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Öğe Şahinde (buteo buteo) bulbus oculi ve intraorbital kasların (musculi bulbi) morfolojik incelenmesi(2011) Gültiken, Erdem Murat; Onuk, Burcu; Yıldız, Dinçer; Yılmazer, BesteYapılan bu çalışmada erişkin 10 adet şahine (Buteo buteo) ait toplam 20 adet bulbus oculi kullanıldı. Bulbus oculi ve lens’e ait morfometrik veriler tanımlandı, sağ ve sol göze ait değerler “Eşleştirilmiş İki Grup Arasındaki Farkların Testi” ile değerlendirildi ve güven aralığında yapılan test sonuçlarına göre anlamlı bir fark bulunmadı (p?0,05). Sclera’nın histolojik incelemesinde equator bölgesinde ossiculorum sclerae olarak tanımlanan kemik plakalar gözlendi. Kemik plakaların içerisinde sinuzoidal boşluklar tanımlandı. Bu kemik plakların alt kısmında kendisinden bağ doku ile ayrılan içerisinde kondrosit ve kondroblastların bulunduğu kıkırdak bir doku gözlendi. Bulbus oculi’nin hareketinden sorumlu olan intraorbital kaslar; m. rectus dorsalis, m. rectus ventralis, m. rectus nasalis, m. rectus temporalis, m. obliquus dorsalis ve m. obliquus ventralis’ten oluşmaktaydı. Ayrıca, bulbus oculi’den orijin alarak membrana nictitans’a bağlanan m. pyramidalis membrana nictitantis ve m. quadratus membrana nictitantis belirlendi. Düz seyirli kaslar ile m. obliquus ventralis’in for. opticum’un çevresinden, m. obliquus dorsalis’in ise septum interorbitale’nin nasal kısmından köken alarak sclera’ya bağlandığı belirlendi. M. pyramidalis membrana nictitantis ve m. quadratus membrana nictitantis’in ise sclera üzerine bağlanarak, tendo pyramidalis ile membrana nictitans’ı hareket ettirdiği belirlendi. Göz kaslarının morfometrik verileri ve sclera’ya tutunan bağlanma tendolarının şekli tanımlandı.Öğe Tarsal plate: protective structure peculiar to buzzard’s (Buteo buteo) palpebra inferioris(2010) Gültiken, Murat Erdem; Onuk, Burcu; Karayiğit, Mehmet Önder; Yıldız, Dinçerİnsan nüfusundaki hızlı artış yaban hayvanları ile insan temasının artmasına yol açmaktadır. Son yıllarda genellikle yaban hayvanlarının yasal olmayan yollarla avlanması, yaralanması yada trafik kazası gibi vakaların hızla artması sonucu Veteriner Fakültesi kliniklerine gelen vakalar da artmıştır. Bu çalışmada 8 adet şahine (Buteo buteo) ait 16 palpebra inferioris, subgros ve histolojik yöntemler kullanılarak incelendi. Cornea’nın kapatılmasından sorumlu olan alt göz kapağı, üst göz kapağına göre daha uzundur ve kuvvetli bir bağ doku tabakası olan tarsal tabaka (tarsus palpebralis) ile desteklenmiştir. Şahin’in tarsal tabakası oldukça kuvvetli şekillenmiş, kornea’nın şekline uygun koruyucu bir yapıdır. Şahinde alt göz kapağının cerrahi uygulamalarında kuvvetli tarsal tabakanın varlığı göz önünde bulundurulmalıdır.Öğe Yeni Zelanda tavşanında (Oryctolagus cuniculus L) karın, pelvis duvarı ve organlarında bulunan büyük lenf damarlarının makro-anatomik incelenmesi(2002) Yıldız, DinçerBu çalışmada 13 beyaz Yeni Zelanda tavşanında cisterna chyli, karın ve pelvis boşluğu ile organlarının büyük lenf damarları araştırıldı. Anesteziye alınan tavşanların karın boşlukları açıldı. Patent blue'nün %11'lik solüsyonu le. iliosacrale ve farklı organlara ait lenf düğümlerine enjekte edildi. Trunci lumbales'in, aorta'mn ventral duvarında seyreden iki lenf kanalından oluştuğu; trunci intestinales'in iki lenf kanalından ibaret olduğu, Inn. mesenterici craniales'ten orijin aldığı ve trunci lumbales ile cisterna chyli'nin caudoventral bölümünde birleştiği; truncus celiacus, trımcus jejunalis ve trııncııs visceralis'in ise tavşanda bulunmadığı, ancak çok sayıdaki efferent lenf damarının trunci intestinales'e açıldığı gözlenmiştir.Öğe Kızıl tilkide (Vulpes vulpes) os penis in anatomisi(2004) Gültiken, M. Erdem; Yıldız, Dinçer; Bolat, DurmuşBu araştırma kızıl tilki os penis'inin anatomik özelliklerini belirlemek amacıyla yapıldı. Çalışmada Kırıkkale Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesine ölüm nedeninin saptanması amacıyla getirilen iki kızıl tilkiye ait os penis incelendi. Kızıl tilki os penis'inin anatomik özelliklerinin takımın diğer üyelerinden olan köpeklerle benzerlik gösterdiği ve özellikle Alman kurt köpeğinin bir modeli olduğu belirlendi.