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Öğe Cafeteria diet can cause systemic inflammation and oxidative damage in the various tissues(Ios Press, 2024) Tursun, Serkan; Şahin, Yaşar; Alcigir, Mehmet Eray; Çınar, Miyase; Karahan, İrfanBACKGROUND: Cafeteria diet (CAF) is a succesful tool for establishing animal obesity model. This study purposed to show immunoexpression and oxidant-antioxidant status in the various organ tissues of Wistar rats fed CAF. METHODS: Two groups (six rats per group) of Wistar albino rats were fed CAF and standard chow (control) diets for eight weeks. After experimental procedure, the animals were sacrificed. Intestine, stomach, liver, kidney, spleen, heart, lung, and pancreas tissues were sent to Pathology Department and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-kappa B) and cannabinoid receptor-1 (CB-1) immunoexpressions were assessed. Also, plasma liver function tests and lipid levels were measured total oxidant capacity (TOC) and total antioxidant capacity (TAC) were evaluated in both plasma and liver tissue. RESULTS: The immunoexpressions of NF-kappa B, iNOS and CB-1 were higher in the experiment group for all tissues. TOC was significantly higher in the experiment group, for both plasma and liver tissue (p < 0.001 and p = 0.02). TAC was higher in the experiment group's plasma measurement (p = 0.02), while there was no difference in the liver tissue between experiment and control groups (p = 0.11). CONCLUSION: CAF-induced obesity may be related to increased immunoexpression and oxidative damage in the various organs. Systemic problems should be considered and these phenomenon should be studied more comprehensively.Öğe Evaluation of Colostral Passive Immune Transfer Success in Turkish Kangal Shepherd Dogs(Kafkas Univ, Veteriner Fakultesi Dergisi, 2024) Kara, Erdal; Öcal, Naci; Duru, Özkan; Duru, Sibel Yasa; Şenel, YasinThe aim of this study was to investigate the passive immune transfer process and its effects in Turkish Kangal shepherd dogs. The material of the study consisted of 15 dams and their 138 offspring in the region of Central Anatolia, Turkiye. Blood samples were collected from the surviving puppies at 48 +/- 4 h postpartum and IgG levels were measured using the ELISA method. Before the blood samples were collected, 34 of the puppies (26.64%) died, 56 of the 104 puppies (40.58%) whose blood samples were collected and IgG analyses were done died prior to weaning, and 48 (34.78%) survived until weaning. All of the analyzed blood samples had IgG levels above 230 mg/dL and there was no passive transfer failure. The average blood IgG level of the puppies was 664.86 mg/dL. The effects of litter size and birth season on passive transfer success were statistically significant (P<0.05), while maternal age and the sex of the puppy were not significant (P>0.05). There was no correlation between the average blood IgG levels of the puppies and group mortality rates (r =-0.44). In conclusion, while the rate of passive transfer success for Turkish Kangal shepherd dogs was found to be high compared to other breeds, the high rate of mortality among the puppies suggested that dams and their litters should be cared for more carefully in the neonatal period.Öğe Stress Responses of Stallions During Transport Period: The Variations of Complete Blood Count and Serum Biochemistry(2017) Haydardedeoğlu, Ali Evren; Yağcı, Buğrahan Bekir; Ural, Kerem; Güzelbekteş, HasanBu çalışmada, transportun atlarda bazı stres göstergelerine etkisini belirlemek amaçlanmıştır. 7 Safkan, 2 Arap, 1 Hollanda Yarım Kan ve 1 Fresyan olmak üzere 3-12 yaş arası 11 olgun at (aygır) kayıt edildi. Transport öncesi ve sonrasında, otomatik kan sayımı ile beyaz kan hücresi sayımı ve diğer ilgili parametreler belirlendi. İlgili biyolojik belirteçlerin serum aktiviteleri bir otoanalizör kullanılarak belirlendi. Na, K, Cl ve Ca düzeyleri de otoanalizör kullanılarak ölçüldü. Ortalama Platelet (PLT) ve Oratalama Hemoglobin Konsantrasyonu (MCHC) Total Lökosit (WBC) sayıları çalışma süresince sağlıklı atlar için bir farklılık göstermezken, Alyuvarlar (RBC), Hemoglobin (Hb) ve Hematokrit (Hct) düzeyleri ulaşımdan sonra anlamlı artışlar sergiledi (P<0.05). Günlük ortalama glikoz konsantrasyonu transporttan sonra artış gösterdi (P<0.05). Ortalama total protein, albümin, Aspartat aminotransferaz (AST) ve Kreatinin