Survey of aflatoxin residue in feed and milk samples in Kırıkkale province, Turkey
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Bu çalışmada Kırıkkale ilindeki sütçü inek işletmelerinden toplanan yem ve süt örneklerinde total aflatoksin (AF) ve aflatoxin M1 (AFM1) kontaminasyonuna bakıldı. Türkiye, Kırıkkale İlindeki ilçelerden (Delice, Keskin, Sulakyurt, Bahşılı, Yahşihan, Çelebi, Karakeçili, Balışeyh) ve merkezden Haziran 2012 - Ağustos 2013 tarihleri arasında 154 yem ve 154 süt örneği toplandı. Toplanan numunelerdeki total AF ve AFM1' in kantitatif analizi, ticari kitlerle (HELICA biosystems inc.) enzim bağlı immünoassay (ELISA) kullanılarak gerçekleştirildi. Tüm yem ve süt örneklerinde total AF ve AFMsaptanmıştır. 154 yem örneğinden 5'inde total AF miktarı 20 µg/kg'ın üstünde bulunmuştur. Süt örneklerinin hiçbiri yasal sınırı aşmamıştır. Süt yemlerinde toplam AF düzeyi minumum 0.20 µg/kg, maksimum 28.80 µg/kg olarak tespit edilmiştir ve ortalaması 6.43±7.01 µg/kg'dir. Süt örneklerinde AFM1düzeyi minimum 0.08 ng/L, maksimum 10.11 ng/L tespit edilmiştir ve ortalaması 1.73 ±2.20 ng/L'dir. Sonuç olarak, tüm süt örneklerinde AFM1 kalıntısı bulunsa da bu yasal düzeyin üstünde değildir. Yem örneklerinin ise sadece %3.25 kadarı 20 µg/kg üzerinde total AF içermektedir. Halk sağlığı yönünden AFM1 bir risk oluşturmamaktadır. Aflatoksin bulaşmalarının önüne geçmek için stratejiler geliştirilmeli ve izleme programları oluşturulmalıdır
In this study total aflatoxin (AF) and aflatoxin M1 (AFM) contamination in feed and milk samples obtained from the dairy cow farms in Kırıkkale region were studied. A total of 154 dairy cow feed and 154 raw milk samples were obtained from the villages (Delice, Keskin, Sulakyurt, Bahşılı, Yahşihan, Çelebi, Karakeçili, Balışeyh) and central of Kırıkkale province, Turkey, between the years June 2012- August 2013. The quantitative analysis of total AF and AFM1 in the collected samples were carried out using an enzyme-linked-immunoassay (ELISA) with commercial kits (HELICA biosystems inc.). Total AF was detected in all feed samples and also AFM1 contamination was found in all of the milk samples. In 5 of 154 feed samples the total AF’s were above 20 µg/kg. In none of the milk samples AF was above the legal limit. The mean AF residue level for concentrated feed was 6.43±7.01 µg/kg, and ranged from 0.20 µg/kg to 28.80 µg/kg. The mean AFM1 residue for milk samples was 1.73±2.20 ng/L, and ranged from 0.08 ng/L to 10.11 ng/L. In conclusion although all of the milk samples were contaminated with AFM1, the amounts were within the legal limits that are allowed in milk. On the other hand in 3.25% of the feed samples, total AF was above 20 µg/kg. The occurrence of AFM1 may not be considered as a possible risk for public health. Strategies and monitoring programs to prevent aflatoxin contamination is recommended
In this study total aflatoxin (AF) and aflatoxin M1 (AFM) contamination in feed and milk samples obtained from the dairy cow farms in Kırıkkale region were studied. A total of 154 dairy cow feed and 154 raw milk samples were obtained from the villages (Delice, Keskin, Sulakyurt, Bahşılı, Yahşihan, Çelebi, Karakeçili, Balışeyh) and central of Kırıkkale province, Turkey, between the years June 2012- August 2013. The quantitative analysis of total AF and AFM1 in the collected samples were carried out using an enzyme-linked-immunoassay (ELISA) with commercial kits (HELICA biosystems inc.). Total AF was detected in all feed samples and also AFM1 contamination was found in all of the milk samples. In 5 of 154 feed samples the total AF’s were above 20 µg/kg. In none of the milk samples AF was above the legal limit. The mean AF residue level for concentrated feed was 6.43±7.01 µg/kg, and ranged from 0.20 µg/kg to 28.80 µg/kg. The mean AFM1 residue for milk samples was 1.73±2.20 ng/L, and ranged from 0.08 ng/L to 10.11 ng/L. In conclusion although all of the milk samples were contaminated with AFM1, the amounts were within the legal limits that are allowed in milk. On the other hand in 3.25% of the feed samples, total AF was above 20 µg/kg. The occurrence of AFM1 may not be considered as a possible risk for public health. Strategies and monitoring programs to prevent aflatoxin contamination is recommended
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Yıldırım E., Macun H. C., Yalçınkaya İ., Kocasarı F. Ş., Ekici H. (2018). Survey of aflatoxin residue in feed and milk samples in Kırıkkale province, Turkey. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 65(2), 199 - 204.