Öğe Morphometric investigations of fresh and fixed rabbit kidney(2011) Bolat, Durmuş; Bahar, Sadullah; Selçuk, Muhammet Lütfi; Tıpırdamaz, SadettinAmaç: Bu çalışmada formaldehit tespitinin böbrek morfo-metrisine etkisi ile böbreği oluşturan yapıların hacim ölçümlerinin ve ilgili yapıların böbrek içerisindeki hacimsel oranlarının Cavalieri prensibi kullanarak değerlendirilmesi amaçlandı. Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmada 9 adet sağlıklı erkek Yeni Zelanda beyaz tavşanına ait böbrekler kullanıldı. Taze böbreklere ait ağırlık verileri elde edildikten sonra craniocaudal uzunluk, dorsoventral ve mediolateral çap ölçümleri dijital kumpas yardımı ile yapıldı. Her bir böbreğe ait hacim ölçümleri Arşimed prensibi ile gerçekleştirildi. Bu işlemlerden sonra taze böbrekler %10 formol içeren kaplarda 15 gün süre ile tespit edildi. Tespit edilen böbrekler üzerinde taze böbreklerde yapılan ölçüm işlemleri tekrarlandı ve böbreği oluşturan yapıların (korteks, medulla ve pelvis re-nalis) hacimleri Cavalieri prensibi ile hesaplandı. Bulgular: Taze (15.8±0.26 mm) ve tespit edilmiş (14.8±0.32 mm) sağ böbreklere ait dorsoventral çap değerleri arasında istatistiki olarak önemli fark tespit edildi (p<0.05). Sol ve sağ böbreğe ait rölatif organ ağırlıkları sırası ile %0.38±0.02 ve %0.38±0.01 olarak belirlendi. Formol ile tespit sonrası sol ve sağ böbrek ağırlıklarının sırası ile %7.33 ve %7.56 oranında arttığı görüldü. Tespit sonrası hacim değerlerinde ağırlık artışına paralel olarak sol böbrekte %7.13 (p<0.05), sağ böbrekte ise %3.34 (p>0.05) oranında artış olduğu tespit edildi. Öneri: Taze ve formol ile tespit edilmiş böbreklere ait elde edilen morfometrik verilerin gelecekte invaziv ve noninva-ziv metotların kullanıldığı böbrek hastalıkları üzerinde yapılacak çalışmalara katkı sağlayacağı düşünüldü.Öğe Histomorphometric examination of the pineal gland in foals and adult horses(Ankara Univ Press, 2018) Bolat, Durmus; Kurum, Aytul; Bahar, Sadullah; Karahan, SiyamiThis study was conducted to evaluate the pineal glands of the foal and adult horses with histomorphometry. The pineal glands were sectioned at a thickness of 40 mu m and stained with AgNOR for stereological analyses. The weight and volume of the pineal gland as well as the number of pinealocytes were significantly higher in the adult horses (P=0.009). However, the number of pinealocytes in per volume was similar between foals and adult horses. Such data indicate that growth in the size of the gland is related to increase in the number of pinealocytes. The pinealocyte nucleus is significantly larger in adults (P=0.009). Such a size difference should be further investigated if it is due to an increase in the number of cells with increased DNA content. Melanin was distributed throughout the foal pineal gland whereas it was focally localized to connective tissue in adults. The different patterns in melanin distribution suggest that foals and adult horses may differ by means of melanin metabolism in the pineal gland.Öğe Ultrastructure of the tongue and histochemical features of the lingual salivary glands in buzzards(Scientific Technical Research Council Turkey-Tubitak, 2018) Bozkurt, Emine Umran; Gultiken, Murat Erdem; Yildiz, Dincer; Bolat, DurmusThe macroscopic characteristics of the tongues of 8 long-legged buzzards are described and scanning electron microscopy was used to examine the epithelial tissue of the tongue's surface. Crossman's modified triple staining method and hematoxylin and eosin dye were used to determine the locations and general histological features of the lingual salivary glands. The nature of the glandular secretions was examined by staining with PAS, AB pH 1.0, AB pH 2.5, and PAS-AB pH 1.0 and pH 2.5, and diastase enzyme