kinaz (CK) düzeyleri, transportun ardından 2. günde artmaktadır (P<0.05). Ortalama kan üresi azotu, kreatinin, total bilirubin, Alanin aminotransferaz (ALT), Alkalen fosfataz (ALP), Laktat dehidrogenaz (LDH) ve Gama-gulutamil Transferaz (GGT), çalışma boyunca önemli değişiklikler göstermedi. Transporttan sonra ortalama Sodyum (Na), Potasyum (K) ve Klor (Cl) düzeyleri değişti (P<0.05), nakil sonrası Kalsiyum (Ca) düzeyleri anlamlı düşüş gösterdi (P <0.05)Öğe Montafon melezi danalarda flumethrin uygulamaları(2008) Öcal, Naci; Ergin, ŞeydaBu çalışmada, 1 ml/10 kg dozunda pour-on %1'lik flumethrin'in dökme çözeltisi uygulamasından sonra uygulama bölgesinde lokal dermatolojik muayene bulgularının karşılaştırılması amaçlandı. Çalışmanın materyalini yarı açık sistem ahırda serbest dolaşımda barınan, yaşları 8-12 ay ve canlı vücut ağırlıkları 180- 250 kg arasında değişen, Montafon melezi, erkek toplam 50 dana oluşturdu. Bunlardan 4O'ı 2O'şerli iki gruba (Grup I, Grup II) ayrılarak flumethrin dökme çözeltisi, sırt bölgesine uygulandı. Geriye kalan 10 dana ise kontrol grubu (Grup III) olarak tutuldu. Çalışma süresince, ilaç uygulanan Grup I ile Grup III direkt güneşe maruz bırakılırken Grup II ahırın direkt güneş almayan kapalı bölümünde bağlı tutuldu. Uygulama sonrası 1. saat ile 1. ve 7. günlerde uygulama bölgesi derisinin klinik muayenesi yapıldı. Elde edilen veriler One-Way Anova - Tukey testiyle değerlendirildi. Sonuç olarak 1 ml/10 kg dozunda flumethrin dökme çözeltisi uygulandıktan sonra güneş ışığına maruz kalan, ahırda bağlı tutulan ve kontrol grubu montafon melezi danalarda uygulama yapılan bölge derilerinin klinik muayenesinde istatistiksel olarak önemli farklılıklar saptanmadı (p>0.05).Öğe Ankara yöresindeki koç ve koyunlarda Listeria monocytogenes'e karşı oluşan antikorların varlığının araştırılması(2009) Gazyağcı, Serkal; Yıldırım, Murat; Babür, Cahit; Kılıç, SelçukBu çalışma kurbanlık için Ankara’da satılan koç ve koyunlarda Listeriosis seroprevalansını belirlemek için yapıldı. Listeria monocytogenes’e karşı oluşan antikorlar Osebold Aglütinasyon Testi (OAT) ile belirlendi. 205 serum örneğinin 112’sinde (%54.6) Listeriosis yönünden seropozitiflik tespit edildi. Bu sonuçlar ile Ankara’ da kurbanlık için satılan koyun ve keçilerde Listeria monocytogenes’in yaygın olduğu gözlendi.Öğe Molecular and Serological Characterization of Pestivirus Infection Among Sheep in Kirikkale, Turkey(2011) Azkur, Ahmet Kürşat; Gazyağcı, Serkal; Aslan, Muhammet Eren; Ünal, NilgünBorder hastalığı virüsü koyun sürülerinde ekonomik kayıplara neden olur ve dünyada yüksek seroprevalansa sahiptir. Bu çalışmada Kırıkkale ili ve tüm ilçelerinde bulunan 25 koyun sürüsünden elde edilen 1075 örneği kullanılmıştır. Pestivirüse karşı oluşan antikorlar 1075 serumun %74.51'inde ELISA kullanılarak tespit edilmiştir. Bununla birlikte, seropozitifl ik oranlarının her bir koyun sürüsünde %8.4 ve %100 arasında değişmektedir. Seropozitifl ik ve ırk,yaş ve cinsiyet arasındaki ilişki araştırıldı. Seropozitifl ik, cinsiyet ve yaş arasında bir bağlantı tespit edilemezken, koyun ırkları ve pestivirüse karşı oluşan pozitif antikor cevabı arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir ilişki tespit edildi (P<0.05). Virüs tespiti çalışmaları, virüs enfekte pestivirüse karşı antikor oluşturmayan hayvanların oranının %4.37 olduğunu göstermiştir. Moleküler aşamada enfekte virüsün 5'UTR bölgesi tersine transkripsiyon ve nested PZR ile çoğaltıldı. PZR sonrası sekans analizi ve filogenetik analiz yapıldı. Buna göre koyun sürülerini enfekte eden virüs Türkiye'de daha önceden bildirilen BDV suşlarından farklı fakat pestivirüs tip 3 ile çok yakın antijenik benzerliği olduğu belirlendi.Öğe The efficacy of a combination of azithromycin and toltrazuril for the treatment of calves naturally infected with cryptosporidiosis: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled comparative clinical trial(Czech Academy Agricultural Sciences, 2017) Yagci, B. B.; Ocal, N.; Duru, S. Yasa; Akyol, M.Cryptosporidium spp. are important emerging pathogens that can cause infections in humans, especially in immunosuppressed patients. Treatment of diseased calves that shed the infectious stage of the protozoon is critically important to prevent contamination by Cryptosporidium spp. oocysts. The objective of this study was to determine if a combination of azithromycin and