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Öğe Mechanical And Physical Properties Of Medium Density Fibreboard With Calcite Additive(SLOVAK FOREST PRODUCTS RESEARCH INST, 2020) Camlibel, Osman; Akgul, MehmetIn this study, it is investigated that are calcite filler can be used in the production of medium density fiberboard. Chips have been to the process of cooking for 4-5 minutes in Asplund defibrator with the vapor pressure of 7-7.5 bar, and 1800C temperature. 1.5% paraffin and 1% ammonium sulphate to be pulverized is added to fibers on the output of defibrillator and blowline line. Calcite fillers are prepared in a separate tank in order to use calcite instead of lignocellulosic fibers in the production of 1 m(3) MDF. After that, urea formaldehyde glue is prepared as three different solutions which include the calcite, respectively with 3% (20 kgm(-3)), 6% (40 kg-m(-3)), 9% (60 kg-m(-3)). The fibers are dried to moisture of 8%-12%. This press applies temperature about 185-190 degrees C and pressure about 32-34 kg-m(-2) to the mixture material for 270 seconds during pressing time. MDF panels (2100 x 4900 x 18 mm) were produced in the process. Both mechanical and physical experiments are performed on boards which are produced.Öğe The Utilizing Rock Salt of Inorganic Filler in Medium Density Fibreboard (MDF) Production(KASTAMONU UNIV, 2020) Camlibel, Osman; Akgul, MehmetAim of study: To research the usage opportunities of the inorganic rock salt mineral in MDF production. Area of study: The materials were collected rock salt from cankiri region, wood from the Western Black Sea region, respectively. The production was performed in a private company in Duzce. The tests were performed at Duzce Forest Faculty Laboratory and Gazi Woodworking Industrial Engineering Laboratory. Material and methods: In the Asplund Defibrator, chips were baked wtihin 7-7.5 bar vapor pressure and 180 degrees C temperature for 4-5 minutes. According to the weight of dry fiber, 1.5% paraffin was given before fibrillation, fibrillation later was given 1% ammonium sulfate solution. Inorganic fillers prepared in a separate tank in order to use rock salt instead of lignocellulosic fibers in the production of 1 m(3) MDF. After that urea-formaldehyde glue is prepared as three different solutions which include the rock salt respectively with 3% (20 kg), 6% (40 kg), 9% (60 kg). This press applies 185-190 degrees C temperature and 32-34 kg/cm(2) pressure to the mixture material in 270 second pressing time. MDF panels (2100x4900x18 mm) were produced in the process. Physical, mechanical and combustion tests experiments are performed over boards. Main results: MDF products which were added percent 3 with the rock salt have more performance than the other MDF panels in this study. Highlights: The usage of the rock salt with percent 3 is recommended in MDF products.Öğe Chemical Analysis of Birch Tree (Betula pendula Roth) Degraded by Fungus(NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV DEPT WOOD & PAPER SCI, 2020) Camlibel, OsmanThe aim of this study was to investigate degraded birch trees (Betula pendula Roth) that suffered from a harmful fungus called Piptoporus betulinus. The main chemical analysis of B. pendula degraded by the fungus, included the holocellulose, alpha-cellulose, and lignin contents and was determined in cold and hot water and alcohol-benzene solubility in 1% NaOH mixtures. This fungus caused B. pendula to lose mass and chemical properties. The declining amount of holocellulose mass loss was 6.7% according to the holocellulose test. This decrement caused the quality of the birch holocellulose to decline. The total loss difference was 9.8% according to the alkaline solubility analysis of the 1% NaOH test and 14.3% according to the density analysis of the test. The loss difference was 4.2% according to the alcohol-benzene analysis of the test.Öğe Mechanical and Formaldehyde-related Properties of Medium Density Fiberboard with Zeolite Additive(NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV DEPT WOOD & PAPER SCI, 2020) Camlibel, OsmanZeolite was investigated as a potential component in the production of medium-density fiberboard (MDF). A mixture of beech (40%), oak (30%), and pine (30%) wood chips was used for fiber production. Chips were cooked for 4 min in an Asplund defibrator with a vapor pressure of 8 bar, and a temperature of 180 degrees C. Chemicals were added on fibers in the blow line. The resins were added at 11 wt% based on oven-dried wood fibers. Ammonium sulphate was added at 0.72 wt% based on resins. Paraffin wax was added as 1.8 wt% based on resin. Zeolite was prepared in a separate tank for its use instead of lignocellulosic fibers in the production of 1 m(3) MDF. The fibers were dried to 12% moisture. A temperature of approximately 190 degrees C and a pressure of approximately 32 kg.m(-2) were applied to the mixture for 280 s to make MDF panels (500 x 490 x 14 mm). Mechanical properties of MDF boards were significantly increased for bending (MOE) and elastic modulus (MOR), but a little negatively affected on internal bond (16), physical properties were negatively increased thickness swelling (ThS) and water absorption (WA). Consequently, increasing zeolite minerals in MDF boards showed best results of formaldehyde emission properties of MDF.