digestion. PAS staining and weak, moderate, and strong methylation procedures as well as sialidase and hyaluronidase applications were performed. We report the finding of focal accumulations of the anterior lingual salivary glands at the tongue's base with numerous duct openings in this area. This finding, in conjunction with the absence of taste papillae in the tongue epithelium, suggests that the role of the tongue in buzzards is to mix food with saliva and to move the food bolus rapidly to the back of the oral cavity. The acidic secretions of the lingual salivary glands not only have antimicrobial effects but also facilitate the swallowing process and may influence the digestive process in the distal parts of the alimentary tract.Öğe Categorization of the pelvic limb standing posture in nine breeds of dogs(Wiley, 2018) Sabanci, S. S.; Ocal, M. K.The objective of the study was to categorize objectively nine breeds of healthy dogs according to pelvic limb standing posture. A total of 135 dogs from different breeds were used and the standing angles of the hip, stifle, and tarsal joints, together with the percentages of the greater trochanter, patella and tuber calcanei heights, with respect to crista iliaca height, were used as discriminant variables for the categorization of pelvic limb posture. All included breeds were allocated to three groups of the standing pelvic limb posture. The best discriminant variables between the three groups were the percentage of patellar height, and the standing angles of the stifle and tarsal joints. German shepherds, Anatolian shepherds, golden retrievers, Rottweilers, Belgian Malinois and Dobermann pinschers were well separated between 89% and 100% success rate for the categorization. The minimal success rate was determined in Berner sennenhunds as the ratio of 75%. It was also determined that Dobermann pinschers had the straightest pelvic limbs, while German shepherds had the most angulated pelvic limbs. Further studies are required to document the impact of postural differences in active and passive structure diseases of the locomotor system of the pelvic limb among dog breeds.Öğe Morphology and quantification of sheep pineal glands at pre-pubertal, pubertal and post-pubertal periods(Wiley, 2018) Bolat, Durmus; Kueruem, Aytuel; Canpolat, SilaThe pineal gland is a neuroendocrine organ associated with photoperiodic regulation in mammals. The aim of this study was to evaluate the pineal gland at the pre-pubertal, pubertal and post-pubertal periods by means of morphology and stereology. The study examined at total of 24 ovine pineal glands collected from healthy female Akkaraman breed. Thick sections (40m) were cut and treated with synaptophysin. Following each thick section, six consecutive sections at a thickness of 5m were cut. Each thin section was stained with one of the following dyes: Crossman's modified triple dye, glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), melatonin marker, periodic acid-Schiff, Von Kossa and AgNOR. The pineal gland volume was measured using Cavalieri's method. The optical fractionator was used to estimate the total number of pinealocytes. The percentage of parenchyma and connective tissue and degree of vascularization were estimated by the area fraction fractionator method. The pineal gland volumes in the pre-pubertal, pubertal and post-pubertal groups were 7.53 +/- 1.715mm(3), 11.20 +/- 1.336mm(3) and 17.75 +/- 1.188mm(3), respectively (p<.5). The number of pinealocytes in the pre-pubertal, pubertal and post-pubertal groups was 3,244,000 +/- 228,076, 4,438,000 +/- 243,610, 7,381,766 +/- 406,223, respectively (p<.05). The glands of the post-pubertal group contained the highest amount of connective tissue (11.49 +/- 2.103%; p<.5) and the largest GFAP staining area (p<.05). The melatonin staining density was the highest in the pubertal group. The density of lipofuscin staining was higher in the pubertal and post-pubertal groups.