toltrazuril provides a better treatment option for calf crypto-sporidiosis compared to the use of either agent alone. A total of 55 Holstein calves with cryptosporidiosis were randomly assigned into four groups. Group A (n = 15) received azithromycin at a dose of 20 mg/kg/day per os for six days, group T (n = 15) received toltrazuril at a dose of 20 mg/kg per os every other day on a total of three occasions, and group AT (n = 15) received the combination of both drugs. The control group (n = 10) received purified water. A randomised, placebo-controlled, double-blinded clinical study was designed. The number of oocysts in faeces and clinical parameters were followed daily. Selected haematological and biochemical parameters were measured at the beginning and end of the study. The calves receiving the combination of azithromycin and toltrazuril exhibited a better clinical score as well as the lowest number of oocysts at all time-points. In conclusion, the combination of azithromycin and toltrazuril promotes rapid clinical recovery in calves infected with cryptosporidiosis and stops oocyst shedding. Thus, the combination of azithromycin and toltrazuril is an effective alternative treatment option for calf cryptosporidiosis.Öğe Investigation of the diagnostic value of serology, cytology and polymerase chain reaction in cat toxoplasmosis(Ankara Univ Press, 2017) Yasa Duru, Sibel; Kul, Oguz; Babur, Cahit; Deniz, Ahmet; Pekcan, Zeynep; Pir Yagci, IlknurToxoplasmosis is an infectious disease affecting most of the mammalian and aviary animals caused by Toxoplasma gondii. In this study, diagnostic values of bronchoalveolar lavage, biopsy and PCR and their practical implementation ways were questioned. The results of the each test were evaluated. Additionally, incidence of toxoplasmosis among seropositive cats were investigated by T. gondii and oocyst shedding screened in the stool samples, as well. The material of the study was constituted by blood, stool and bronchoalveoloar lavage samples taken from totally 102 cats. Bronchoalveolar lavage samples were evaluated for cytologic examination. In PCR analysis, T. gondii B1 primary sets were used and conventional-PCR procedure was applied. Antibodies to T. gondii were found in 49 (48,03%) of 102, with titers of 1/16 in 41 (40,19%), 1/64 in 8 (7,84%) cats. Only one cat exhibited systemic toxoplasmosis. In conclusion, although the seroprevalance was 48.03%, systemic toxoplasmosis rate was found 0.98% (1/49) with a lower percentage.Öğe Evaluation of the Effect of Different Doses of Butaphosphan and Cyanocobalamin Combination in Dairy Cattle with Subclinical Ketosis(Kafkas Univ, Veteriner Fakultesi Dergisi, 2017) Sahal, Mehmet; Deniz, Abdulkerim; Vural, Rifat; Kuplulu, Sukru; Polat, Ibrahim Mert; Colakoglu, Ekrem Cagatay; Ocak, MarionThis study was conducted to assess the effects of different doses of butaphosphan-cyanocobalamin combination onbody condition score (BCS), beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHBA) and reproductive parameters in cows with subclinical ketosis (SCK). Holstein-Friesen cows (n=544) were checked for BHBA concentration. Cows with SCK (n=53, BHBA ranging from 1.00 to 3.00 mmol/L) were assigned randomly to receive saline (C0, n= 18), 5 mL/100 kg BW (C5, n=18) or 10 mL/100 kg BW (C10, n=17) butaphosphan-cyanocobalamin combination. BHBA concentration was measured on d 0, 10, and 18 relative to treatment application. BCS was evaluated weekly until d 60 postpartum. For reproductive parameters cows were monitored until d 150 postpartum. The median reduction in blood BHBA concentrations was 28, 57, and 75% for C0, C5, and C10, respectively. NEFA and total bilirubin concentrations were significantly decreased in C10 group. The relative median change in BCS as compared to baseline was 17, 12, and 6% for C0, C5, and C10, respectively. Between d 15 and 25 postpartum uterine involution was completed in 44, 83, and 88% of cows in groups C0, C5, and C10, respectively. Interval from calving to first insemination in group C10 was shorter than control group. Overall pregnancy rate was not different among groups. In conclusion butaphosphan-cyanocobalamin combination decreased severity of hyperketonemia, stimulated uterine involution, shortened time to first insemination and increased pregnancy rate.