Öğe The Effect of Fiberboard Modification on Adhesion Strength to Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Sheets or Eastern Beech (Fagus orientalis L.) Veneers(North Carolina State Univ Dept Wood & Paper Sci, 2018) Kara, Adem; Budakci, Mehmet; Camlibel, OsmanThe adhesion strength was evaluated for polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and Eastern beech (Fagus orientalis L.) veneers glued onto specially produced fiberboards using urea-formaldehyde (UF), polyvinyl acetate (PVAc), and polyurethane (PU) adhesives. Inorganic fillers including rock salt (NaCI), calcite (CaCO3), borax pentahydrate (Na(2)B(4)4O(7)center dot 5H(2)O), or talc (3MgO center dot 4SiO(2)center dot H2O) were incorporated into the fiberboards at levels of 3%, 6%, and 9%. The adhesion strength of the samples was determined in accordance to Turkish Standard TS EN 311 (2005). Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was employed to determine the structural morphology at the bonding interface of the veneers and the modified fiberboards. The results of this study indicated that veneer adhesion strength was reduced by the addition of inorganic fillers to the fiberboard. The highest adhesion strength was obtained with Eastern beech veneer that was glued using UF adhesive on the control samples without inorganic fillers. It was concluded that UF and PVAc adhesives are not suitable for bonding PVC veneers onto fiberboard surfaces.Öğe Manufacture Of Medium Density Fiberboard (Mdf) Panels From Agribased Lignocellulosic Biomass(Slovak Forest Products Research Inst, 2017) Akgul, Mehmet; Uner, Birol; Camlibel, Osman; Ayata, UmitLignocellulosics fibers and commercially-manufactured-chip (Pinus sylvestris L., Fagus orientalis and Quercus robur L.) with 11% moisture conten twere used for the experiment. The mixingratios of lignocellulosics fibers was 20% which is from okra and tobaccos talks, hazelnut and walnuts hell, and pinecone for each mixture in preformed panel and commercially manufactured-chip was 100 % for the control sample. A commercial ureaformaldehyde (UF) adhesive was used as a binder. The physical and mechanical properties such as density, thickness swelling (TS), bending strength (BS), modulus elasticity (MOE), internalbond (IB), screw holding ability (SHA) perpendicular to the plane of panel, Janka hardness perpendicular to the plane of panel properties of MDF were measured. The results indicated that all the panels met the general purpose-use requirements of TS-EN. Thus, our results suggest that biomass from different sources can be an alternative raw material for MDF manufacturing process.Öğe Investigation of corrosion pattern of AISI 316 and AISI 304 stainless steels in Na2B4O7 center dot 5H(2)O solution(Vserossiiskaya Assotsiatsiya Korrozionistov, 2017) Akgul, M.; Gerengi, H.; Camlibel, O.; Sahin, M.The corrosion behaviour of AISI 316 and AISI 304 stainless steels in Na2B4O7 center dot 5H(2)O solutions with various concentrations (3%, 6% and 9% w/w) commonly used in wood industry was investigated by using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and polarisation techniques. The results reveal that the dissolution pattern of the studied steel samples is in the order 3% > 6% > 9%. The AISI 316 stainless steel is found to exhibit better corrosion resistance than the 304-type stainless steel alloy.Öğe A Decision Making Method By Combining Topsis And Grey Relation Method Under Fuzzy Soft Sets(Yildiz Technical Univ, 2017) Eraslan, Selim; Cagman, NaimIn this study, we first introduce the fuzzy sets, soft sets, fuzzy soft sets and their related properties. We then present the Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) that is one of classical Multiple Attribute Decision Making (MADM) methods. We also present the Grey Relation Method. In the main part of this study, we extend the TOPSIS method on the fuzzy soft set theory to construct a decision making method to deal with problems that contain uncertainties. To make it we combine the TOPSIS and The Grey Relational Analysis (GRA) under fuzzy soft sets. We finally give an illustrative application for drug selection.Öğe Masif ve Lamine ağaç malzemelerin (LAM) Alyan Vida tutma mukavemeti(2009) Efe, Hacı Hasan; Kasal, Ali; Dizel, Taner; Arslan, Ali Rıza; Erdem, Haldun EnderBu çalışmada, farklı ağaç türlerinden hazırlanan, polivinilasetat (PVAc) ve üre-formaldehit (ÜF) tutkallarıyla yapıştırılmış lamine malzemelerin (LVL), liflere dik ve paralel doğrultudaki alyan vida tutma performansları, masif ağaç malzemelerle karşılaştırmalı olarak incelenmiştir. Deney örnekleri, Türkiye Mobilya Endüstrisi’ndeki yaygın kullanımları nedeniyle Doğu kayını (Fagus orientalis L.), sarıçam (Pinus sylvestris L.) ve kavak (Populus nigra) odunlarından hazırlanmıştır. Deneylerde 5 mm çapında ve 70 mm boyunda alyan vida kullanılmıştır. 3 malzeme çeşidi, 3 ağaç türü, 2 lif doğrultusu ve her örnekten 10 adet olmak üzere toplam 180 adet örnek statik yük altında alyan vida çekme deneyine alınmıştır. Deneyler sonucunda, en yüksek alyan vida tutma mukavemeti, masif Doğu kayını malzemelerde liflere paralel yönde, en düşük ise masif kavak malzemede liflere dik yönde elde edilmiştir. Ayrıca, masif ağaç malzemeye göre teknik ve ekonomik yönlerden birçok avantajları olan lamine malzemeler, kendi ağaç türlerinin masif malzemelerine yakın performans değerleri göstermişlerdir. Buna göre, lamine malzemelerin, çerçeve (iskelet) mobilya üretiminde kullanıldığı taktirde, özellikle alyan vidalı birleştirme uygulamalarında mukavemet açısından problem çıkarmayacağı ifade edilebilir.