İngiliz atı omuriliğinin üç boyutlu modellenmesi
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Bu çalışmanın amacı safkan bir İngiliz atının omuriliğinin servikal kısmının histolojik kesitleri üzerinden stereo investigator yazılımının 3d yapılandırma modülü ile üç boyutlu olarak modellenmesidir. Office masaüstü tarayıcı kullanılarak taranan görüntüler, stereo investigator'da görüntü yı- ğınları olarak açıldı. Kesitlerin gerçek ölçümleri göz önüne alınarak, substantia grisea, alba ve canalis centralis sınırları planimetrik yöntemlerle çizildi. Bu prosedür, ardışık kesitler üzerinde gerçekleştirildi. Çizilen tüm çizgiler, bahsedilen yazılım kullanılarak birbirleriyle eşleştirildi. Son olarak, segmentlerin üç boyutlu rekonstrüksiyonu 3D yeniden yapı- landırma modülü kullanılarak elde edildi. Yüzey alanı, kesit alanı ve segmentlerin hacmi Neurolucida explorer yazılımı ile hesaplandı. Üç boyutlu modellerden elde edilen sonuçlar tablo biçiminde verildi. Gerçek ölçülere sahip elde edilen üç boyutlu modellerin, ilgili alanların anatomisine katkıda bulunacağı, dijital eğitim materyali olarak kullanılabileceği ve üç boyutlu modellerin 3D yazıcılara aktarılması ile elde edilecek katı materyallerin anatomi eğitim ve öğretiminin kalitesini arttıracağı düşünülmektedir.
The aim of this study was to three-dimensional reconstruction of cervical part of the spinal cord of a thoroughbred horse using its histological sections with the help of 3d reconstruction module of stereo investigator. Scanned images using Office flatbed scanner were opened as image stacks in stereo investigator. Considering real measurements of the segments, borders of the gray and white matter and central canal were drawn by planimetric methods. This procedure was performed on all consecutive sections. All drawn lines of segments were matched to each other using mentioned software. Finally, three-dimensional reconstruction of segments was obtained using 3D reconstruction module. Surface area, cross-sectional area and volume of the segments were calculated by Neurolucida explorer software. Obtained results from 3D models were given in tabular form. It is thought that obtained three-dimensional models possessed real measurements of the segments contribute to anatomy of region of interest, can be used as digital education materials and obtaining solid materials exporting three-dimensional models to 3D printers improve the quality of education and training in anatomy
The aim of this study was to three-dimensional reconstruction of cervical part of the spinal cord of a thoroughbred horse using its histological sections with the help of 3d reconstruction module of stereo investigator. Scanned images using Office flatbed scanner were opened as image stacks in stereo investigator. Considering real measurements of the segments, borders of the gray and white matter and central canal were drawn by planimetric methods. This procedure was performed on all consecutive sections. All drawn lines of segments were matched to each other using mentioned software. Finally, three-dimensional reconstruction of segments was obtained using 3D reconstruction module. Surface area, cross-sectional area and volume of the segments were calculated by Neurolucida explorer software. Obtained results from 3D models were given in tabular form. It is thought that obtained three-dimensional models possessed real measurements of the segments contribute to anatomy of region of interest, can be used as digital education materials and obtaining solid materials exporting three-dimensional models to 3D printers improve the quality of education and training in anatomy
Anahtar Kelimeler
Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Bolat D. (2017). İngiliz atı omuriliğinin üç boyutlu modellenmesi. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 33(2), 127 - 129.