Öğe Comparison of hematological parameters of Brucella-seronegative naturally infected cattle with BVDV, BHV-1, and BHV-4(Scientific Technical Research Council Turkey-Tubitak, 2016) Aslan, Muhammet Eren; Azkur, Ahmet Kursat; Biyikli, Emel; Gazyagci, Serkal; Sozdutmaz, IbrahimAbortion, neonatal deaths, and infertility cause important production losses in the livestock industry. Many viral infections are responsible for changes in hematological values of animals. This study aimed to find whether there is any difference in blood parameters of cattle that are naturally infected with BVDV, BHV-1, and BHV-4 and Brucella-seronegative. For this purpose, 401 whole-blood samples collected from cattle were analyzed by ELISA and PCR/RT-PCR to detect specific antibodies and antigens for BVDV, BHV-1, and BHV-4. Hematological analysis and results were compared between naturally infected BVDV, BHV-1, and BHV-4 groups and a control group. Results showed a statistically significant increase in hematological values of group 2 with BVDV compared to the corresponding parameters of group 1 (control) for mean corpuscular volume (MCV), hematocrit (Hct%), mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC), and mean platelet volume (MPV). The same was seen for hematological values of BHV-1 for MCV, Hct (%), and MPV and of BHV-4 for MPV (P < 0.005). However, it was determined that statistical differences in hematological values of naturally infected animals cannot be used as markers for clinical diagnosis of viral infections. Thus, we suggest that evaluations of hematological parameters with specific diagnostic tests are necessary to obtain more reliable results for the diagnosis of viral diseases.Öğe Decreased Serum Adenosine Deaminase Activity Correlated with Clinical Score and Serum Proteins in Calves with Cryptosporidiosis(Zoological Soc Pakistan, 2016) Yarim, Gul Fatma; Yagci, Bugrahan Bekir; Ertekin, Ali; Kazak, FilizThis study was aimed to investigate serum adenosine deaminase (ADA) activity in calves with cryptosporidiosis. Significantly higher serum concentrations of globulin (P<0.01), blood urea nitrogen (P<0.01) and creatinine (P<0.01) were found and significantly lower albumin concentration (P<0.01) and albumin to globulin (A/G) ratio (P<0.001) in calves with cryptosporidiosis compared to healthy calves. Serum adenosine deaminase (ADA) activity was determined as 4.12+/-0.91 U/l; in calves with cryptosporidiosis compared to 10.27+/-1.71 U/l in healthy calves, which was significant at P<0.01 level. Serum ADA was negatively correlated with clinical score (P<0.05), which serum total protein concentration (P<0.05), serum globulin concentration (P<0.01) and serum A/G ratio (P<0.05) were positivity correlated in calves with cryptosporidiosis. From these results we concluded that cryptosporidiosis infection is closely related to low serum ADA activity which correlated with clinical score and serum total protein, globulin and A/G ratio in-calves. The results of the present study indicate possible role of ADA in development and progression of cryptosporidiosis.Öğe Cryptosporidium species and Cryptosporidium parvum subtypes in dairy calves and goat kids reared under traditional farming systems in Turkey(Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science, 2016) Taylan-Ozkan, Aysegul; Yasa-Duru, Sibel; Usluca, Selma; Lysen, Colleen; Ye, Jianbin; Roellig, Dawn M.; Xiao, LihuaMolecular characterizations of Cryptosporidium spp. in ruminants reared under traditional animal management systems are scarce and studies conducted thus far have revealed largely an absence of the pathogenic and zoonotic species Cryptosporidium parvum in pre-weaned animals. In this study, we examined Cryptosporidium species and subtype distribution in free-range pre-weaned dairy calves and goat kids with diarrhea. Cryptosporidium-positive specimens from pre-weaned calves on 10 farms and goat kids on 4 farms in Ankara, Balikesir, Corum, Kirikkale, and Kirsehir Provinces, Turkey were genotyped by PCR-restriction length polymorphism analysis of the small subunit rRNA gene, which identified C. parvum in 27 calves and 9 goat kids and Cryptosporidium ryanae in 1 calf. Among the C. parvum isolates successfully subtyped by DNA sequence analysis of the 60 kDa glycoprotein gene, three subtypes were detected in calves, including IlaA13G2R1 (20/23), IldA18G1 (2/23), and IldA20G1b (1/23), and four subtypes were detected in