Tarsal plate: protective structure peculiar to buzzard’s (Buteo buteo) palpebra inferioris
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İnsan nüfusundaki hızlı artış yaban hayvanları ile insan temasının artmasına yol açmaktadır. Son yıllarda genellikle yaban hayvanlarının yasal olmayan yollarla avlanması, yaralanması yada trafik kazası gibi vakaların hızla artması sonucu Veteriner Fakültesi kliniklerine gelen vakalar da artmıştır. Bu çalışmada 8 adet şahine (Buteo buteo) ait 16 palpebra inferioris, subgros ve histolojik yöntemler kullanılarak incelendi. Cornea’nın kapatılmasından sorumlu olan alt göz kapağı, üst göz kapağına göre daha uzundur ve kuvvetli bir bağ doku tabakası olan tarsal tabaka (tarsus palpebralis) ile desteklenmiştir. Şahin’in tarsal tabakası oldukça kuvvetli şekillenmiş, kornea’nın şekline uygun koruyucu bir yapıdır. Şahinde alt göz kapağının cerrahi uygulamalarında kuvvetli tarsal tabakanın varlığı göz önünde bulundurulmalıdır.
The study was carried out to investigate the effects of some external egg traits on hatchability using classification tree mRapid increase in human population leads to frequent contact with wild animals. Recently, the number of wild animals brought to the clinic of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine increased in consequence of illegal hunting, injury and road accident. In the present study, 16 palpebra inferiores of 8 buzzards (Buteo buteo) were investigated by subgros and histological methods. Palpebra inferioris responsible of covering cornea was longer than superior palpebra and supported with a dense connective tissue structure called tarsal plate. Tarsal plate in the buzzard has a strong structure and suitable form to protect eye. This strong tarsal plate should be kept in mind during surgical approach of inferior palpebra.
The study was carried out to investigate the effects of some external egg traits on hatchability using classification tree mRapid increase in human population leads to frequent contact with wild animals. Recently, the number of wild animals brought to the clinic of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine increased in consequence of illegal hunting, injury and road accident. In the present study, 16 palpebra inferiores of 8 buzzards (Buteo buteo) were investigated by subgros and histological methods. Palpebra inferioris responsible of covering cornea was longer than superior palpebra and supported with a dense connective tissue structure called tarsal plate. Tarsal plate in the buzzard has a strong structure and suitable form to protect eye. This strong tarsal plate should be kept in mind during surgical approach of inferior palpebra.
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Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi
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Gültiken M, Onuk B, Karayiğit, M, Yildiz D (2010). Tarsal plate: protective structure peculiar to buzzard’s (Buteo buteo) palpebra inferioris. Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 16(6), 1001 - 1004.