seconds in heparinized and non-heparinized groups, respectively. CONCLUSION: AHA is a highly effective topical hemostatic agent in a rat tail hemorrhage model, thus may provide for a unique clinically effective option for control of bleeding during surgical operations or other emergencies.
  • Öğe
    Late effects of cutaneous 3-methylcholanthrene exposure on DNA damage-related pleiotropic growth factors and oxidative stress markers in mice
    (Comenius Univ, 2020) Devrim, T.; Ekici, H.; Devrim, A. K.; Sozmen, M.; Senol, A.; Bozkurt, K. M.; Yalcin, S.
    BACKGROUND: Skin is the body's first defence against direct exposure to variety of chemicals. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons such as 3-methylcholanthrene (3-MC) are common in polluted urban air and have a potential of producing harmful effects. Moreover, their late effects can occur months or years after exposure. OBJECTIVES: We aimed to investigate the long-term effects of 3-MC induced dermal toxicity on the expression of markers of apoptosis, pleiotropic cytokines, and oxidative stress and to determine the protective effect of cisplatin. METHODS: Groups were designed as control (group 1), 3-MC applied (group 2) and 3-MC+cisplatin applied mice (group 3). Cutaneous expressions of TGF beta, PDGFA, PDGFC, bFGF, PDGFR alpha, USP28, and Ki67 were evaluated with qPCR. Total oxidant (TOS), total antioxidant (TAS) and oxidative stress index (OSI) values were determined in liver and kidney tissues. RESULTS: The expression levels of TGF beta, PDGFR alpha, USP-28, Ki67, and PDGFA were decreased significantly in MC applied groups. Renal TAS levels were significantly lower in group-3. Liver and kidney OSI values were increased in both groups 2 and 3. CONCLUSION: The results indicated that low dose 3-MC caused oxidative stress and downregulated apoptotic and cytokine markers in the long term and cisplatin had no ameliorative effects on this degeneration processes (Tab. 3, Fig. 3, Ref. 32).
  • Öğe
    Investigation of the effectiveness of algan hemostatic agent in bleeding control using an experimental partial splenectomy model in rats
    (Marmara Univ, Fac Medicine, 2019) Midi, Ahmet; Ekici, Husamettin; Kumandas, Ali; Durmus, Omercan; Bodic, Buse; Tiryaki, Mehmet; Yesilada, Erdem
    Objective: Algan hemostatic agent (AHA) is a plant-based hemostatic agent produced in Turkey. Although, there is a great improvement in the hemostatic technologies, more effective hemostatic products are required to be produced. The aim of this study was to demonstrate the efficacy of AHA in a partial splenectomy model in rats. In addition, in this model, postoperative abdominal adhesion was evaluated. Materials and Methods: In this study 5-7 weeks old 64 rats were used. Rats were randomly divided into 8 groups, each consisting of eight rats (4 groups heparinized and 4 groups non-heparinized). Experimental splenectomy was performed and the gauze impregnated with saline was applied to the control group for the hemorrhage control, the gauze impregnated with liquid AHA, gel and powder form of AHA, was applied to the experimental groups. Results: The time to reach complete homeostasis was significantly shorter in all AHA groups compared to the control group. The powder and the gel forms of AHA stopped the bleeding in heparinized and non-heparinized groups in 1 second. The AHA fluid (sponge) form stopped the bleeding in the first application in the control group less than 10 seconds and the second time application was not necessary. The bleeding was able to be controlled in the heparinized control group (saline impregnated sponge) by 55 seconds and in the non-heparinized control group by 38 seconds. Conclusion: This study showed that AHA is a highly effective hemostatic agent, which would be beneficial in controlling hemorrhage.