Öğe Comparison of the large muscle group widths of the pelvic limb in seven breeds of dogs(Wiley, 2018) Sabanci, Seyyid Said; Ocal, Mehmet KamilOrthopaedic diseases are common in the pelvic limbs of dogs, and reference values for large muscle groups of the pelvic limb may aid in diagnosis such diseases. As such, the objective of this study was to compare the large muscle groups of the pelvic limb in seven breeds of dogs. A total of 126 dogs from different breeds were included, and the widths of the quadriceps, hamstring and gastrocnemius muscles were measured from images of the lateral radiographies. The width of the quadriceps was not different between the breeds, but the widths of the hamstring and gastrocnemius muscles were significantly different between the breeds. The widest hamstring and gastrocnemius muscles were seen in the Rottweilers and the Boxers, respectively. The narrowest hamstring and gastrocnemius muscles were seen in the Belgian Malinois and the Golden retrievers, respectively. All ratios between the measured muscles differed significantly between the breeds. Doberman pinschers and Belgian Malinois had the highest ratio of gastrocnemius width:hamstring width. Doberman pinschers had also the highest ratio of quadriceps width:hamstring width. German shepherds had the highest ratio of gastrocnemius width:quadriceps width. The lowest ratios of quadriceps width:hamstring width were determined in the German shepherds. The ratios of the muscle widths may be used as reference values to assess muscular atrophy or hypertrophy in cases of bilateral or unilateral orthopaedic diseases of the pelvic limbs. Further studies are required to determine the widths and ratios of the large muscle groups of the pelvic limbs in other dog breeds.Öğe The mixture of liquid foam soap, ethanol and citric acid as a new fixative-preservative solution in veterinary anatomy(Elsevier Gmbh, 2017) Turan, Erkut; Gules, Ozay; Kilimci, Figen Sevil; Kara, Mehmet Erkut; Dilek, Omer Gurkan; Sabanci, Seyyid Said; Tatar, MusaThe present study investigates the efficiency of liquid foam soap, ethanol, citric acid and benzalkonium chloride as a fixative-preservative solution (a soap-and ethanol-based fixing solution, or SEFS). In this study, ethanol serves as the fixative and preservative, liquid foam soap as the modifying agent, citric acid as the antioxidant and benzalkonium chloride as the disinfectant. The goat cadavers perfused with SEFS (n = 8) were evaluated over a period of one year with respect to hardness, colour and odour using objective methods. Colour and hardness were compared between one fresh cadaver and the SEFS-embalmed cadavers. Histological and Microbiological examinations were also performed in tissue samples. Additionally, the cadavers were subjectively evaluated after dissection and palpation. The SEFS provided the effectiveness expected over a 1-year embalming period for the animal cadavers. No bacteria or fungi were isolated except for some non-pathogenic Bacillus species. Visible mould was not present on either cadavers or in the surrounding environment. The cadavers maintained an appearance close to their original anatomical appearance, with muscles having good hardness and elasticity for dissection. (C) 2016 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.Öğe Evaluation of proximal and distal motor nerve conduction using the electrical root stimulation technique in the femoral and obturator nerves(Schattauer Gmbh-Verlag Medizin Naturwissenschaften, 2017) Unsal, Cengiz; Turan, Erkut; Dilek, Omer G.; Sabanci, Seyyid S.; Sarierler, MuratObjectives: This study aimed to investigate the adaptability of the electrical root stimulation technique by achieving normative data from the obturator and femoral nerves of healthy dogs. Methods: For this purpose, two stimulations and recordings were performed on both the obturator and femoral nerves in 40 dogs (22 males and 18 females). Electrical root stimulation was applied