Kadmiyum, bakır ve kurşunun in vitro inek uterus kasılmaları üzerine etkileri
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Bu çalışma, in vitro koşullarda kadmiyum, bakır ve kurşunun folliküler ve luteal evredeki izole inek uterus kasılmaları üzerine olan etkilerinin belirlenmesi amacı ile yapıldı. Çalışmada; Kırıkkale mezbahasında kesilen sağlıklı Holstein ırkı ineklerin myometrial şeritleri kullanıldı. Bu şeritler, izole organ banyosuna 2 g ön gerimle asıldı. Spontan, 2.5 mIU/ml oksitosin ve 10-6 M prostaglandin F2 alfa (PGF2 alfa) ile oluşturulan kasılmalar üzerine 10-5 M kadmiyum, 10-4 M bakır ve 10-4 M kurşunun etkileri değerlendirildi. Kadmiyum, folliküler evrede oksitosin ve PGF2 alfa’nın, luteal evrede ise spontan, oksitosin ve PGF2 alfa’ nın oluşturduğu kasılmaların tüm parametrelerini (maksimum ve ortalama amplitüd, frekans değerleri) anlamlı olarak azalttı. Bakır; folliküler evrede spontan kasılmaların ortalama ve maksimum amplitüd değerlerini, oksitosin kasılmalarının tüm parametrelerini, PGF2 alfa kasılmalarının frekans ve maksimum amplitüd değerlerini düşürdü. Luteal evrede bakır, spontan kasılmaların maksimum amplitüdünü, oksitosin kasılmalarının frekans ve maksimum amplitüdünü, PGF2 alfa kasılmalarının ortalama ve maksimumum amplitüd değerlerini düşürdü. Kurşun, folliküler ve luteal evrede PGF2 alfa ve oksitosin kasılmalarının frekans değerini azaltırken, luteal evrede spontan kasılmaların ortalama amplitüd değerini artırdı. Sonuç olarak; kadmiyum, bakır ve kurşunun inek uterusunun kasılma yanıtlarını değiştirdiği ve buna bağlı olarak fertiliteyi etkileyebileceği kanısına varıldı.
The aim of this study was to investigate in vitro effects of cadmium, copper and lead on isolated bovine uterus contractions at follicular and luteal stage. In this study myometrial strips obtained from healthy Holstein cows slaughtered in Kırıkkale slaughterhouse were used. The strips were mounted to isolated organ bath under a basal tension of 2 g. The effects of 10-5 M cadmium, 10-4 M copper and 10-4 M lead on the spontaneous, 2.5 mIU/ml oxytocin and 10-6 M PGF2 alpha induced contractions were examined. At follicular stage, all contractility parameters (maximum and mean amplitudes and frequency) of uterine induced by oxytocin and prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGF2 alpha), and at the luteal stage all contractility parameters of spontaneous, oxytocin and PGF2 alpha induced contractions were decreased significantly by cadmium. At follicular stage the maximum and mean amplitude of spontaneous contractions, all contractility parameters induced by oxytocin, the frequency and maximum amplitude caused by PGF2 alpha and, at the luteal stage the maximum amplitude of spontaneous contractions, the frequency and maximum amplitude of uterine contractions induced by oxytocin, and maximum-mean amplitude of contractions induced by PGF2 alpha were decreased by copper. While lead decreased the frequency of uterine contractions induced by PGF2 alpha and oxytocin at folicular and luteal stage, at luteal stage it increased the mean amplitude of spontaneous contractions. It was suggested that cadmium, copper and lead changed the contractility of bovine uterine; therefore this may be effect the fertility in cattles.
The aim of this study was to investigate in vitro effects of cadmium, copper and lead on isolated bovine uterus contractions at follicular and luteal stage. In this study myometrial strips obtained from healthy Holstein cows slaughtered in Kırıkkale slaughterhouse were used. The strips were mounted to isolated organ bath under a basal tension of 2 g. The effects of 10-5 M cadmium, 10-4 M copper and 10-4 M lead on the spontaneous, 2.5 mIU/ml oxytocin and 10-6 M PGF2 alpha induced contractions were examined. At follicular stage, all contractility parameters (maximum and mean amplitudes and frequency) of uterine induced by oxytocin and prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGF2 alpha), and at the luteal stage all contractility parameters of spontaneous, oxytocin and PGF2 alpha induced contractions were decreased significantly by cadmium. At follicular stage the maximum and mean amplitude of spontaneous contractions, all contractility parameters induced by oxytocin, the frequency and maximum amplitude caused by PGF2 alpha and, at the luteal stage the maximum amplitude of spontaneous contractions, the frequency and maximum amplitude of uterine contractions induced by oxytocin, and maximum-mean amplitude of contractions induced by PGF2 alpha were decreased by copper. While lead decreased the frequency of uterine contractions induced by PGF2 alpha and oxytocin at folicular and luteal stage, at luteal stage it increased the mean amplitude of spontaneous contractions. It was suggested that cadmium, copper and lead changed the contractility of bovine uterine; therefore this may be effect the fertility in cattles.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Yıldırım E.,Macun H. C. (2013). Kadmiyum, bakır ve kurşunun in vitro inek uterus kasılmaları üzerine etkileri. Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 19(5), 793 - 799.