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    Inhibitory effect of Bisphenol A on in vitro feline uterine contractions
    (Elsevier Science Bv, 2019) Kabakci, Ruhi; Macun, Hasan Ceyhun; Polat, Ibrahim Mert; Yildirim, Ebru
    Bisphenol A (BPA) is an environmental pollutant used as a plasticizer in the manufacture of many plastic products, such as packaging, containers, and water and beverage bottles. There are deleterious effects of BPA on metabolic, endocrine, nervous, and reproductive systems. This is the first study in which there was investigation of the in vitro effect of BPA on the spontaneous contractions of the cat uterus. The tubal uterine segments (1 cm) collected from queens in estrus were suspended in an isolated organ bath. Following tissue stabilization, spontaneous contractions were recorded for 10 min to constitute the control group. The effects of the solvent (alcohol) and BPA at different concentrations (1, 10, and 100 mu M) on uterine contractions were subsequently evaluated at 10 min intervals in terms of frequency and mean amplitude variables. The ethanol vehicle did not alter the uterine contractions compared to the control group. All concentrations of BPA used in the study resulted in a reduction (P < 0.05) in amplitude of uterine contractions in a dose-dependent manner, while only the largest dose of BPA decreased the frequency of contractions (P < 0.05). In reproductive physiology, regular uterine contractions facilitate successful fertilization, migration, implantation, and maintenance of pregnancy, as well as fetus expulsion. The results of this study indicate BPA has an inhibitory effect on spontaneous contractions of the cat uterus. It is proposed that this suppressive effect of BPA on uterine contractions might lead to queen infertility.
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    Investigation of some metals in honey samples from West Mediterranean region of Turkey
    (Urmia Univ, 2019) Tutun, Hidayet; Kahraman, Hatice Ahu; Aluc, Yasar; Avci, Tulay; Ekici, Husamettin
    Analysis of elements content in honey is important for honey quality and safety and for monitoring of environmental pollution. The levels of 22 elements, aluminum (Al), barium (Ba), calcium (Ca), cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), cobalt (Co), iron (Fe), copper (Cu), potassium (K), magnesium (Mg), manganese (Mn), nickel (Ni), sodium (Na), lead (Pb), strontium (Sr), silver (Ag), bismuth (Bi), gallium (Ga), indium (In), lithium (Li), thallium (Tl) and zinc (Zn), were determined in 70 samples obtained from beekeepers located in the West Mediterranean region of Turkey. Determination of elements content was carried out using ICP-OES. Chromium, Co, Cd, Ag, Bi, In and Tl were not detected in any of the tested honey samples. The most abundant metal was K which has an overall average of 764.26 mg kg(-1). Higher concentrations of Pb, Ni, Mg, Na, K and Mn were found in the samples obtained from Burdur compared to other provinces. The levels of Cu were statistically lower in Antalya in comparison to other regions. No significant differences were observed in Al, Zn, Fe, Sr, Ba, Ca and Ga levels between regions. The differences in the chemistry of honey samples collected from different regions may be due to geochemical soil composition and geographical differences. Their levels were below to the European limits and the honeys are safe for human consumption. (C) 2019 Urmia University. All rights reserved.
  • Öğe
    Investigation of Heavy Metal Levels in Blood Samples of Three Cattle Breeds in Turkey
    (Springer, 2019) Aluc, Yasar; Ekici, Huesamettin
    The aim of this study is to determine seasonal changes in the blood levels of some heavy metals in three Turkey-specific cattle breed: Native Land (NL), Grizzle Race (GR), and South Anatolian Red (SR). Blood samples were collected in summer and winter seasons from a total of 180 cattle aged 12-24 months. The levels of the essential (Zn, Cu, Fe, Co etc.) and non-essential (Cd, Hg, As, Cr, Pb, etc.) heavy metals were analyzed. All heavy metal levels, except that of Co, were significantly higher (p < 0.05) in SR in both seasons compared to the other species. In all breeds, Fe and Co levels were statistically higher (p < 0.05) in the summer season while Mn level was higher (p < 0.05) in the winter season. The levels of all metals analyzed are within the internationally acceptable limits for cattle breeds.