via monopolar needle electrodes between the sixth to seventh and fifth to sixth lumbar interarcuate spaces to the obturator and femoral nerves, respectively. Muscle waves were recorded from the gracilis and sartorius muscles of the left and right pelvic limb. Results: The proximal motor nerve conduction velocity was 60.89 +/- 3.93 m/s and 59.87 +/- 4.83 m/s in the obturator and femoral nerves, respectively. Clinical significance: Our results showed that electrical root stimulation could be a useful method to test the integrity of the roots of obturator and femoral nerves and their proximal parts.Öğe A comparative study of oculomotor, trochlear and abducens nerves in Arabian foals(Taylor & Francis Inc, 2017) Bolat, D.; Yildiz, D.; Bahar, S.; Yuruker, S.; Kaymaz, F.; Ilgin, C.; Sabanci, S. S.We investigated the microscopic structure of transverse sections of the oculomotor, trochlear and abducens nerves of Arabian foals using stereological methods. Bilateral nerve pairs from 2month-old female Arabian foals were analyzed. The tissues were embedded in plastic blocks, then 1 mu m thick sections were cut and stained with osmium tetroxide and methylene blue-azure II. Stereology was performed using light microscopy. Morphometry showed that the right and left pairs of nerves were similar. The transverse sectional areas of the oculomotor, trochlear and abducens nerves were 1.93 +/- 0.19 mm(2), 0.32 +/- 0.06 mm(2) and 0.70 +/- 0.08 mm(2), respectively. The oculomotor nerve exhibited a significantly greater number of myelinated axons (16755 +/- 1279) and trochlear (2656 +/- 494) and the abducens nerves (4468 +/- 447). The ratio of the axon diameter to myelinated nerve fiber diameter was 0.58, 0.55 and 0.55 for the oculomotor, trochlear and abducens nerves, respectively. Of the three nerves studied, the abducens nerve exhibited the greatest nerve fiber area, myelin area, nerve and axon diameters, and myelin thickness. The ratio of small myelinated nerve fibers was greatest in the oculomotor nerve.Öğe Anterior Femoral Bow and Possible Effect on the Stifle Joint: A Comparison between Humans and Dogs(Wiley, 2017) Ocal, M. K.; Sabanci, S. S.; Cobanoglu, M.; Enercan, M.The aim of the study was to compare the anterior bow of the femur between dogs and humans in terms of the possible impact on the stifle joint. The femoral radiographs obtained retrospectively were used to determine the angles and positions of the anterior bow in both dogs (n = 135) and humans (n = 57). Descriptive statistics and Pearson's correlation analysis were used for the statistical analyses of the variables. The mean anterior bow angle (ABA) was 18.3 +/- 2.02 degrees and 4.88 +/- 1.24 degrees in dogs and humans, respectively. The bow position was at the distal shaft in dogs (64.9 +/- 2.04%) and almost at the midshaft of the bone (46.5 +/- 5.52%) in humans. The ABA was related to the bow position in both humans and dogs. Additionally, the angle correlated with age in humans, while it was correlated with weight and breed in dogs. In conclusion, it is suggested that the anterior bow should be used as a landmark on the femoral axis for the biomechanical research of stifle joint, and dog stifle could be used as a suitable model for human knee in experimental studies for clinicians, while making sure that ethical principles are fully respected.Öğe Tongue and lingual salivary glands of the canary: scanning electron microscopy and histochemical study(Via Medica, 2017) Basak, F.; Atalgin, S. H.; Bozkurt, E. U.In this study, morphological characteristics of the canary tongue were examined macroscopically and histologically besides using scanning electron microscopy. Furthermore, histochemical features of the lingual salivary glands of the canary were also examined. The results suggest that the tongue of the canary has an equilateral quadrangle shape is sloped towards the apex on its dorsal surface; where its sides are bounded by tall epithelial extensions. Additionally, histological examination showed that salivary glands were only present on the body of the tongue and there were no taste buds. However, the tongue has mechanical sensory cell groups in its subepithelial connective tissue. Histochemical examination, demonstrated that the salivary gland epithelial cells contained carbohydrates which were composed of acidic sialo-mucins.