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Güncel Gönderiler
Öğe İngiliz atı omuriliğinin üç boyutlu modellenmesi(2017) Bolat, DurmuşBu çalışmanın amacı safkan bir İngiliz atının omuriliğinin servikal kısmının histolojik kesitleri üzerinden stereo investigator yazılımının 3d yapılandırma modülü ile üç boyutlu olarak modellenmesidir. Office masaüstü tarayıcı kullanılarak taranan görüntüler, stereo investigator'da görüntü yı- ğınları olarak açıldı. Kesitlerin gerçek ölçümleri göz önüne alınarak, substantia grisea, alba ve canalis centralis sınırları planimetrik yöntemlerle çizildi. Bu prosedür, ardışık kesitler üzerinde gerçekleştirildi. Çizilen tüm çizgiler, bahsedilen yazılım kullanılarak birbirleriyle eşleştirildi. Son olarak, segmentlerin üç boyutlu rekonstrüksiyonu 3D yeniden yapı- landırma modülü kullanılarak elde edildi. Yüzey alanı, kesit alanı ve segmentlerin hacmi Neurolucida explorer yazılımı ile hesaplandı. Üç boyutlu modellerden elde edilen sonuçlar tablo biçiminde verildi. Gerçek ölçülere sahip elde edilen üç boyutlu modellerin, ilgili alanların anatomisine katkıda bulunacağı, dijital eğitim materyali olarak kullanılabileceği ve üç boyutlu modellerin 3D yazıcılara aktarılması ile elde edilecek katı materyallerin anatomi eğitim ve öğretiminin kalitesini arttıracağı düşünülmektedir.Öğe Body Mass Index and Different Body Measurements of Turkish Angora and Van Cats in Two Different Locations(Medwell Online, 2010) Erat, Serkan; Arikan, SevketThe aims of the present study were to compare the body mass index and some other body measurements of the Turkish Angora (n = 20) and Van (n = 16) cats in two different locations (Ankara Zoo = AOC and the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Kirikkale University = KKU) and also to determine the prevalence of overweight or obesity in this feline population. The effects of gender, age, location and eye colors were also investigated on the traits measured. The age of the cats ranged from 1-8 years old. Analyzed traits included Body Mass Index (BMI), live Body Weight (BW), Wither Height (WH), Body Length (BL), Head Circumference (HC), Body Condition Score (BCS). None of the cats in this study were found overweight or obese. The BMI of Turkish Van cats was greater than the BMI of Turkish Angora cats. The BW of Turkish Van cats tended to heavier than the Turkish Angora cats but the difference was not significant. The WH, BL and the HC values for both cats were similar. The BCS of Turkish Van cats was significantly greater than the BCS of Turkish Angora cats in KKU. Significant phenotypic correlations were found between the BW and the WH and the BL and the HC and the BMI and the BCS; between the WH and the BL and the HC; between the BL and the HC and the BCS; between the HC and the BCS; between the BMI and the BCS. The present study more clearly defines some body traits of the Turkish cats and may help to understand these invaluable cats better.Öğe Effect of cyclodextrin-encapsulated β-carotene on progesterone production by bovine luteal cells(Elsevier Science Bv, 2000) Arikan, S; Rodway, RGExperiments were conducted to examine the effect of cyclodextrin-encapsulated beta -carotene on basal or cholesterol (cyclodextrin-encapsulated), LH and dibutyryl cyclic AMP (dbcAMP)stimulated progesterone production by bovine corpus luteum cells isolated from mid-luteal heifer ovaries by collagenase digestion. Cells were cultured with serum-free DMEM/Ham's F12 medium in serum pre-treated plastic culture dishes for periods of up to 11 days. Medium was replaced after 24h and thereafter every 48h. beta -carotene was added to cultures in a carrier molecule, dimethyl-beta -cyclodextrin, to facilitate dissolution. All treatments were started on day 3 of culture. Treatment of cells with 1 or 2 mu mol/l beta -carotene resulted in sharp inhibition of progesterone production. On the contrary, treatment of cells with 0.1 mu mol/l beta -carotene resulted in significant stimulation (P < 0.05) of both basal and cholesterol-stimulated progesterone secretion. The effect of -carotene on LH or dbcAMP-stimulated progesterone production was also examined. Treatment of cells with LH or dbcAMP always resulted in stimulation of progesterone secretion (P < 0.001). However, cells treated with LH plus -carotene or dbcAMP plus beta -carotene both produced significantly (P < 0.01) less progesterone relative to those cells treated with LH or dbcAMP alone on days 7, 9 and 11 of culture. These results indicate that -carotene can enhance luteal steroidogenesis when present at low concentrations but is inhibitory at higher concentrations and that encapsulation of beta -carotene in cyclodextrin is an effective method of supplying it to cells in culture. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.