goat kids, including IlaA13G2R1 (3/8), IlaA15G1R1 (2/8), IldA22G1 (2/8), and IldA18G1 (1/8). Data of the study suggest that dairy calves reared in a traditional cow-calf system in Turkey are mainly infected with a C. parvum subtype rarely seen elsewhere, whereas goat kids are infected with diverse subtypes. As all five C. parvum subtypes found in this study are known human pathogens, pre-weaned farm animals could play a potential role in the transmission of human cryptosporidiosis. (C) 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Öğe Neospora caninum: the First Demonstration of the Enteroepithelial Stages in the Intestines of a Naturally Infected Dog(Elsevier Sci Ltd, 2015) Kul, O.; Atmaca, H. T.; Anteplioglu, T.; Ocal, N.; Canpolat, S.A 1.5-month-old Kangal breed puppy from a dairy cattle farm died after showing severe diarrhoea and incoordination. Necropsy examination revealed multifocal pulmonary consolidation and necrosis and fibrinohaemorrhagic enteritis. Microscopically, there was necrotic and purulent bronchopneumonia, myocarditis and non-purulent encephalitis. In the jejunum and ileum there was villous atrophy and crypt hyperplasia with oocyst-like and schizont-like structures in the epithelia. Immunohistochemically, Neospora caninum antigen was detected in association with the intestinal protozoal structures, degenerative neurons and areas of necrosis in the lungs and heart. Polymerase chain reaction confirmed that the organism was N. caninum and not Toxoplasma gondii. The seroprevalence for N. caninum was 74.2% (49/66 animals) for the cattle and 57.1 A (4/7 animals) for dogs on this farm. This report documents fatal systemic neosporosis and enteroepithelial stages of N. caninum in a naturally infected puppy. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first definition of intestinal neosporosis in a naturally infected dog as well as the first evidence of fatal canine neosporosis in Turkey. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Öğe Epidemiology and genetic characterization of BVDV, BHV-1, BHV-4, BHV-5 and Brucella spp. infections in cattle in Turkey(Japan Soc Vet Sci, 2015) Aslan, Muhammet Eren; Azkur, Ahmet Kürşat; Gazyagcı, SerkalThe aim of the study was to determine the epidemiological data of bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV), bovine herpesvirus-1 (BHV-1), bovine herpesvirus-4 (BHV-4), bovine herpesvirus-5 (BHV-5) and Brucella associated cattle that were previously reported to have abortion and infertility problems in Ankara, Corum, Kirikkale and Yozgat provinces, Turkey. Whole blood and sera samples were obtained from 656 cattle, and antibodies against Brucella spp. were detected in 45 (6.86%) and 41 (6.25%) animals by Rose Bengal plate and serum tube agglutination tests, respectively. The seropositivity rates against BVDV, BHV-1 and BHV-4 were 70.89%, 41.3% and 28.78%, respectively. RT-PCR and PCR were performed to detect RNA and DNA viruses in blood samples, respectively. The BVDV 5'-untranslated region and BHV-1 gB gene detected in this study were phylogenetically analyzed. The BVDV strains analyzed in this study were closely related to those previously reported from Turkey. The nucleotide sequence from the BHV-1 strain detected in this study is the first nucleotide sequence of BHV-1 circulating in this area of Turkey deposited in the GenBank. The presence of Brucella spp. and prevalence of BHV-1, BHV-4 and BVDV in cattle should be further investigated throughout these regions.Öğe Serum concentration and skin tissue expression of insulin-like growth factor 2 in canine generalized demodicosis(Wiley, 2015) Yarım, Gül F.; Yağcı, Buğrahan B.; Yarım, Murat; Sözmen, Mahmut; Pekmezci, Didem; Çenesiz, Sena; Karaca, EfeBackgroundThere is increasing evidence that insulin-like growth factor-2 (IGF-2) levels are altered in skin injury; there are no data evaluating the serum concentration and skin tissue expression of IGF-2 in canine generalized demodicosis. Hypothesis/ObjectivesTo assess serum concentrations of IGF-2 collected from dogs with generalized demodicosis compared to healthy dogs and to determine the location of IGF-2 in the skin of affected dogs. MethodsBlood and skin samples were collected from 12 dogs of differing breeds and gender at 1-2years of age that had a confirmed diagnosis of generalized demodicosis. Age-matched control skin and blood