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    Development and characterization of polymeric-based nanoparticles for sustained release of amoxicillin - an antimicrobial drug
    (Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2018) Guncum, Enes; Isiklan, Nuran; Anlas, Ceren; Unal, Nilgun; Bulut, Elif; Bakirel, Tulay
    In this study, amoxicillin (AMO)-loaded poly(vinyl alcohol)/sodium alginate (PVA/NaAlg) nanoparticles were prepared as a polymer-based controlled release system. The physicochemical properties of the obtained nanoparticles were investigated by XRD, DSC/TGA, particle size analyses and zeta potential measurements. The average particle sizes were in the range from 336.3 +/- 25.66 to 558.3 +/- 31.39 nm with negative zeta potential values from -41.86 +/- 0.55 to-47.3 +/- 2.76 mV. The influences of PVA/NaAlg ratio, span 80 concentration, exposure time to glutaraldehyde (GA) and the drug/polymer ratio on AMO release profiles were evaluated. In vitro drug release studies showed a controlled and pH dependent AMO release with an initial burst effect. XRD patterns and DSC thermograms of AMO-loaded nanoparticles revealed that the drug in the nanoparticles was in amorphous form, which was more stable than the crystalline form. The antibacterial activity of the optimal formulation was also investigated. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values of this formulation had the comparable antibacterial activity with that of pure AMO. These results indicate that the developed nanoparticles could be a promising candidate drug delivery system for AMO.
  • Öğe
    Effects of mancozeb, metalaxyl and tebuconazole on steroid production by bovine luteal cells in vitro
    (Elsevier Science Bv, 2018) Atmaca, Nurgul; Arikan, Sevket; Essiz, Dinc; Kalender, Hakan; Simsek, Ozkan; Bilmen, Fatih Sultan; Kabakci, Ruhi
    Mancozeb, metalaxyl and tebucanazole are widely used pesticides in agriculture and industry to treat plant pathogenic fungi. Livestock may be exposed to such substances by consuming contaminated plants. The present study was designed to evaluate the effects of these three fungicides on bovine luteal cell steroidogenesis. Luteal slices from mid-cycle corpus luteum were dissociated into single cell suspension in aerated (02) culture media (DMEM/F12) by enzymatic digestion. The cells were incubated in newborn calf serum (10%) for 18 h and then with serum-free media containing mancozeb (0.01 mu M, 0.1 mu M, 1 mu M), tebuconazole (1 mu M, 10 mu M, 100 mu M) or metalaxyl (100 mu M, 500 mu M, 2500 mu M) for additional 96 h. The medium was replaced on day 1 and 3; and the retrieved medium was stored at - 20 degrees C until progesterone assay. Treatment of cells with three different fungicides induced dose dependent variable decrease in steroid synthesis during incubation periods. Incubation of cells with 1 pM mancozeb exhibited a 33% decline in steroid synthesis on day 3 and 48% decline on day 5 compared with controls. Treatment of cells with 100 M tebuconazole and 500 mu M metalaxyl resulted in a 65% and 31% decrease, respectively, in progesterone accumulation on day 5 of incubation. Fungicide induced suppressive effects on luteal steroidogenesis were as metalaxyl < tebuconazole < mancozeb. Results of the present study suggest that designated concentrations of all three fungicides studied might have varying degrees of adverse effects on luteal steroidogenesis.
  • Öğe
    Novel amoxicillin nanoparticles formulated as sustained release delivery system for poultry use
    (Wiley, 2018) Guncum, E.; Bakirel, T.; Anlas, C.; Ekici, H.; Isiklan, N.
    Amoxicillin is used in the treatment and prevention of a wide range of diseases in poultry breeding. However, its short half-life and low bioavailability restrict its clinical application in these species. Entrapment of drugs into polymeric nanoparticles (nps) presents a means to improve gastrointestinal absorption and oral bioavailability of drugs. This study was aimed to overcome limitation of amoxicillin use in poultry breeding. Amoxicillin was loaded into sodium alginate-polyvinyl alcohol (NaAlg-PVA) blend nps, and characterization of the prepared nps was performed. For pharmacokinetic study, commercial male broilers were used and comparative pharmacokinetics of free and nanoparticle form of amoxicillin were investigated. Twenty-one broilers were divided into three groups. All groups received 10mg/kg drug. Blood samples were collected, and drug plasma concentrations were determined by HPLC. The results demonstrated that the particle size, zeta potential, encapsulation efficiency, and loading capacity of the nps were 513.96 +/- 19.46nm, -45.36 +/- 1.35mV, 43.66 +/- 3.30, and 12.06 +/- 0.83%, respectively. In vitro drug release exhibited a biphasic pattern with an initial burst release of 18% within 2hr followed by a sustained release over 22hr. The pharmacokinetic results showed that amoxicillin nps have higher bioavailability and longer plasma half-life (p<.01) than free amoxicillin. These results indicate that amoxicillin nano formulation is suitable for oral administration in broilers.