Öğe Comparison of goniometric measurements of the stifle joint in seven breeds of normal dogs(Schattauer Gmbh-Verlag Medizin Naturwissenschaften, 2016) Sabanci, Seyyid S.; Ocal, Mehmet K.Objective: To compare the goniometric measurements of the stifle joint in seven dog breeds, and to determine the relationship among goniometric measurements, age, body weight, tibial plateau angle, crus and thigh circumferences, and widths of quadriceps, hamstring, and gastrocnemius muscles in healthy dogs. Methods: We used a total of 126 dogs from seven different breeds, and recorded the angle of the stifle joint at standing, extension, and flexion together with the range of motion (ROM). The circumferences of the thigh and crus were also measured. Mediolateral radiographic projections of the tibia and the femur were obtained from the dogs, and the tibial plateau angles, as well as the widths of quadriceps, hamstring, and gastrocnemius muscles, were measured from these images. Results: Neither the sex of the dog nor the differences in the side measured affected the goniometric measurements of the stifle joint. The standing, extension, flexion, and ROM angles were different among the breeds. The standard deviations of the standing and extension angles were small relative to their means, but the standard deviations of the flexion angle were large relative to their means in all breeds. Body weight and muscular measurements were the most influential factors on the stifle flexion angle and ROM. Clinical significance: Breed differences, body weights, and muscle mass should be taken into consideration during assessment of the stifle function using goniometric measurements.Öğe The first report of Eucoleus dispar (Nematoda: Capillariidae) in the common buzzard (Buteo buteo) in Turkey(Scientific Technical Research Council Turkey-Tubitak, 2015) Yildiz, Dincer; Buyukcopur, Emine Umran Bozkurt; Gultiken, Murat Erdem; Yildiz, KaderA common buzzard (Buteo buteo) was brought to the Department of Anatomy, Kirikkale University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, following its death from trauma. The tongue of the buzzard was processed for routine histology and stained with hematoxylin and eosin. A curled Eucoleus dispar and its eggs, embedded in the dorsal epithelium of the tongue, were observed in histological sections during morphological analysis of the papillae lingua in the buzzard under a light microscope. According to the authors' knowledge, this is the first report on E. dispar in the buzzard in Turkey.Öğe Two- and Three-Dimensional Anatomy of Paranasal Sinuses in Arabian Foals(Japan Soc Vet Sci, 2014) Bahar, Sadullah; Bolat, Durmuş; Dayan, Mustafa Orhun; Paksoy, YahyaThe 2- and 3-dimensional (3D) anatomy and the morphometric properties of the paranasal sinuses of the foal have received little or no attention in the literature. The aim of this study was to obtain details of the paranasal sinuses using multiplane CT imaging to create 3D models and to determine morphological and morphometric data for the sinuses using the 3D models. The heads of five female foals were used in this study. The heads were scanned using computed tomography (CT) in the rostrocaudal direction. After the heads had been frozen, anatomical sections were obtained in the scan position. The 3D models of sinuses and the skull were prepared using MIMICS (R). These models were used to assess the surface area and volume of the sinuses, the width, height and orientation of the apertures connecting these sinuses and finally the planar relation of the sinuses with the skull. The