samples were collected from 11 normal dogs of different breeds and gender. Serum IGF-2 concentrations were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Skin tissue expression of IGF-2 was analysed by immunohistochemical methods. ResultsSerum concentration and skin tissue expression of IGF-2 were increased in dogs with generalized demodicosis compared with control dogs. Conclusions and clinical importanceThese findings indicate that keratinocytes, histiocytes and fibrocytes in the dermis are positive for IGF-2; they may be a source of the elevated serum IGF-2 levels in dogs with generalized demodicosis. Resume ContexteDe plus en plus de donnees montrent que les niveaux d'IGF-2 (insulin-like growth factor-2) sont alteres lors de lesion cutanee; il n'y a pas de donnee evaluant la concentration serique et l'expression tissulaire cutanee de l'IGF-2 en cas de demodecie canine generalisee. Hypotheses/ObjectifsDeterminer les concentrations seriques d'IGF-2 sur des chiens atteints de demodecie generalisee compare a des chiens sains et determiner la localisation d'IGF-2 dans la peau des chiens atteints. MethodesDes echantillons de sang et de peau ont ete preleves sur 12 chiens de differentes races et genres a l'age de 1-2 ans ayant un diagnostic confirme de demodecie generalisee. Des echantillons de peau et de sang ont ete preleves sur 11 chiens sains du meme age et de races et de genres differents. Des concentrations seriques d'IGF-2 ont ete mesurees par ELISA. L'expression tissulaire cutanee d'IGF-2 a ete analysee par immunohistochimie. ResultatsLa concentration serique et l'expression tissulaire d'IGF-2 etaient augmentees chez les chiens atteints de demodecie generalisee compare aux chiens sains. Conclusions et importance cliniqueCes donnees indiquent que les keratinocytes, histiocytes et fibrocytes dermiques sont positifs pour IGF-2; ils peuvent etre une source d'elevation d'IGF-2 serique chez les chiens atteints de demodecie generalisee. Resumen Introduccionhay cada vez mas evidencias indicando que los niveles del factor de crecimiento 2 similar a insulina (IGF-2) estan alterados en lesiones de la piel; no hay datos evaluando las concentraciones en suero y la expresion en piel de IGF-2 en la demodicosis generalizada canina. Hipotesis/Objetivosevaluar las concentraciones en suero de IGF-2 en perros con demodicosis generalizada comparada con perros sanos y determinar la localizacion de IGF-2 en la piel de perros afectados. Metodosmuestras de piel y sangre fueron obtenidas de los perros de diferentes razas y generos de 1-2 anos de edad con diagnostico confirmado de demodicosis generalizada. La piel y sangre de perros control de caracteristicas similares se tomaron de 11 perros de diferentes razas y generos. Las concentraciones de IGF-2 se midieron mediante pruebas de inmunoabsorcion ligada a enzimas (ELISA). La expresion de IGF-2 fue analizada mediante inmunohistoquimica. Resultadoslas concentraciones en suero y la expresion en piel de IGF-2 estaban incrementadas en perros con demodicosis generalizada comparada con perros control. Conclusiones e importancia clinicaestos hallazgos indican que los queratinocitos, histiocitos y fibrocitos en la dermis son positivos para IGF-2; pueden ser la fuente principal de la elevacion de IGF-2 en suero y piel de perros con demodicosis generalizada. Zusammenfassung HintergrundEs besteht zunehmende Evidenz, dass sich die Werte von Insulin-Growth-like Factor-2 (IGF-2) bei einer Hautverletzung verandern; es gibt bisher keine Daten, welche die Serumkonzentrationen und die Exprimierung von IGF-2 in der Haut bei caniner generalisierter Demodikose evaluierten. Hypothese/ZieleEine Auswertung der IGF-2 Konzentrationen im Serum, welches von Hunden mit generalisierter Demodikose stammte im Vergleich zu gesunden Hunden sowie eine Bestimmung der Lokalisation von IGF-2 in der Haut betroffener Hunde. MethodenEs wurden Blut- und Hautproben von 12 Hunden unterschiedlicher Rassen und Geschlechter im Alter von 1-2 Jahren mit der bestatigten Diagnose einer generalisierten Demodikose genommen. Es wurden dem Alter angepasste Haut- und Blutproben als Kontrollen von 11 normalen Hunden verschiedener Rassen und Geschlechter genommen. Die Serum-IGF-2 Konzentrationen wurden mittels Enzym-linked Immunosorbent Assay gemessen. Die Exprimierung von IGF-2 in der Haut wurde mit immunhistochemischen Methoden untersucht. ErgebnisseDie Serumkonzentrationen und die Exprimierung von IGF-2 in der Haut war bei Hunden mit generalisierter Demodikose im Vergleich zu den normalen Hunden erhoht. Schlussfolgerungen und klinische BedeutungDiese Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Keratinozyten, Histiozyten und Fibrozyten in der Haut IGF-2 positiv sind; sie konnten die Quelle sein fur die erhohten IGF-2 Serumwerte bei Hunden mit generalisierter Demodikose.