right and left sides of all anatomical structures, except the sphenoid sinuses, had symmetric organization on CT images and anatomical sections. The total sinus surface area and volume on both sides were 214.4 cm(2) and 72.9 ml, respectively. The largest and the smallest sinuses were the frontal sinus (41.5 ml) and the middle conchal sinus (0.2 ml), respectively. It was found that the planes bounding the sinuses passed through easily palpable points on the head. In conclusion, 3D modeling in combination with conventional sectional imaging of the paranasal sinuses of the foal may help anatomists, radiologists, clinicians and veterinary students.Öğe Lateral and medial tibial plateau angles in normal dogs An osteological study(Georg Thieme Verlag Kg, 2014) Sabancı, Seyid Said; Öcal, Mehmet KamilObjectives: To measure lateral and medial tibial plateau angle values in isolated canine tibiae and to compare lateral and medial tibial plateau angle values between dogs based on sex and breed. Methods: Tibiae of 90 dogs from 24 different breeds were used. Photographs were taken of the medial and lateral aspects of the tibiae for measurement of the medial and lateral tibial plateau angles. Additionally, the medial tibial plateau angle was measured from radiographs of the tibiae. Two-way analysis of variance was used to test the effects of side, sex and breed on the medial and lateral tibial plateau angles as measured from photographs as well as the medial tibial plateal angles as measured from radiographs. The photographic and radiographic medial tibial plateau angles were compared by paired t-test, whereas the medial and lateral photographic tibial plateau angles were compared by t-test. Results: When all dogs were included in the analysis, the difference between the mean medial tibial plateau angle (24.0 +/- 3.19 degrees) and the mean lateral tibial plateau angle (25.5 +/- 3.84 degrees) as measured from photographs was significant (p < 0.05). The difference in the photographic medial tibial plateau angle between male and female dogs was significant (p < 0.05), whereas the difference in the photographic lateral tibial plateau angle between sexes was not significant. There was a significant difference between the medial and lateral tibial plateau angles as measured from photographs in male dogs (p < 0.05) but not in female dogs. Breed comparisons also showed significant differences for the photographic lateral tibial plateau angle (p < 0.05). Clinical significance: The axial rotation of the femoral condyles on the tibial plateau is probably affected by the discrepancy between the medial and lateral tibial plateau angles, and this difference in certain breeds might influence the prevalence of cranial cruciate ligament disease.Öğe A detailed evaluation of the skeletal elements of the skull in the grey heron (Ardea cinerea)(Scientific Technical Research Council Turkey-Tubitak, 2014) Atalgin, Sukru Hakan; Buyukcopur, Emine Umran Bozkurt; Kurtul, IbrahimThis study was designed to reveal, in detail, the features of the skull bones in the grey heron, a species of the family Ardeidae, and to compare the findings with previous related literature reports and with Nomina Anatomica Avium. The articulation between the nasal and frontal bones was observed to be through the movable frontonasal joint. The upper beak fused with the neurocranium via this joint and with the palatine and vomer. It was also bound indirectly through the zygomatic bone articulating with the quadrate bone. The frontal bone possessed the frontal depression dorsally. Wideness of the frontal bone and supranasal pila seemed to be unique for the grey heron. The quadrate bone was observed to play a primary role in the beak action. No medial process was present in the mandible. Overall, the results hereby indicate that the wider jaw opening and sharp and pointed nature of the beaks in the grey heron enable it to feed on such creatures as fish, frogs, and crustaceans.