Öğe Relationship between degree of anemia and blood gases in cattle with theileriosis(Scientific Technical Research Council Turkey-Tubitak, 2014) Temiz, Mehmet; Altug, Nuri; Yuksek, NazmiThis study was conducted to determine the relationship between the degrees of anemia and blood gases in cattle with theileriosis. It included 28 cattle with theileriosis and 7 healthy animals as the control group. The cattle with theileriosis were divided into 4 groups according to their hematocrit (Hct) values: cattle with Hct of >26 were considered as nonanemic (Group 1), Hct of 20-26 as mildly anemic (Group 2), Hct of 14-19 as moderately anemic (Group 3), and Hct of 10-13 as severely anemic (Group 4). The PCO2, HCO3, and TCO2 levels in the study groups were lower than those of the control group. Moreover, reductions in HCO3 and TCO2 concentrations were significant only in the severely anemic group. Similarly, the lowest PCO2 levels were also detected in the severely anemic group. There were no significant differences in the SO 2 levels between the control and study groups. On the other hand, the increase was significant in the severely anemic group when compared to Groups 1 and 2. The results seemed to indicate the trend of uncompensated metabolic acidosis in theileriosis cases with severe anemia; thus, veterinary surgeons should bear this in mind when evaluating the prognosis for such cases.Öğe Socioeconomic implications of biosecurity practices in small-scale dairy farms(Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2014) Can, Mehmet Ferit; Altug, NuriBackground: Biosecurity plays a crucial role in preventing contagious diseases and in increasing farm productivity. Objective: To determine technical and economic biosecurity scores of farms, and to examine the associations between biosecurity practices (BP) and producers' socioeconomic characteristics. Methods: The study was conducted on a total of 50 small-scale dairy farms that were randomly selected in Hatay, Turkey. A checklist consisting of 19 biosecurity practices was addressed to the farms. The technical and economic scoring systems were developed by the authors according to presence and cost of the each of the biosecurity practices. Results: The mean of the technical and economic scores were found to be 9.30 and 17.04, respectively. 'Treatment of sick animals' (98%), 'vaccination against the most common contagious diseases' (90%), and 'barn lime' (86%) were found to be the most commonly used applications. 'Testing for the most common contagious diseases before buying' (10%) was used at the lowest rate. Significant differences were found among the groups regarding education level (< .05), income class (< .05), and herd size (< .01). Biosecurity scores were significantly positively correlated with herd size (< .05) and producers' education level (< .01). There were statistically significant associations between the producers' socioeconomic characteristics and some of the biosecurity practices. Conclusion: Training programs should be arranged to change the attitudes and perception of small-scale producers concerning poor biosecurity practices. In order to encourage producers to increase biosecurity scores, regulations regarding financial support and penalties could be quite useful at both the regional and national levels.Öğe The levels of trace elements and selected vitamins in goats with chronic fluorosis(Scientific Technical Research Council Turkey-Tubitak, 2013) Altug, Nuri; Arslan, Sezai; Yuksek, Nazmi; Keles, Ihsan; Yoruk, Ibrahim Hakki; Basbugan, Yildiray; Aytekin, IsmailThis study was conducted to investigate the effects of chronic fluorosis on trace elements and vitamin levels in goats. Thirty-three goats exhibiting clinical signs of chronic fluorosis and 10 healthy goats from the same region were used. Animals with chronic fluorosis were divided into 2 groups according to their age as 1-3 years old and 4-6 years old. Blood samples were collected from all goats. Fluoride concentrations were determined with an ionometer. Na, K, and Cl levels were measured with ion-selective equipment and serum mineral substance levels were obtained by atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Ca, Mg, and P levels were determined by biochemistry analyzer. Serum vitamin concentrations were determined by liquid chromatography. The levels of serum copper, iron, manganese, and nickel decreased in goats with chronic fluorosis, whereas other trace elements did not change. Among vitamins, levels of serum a-tocopherol were increased, whereas retinol and vitamin D3 levels were not changed significantly differently between the fluorosis and control groups. In evaluation of goats with fluorosis according to age group, copper levels in the age group of 1-3 years and iron levels in the age group of 4-6 years were found to be lower than in the other age groups. Other minerals and all vitamin parameters were not different according to age. The results of the present study clearly showed that serum copper, iron, manganese, and nickel levels were reduced in goats with chronic fluorosis, and so goats with fluorosis should receive support in terms of these concerned trace elements.Öğe A survey study on hantavirus, cowpox virus, and Leptospira infections in Microtus hartingi in Kirsehir Province, Central Anatolia, Turkey(Scientific Technical Research Council Turkey-Tubitak, 2013) Azkur, Ahmet Kursat; Kaygusuz, Sedat; Aslan, Muhammet Eren; Gazyagci, Serkal; Gozutok, Serdar; Toyran, KubilayThe aim of this study was to investigate whether hantaviruses, cowpox viruses, or Leptospira infections were prevalent in Microtus hartingi trapped in Kirsehir Province, located in Central Anatolia, Turkey. Leptospira spp. was detected in 20 of the 43 (46.5%) Microtus hartingi kidney samples and confirmed by nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) of the 16S ribosomal RNA gene. Five of the 20 Leptospira spp. PCR positive amplicons were sequenced, analyzed, and confirmed as Leptospira spp. This is the first study to genetically characterize Leptospira in Microtus hartingi in Turkey. There was no evidence of cowpox viruses or hantaviruses in Microtus hartingi. Therefore, additional studies are needed.Öğe Hepatogenous photosensitization in Akkaraman lambs: special emphasis to oxidative stress and thrombocytopenia(Ankara Univ Press, 2013) Ocal, Naci; Haydardedeoglu, Ali Evren; Cinar, Miyase; Kul, Oguz; Turk, MustafaIn this study, a total of 24 Akkaraman lambs with clinical signs that are reminiscent of photosensitization composed the experimental group (Group I). Additional 10 healthy lambs were included as controls (Group II). We were aimed to make definitive diagnosis of photosensitization, which can be confused with blue tongue, big head and sunburns and to establish etiology as primary or hepatogenous. In total blood analyses, the leukocyte count was higher, but thrombocyte count was lower (thrombocytopenia) in Group I compared to Group II. The lower MCV indicates presence of a case of microcytosis. Furthermore, affected lambs had significantly higher levels of phylloerythrin, gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase, aspartate aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase, cholesterol and serum urea nitrogen. Histopathological lesions included periaciner necrosis, periportal fibrosis and biliary duct hyperplasy. The grazing field, where the lambs had been grazing, was very rich in Tribulus terrestris, a hepatotoxic plant. Based on the increased levels of phylloerythrin, gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase, aspartate aminotransferase and alkaline phosphatase as well as pathological findings in liver, the cases were diagnosed as hepatogenous photosensitization. In addition, presence of Tribulus terrestris in the grazing pasture strongly supported the diagnosis. Increased levels of serum malondialdehyde in affected lambs showed an ongoing oxidative stress. In addition, thrombocytopenia in such cases should be considered as a risk factor for disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). Thus in addition to a semptomatical treatment protocol, use of antioxidants, anticoagulants, and liver protective agents shoud be taken into consideration in hepatogenous photosensitization in lambs.