Ninian Smart’a Göre İslam’ın Boyutları
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Ninian Smart, özellikle yirminci yüzyılın son döneminin en önemli dinaraştırmacıları arasında yer alır. O, mevcut din tanımlarının ve dini analiz etmedekullanılan yöntemlerin tek yönlülüğüne işaret ederek, dinin çok boyutlu,dinamik ve diyalektik olarak tanımlanmasını ve analiz edilmesini önerir. Budoğrultuda dini yedi boyutlu bir organizma şeklinde tanımlayarak, dinin yediboyutlu din modeli bağlamında incelenmesi ve analiz edilmesi gerektiğinisöyler. Onun ikili tarzda isimlendirdiği yedi boyutlu din modeli; pratik-ritüel,tecrübi-duygusal, hikayesel-mitolojik, doktrinel-felsefi, ahlaki-yasal, sosyalorganizasyonelve materyal-sanatsal boyutlardan oluşur. O, bu model aracılığıyladinin ve dinlerin genel özelliklerinin bir resmini sunmayı amaçlar. Dinaraştırmalarında fenomenolojik anlayışı benimseyen ve “değer yargısızlık” ilkesiniuygulamaya çalışan Smart, İslam’ı büyük dünya dinleri arasında kabulederek yedi boyutlu din modeli bağlamında incelenebileceğini ifade eder. Budoğrultuda çeşitli eserlerinde İslam’la ilgili önemli analizler ve görüşler ortayakoyar. Bu makalede Ninian Smart’ın yedi boyutlu din modeli bağlamındaİslam’la ilgili görüşleri ele alınmaktadır.
Ninian Smart has been among the most important phenomenologists ofreligion/researchers especially in the late period of twenty century. Smart offersto analize and identify of religion as multidimensional, dynamic and dialectical, by pointing to the one-sidedness of the methods used to analysis religion andpresent the definitions of religion. In this regard, he argues that religion must beexaminated and analized in the context of seven-dimensional model of religion,defining it as a seven-dimensional organisms. Seven-dimensional model ofreligion that he named the dual mode consists of dimensions practice-ritual,experience-emotional, narrative-mythic, doctrinal-philosophical, ethicallegal,social-institutional and material-artistic. Smart who thinks that thesedimensions are more or less all religions, points that dimensions, each religiongives more or less importance by itself, are available and may be available. Heaims to provide a picture of the general characteristics of religion and religionsthrough this model. Smart who adopts phenomenological approach and triesto practice the principle of value-freedom in religious studies, recognizingIslam among the major world religions, expresses that the religion can beexamined in the context of seven-dimensional model. In this regard, hepropounds important analyzes and opinions about Islam in his various works.In this article, it has been discussed ideas of Ninian Smart about Islam in thecontext of seven-dimensional model.
Ninian Smart has been among the most important phenomenologists ofreligion/researchers especially in the late period of twenty century. Smart offersto analize and identify of religion as multidimensional, dynamic and dialectical, by pointing to the one-sidedness of the methods used to analysis religion andpresent the definitions of religion. In this regard, he argues that religion must beexaminated and analized in the context of seven-dimensional model of religion,defining it as a seven-dimensional organisms. Seven-dimensional model ofreligion that he named the dual mode consists of dimensions practice-ritual,experience-emotional, narrative-mythic, doctrinal-philosophical, ethicallegal,social-institutional and material-artistic. Smart who thinks that thesedimensions are more or less all religions, points that dimensions, each religiongives more or less importance by itself, are available and may be available. Heaims to provide a picture of the general characteristics of religion and religionsthrough this model. Smart who adopts phenomenological approach and triesto practice the principle of value-freedom in religious studies, recognizingIslam among the major world religions, expresses that the religion can beexamined in the context of seven-dimensional model. In this regard, hepropounds important analyzes and opinions about Islam in his various works.In this article, it has been discussed ideas of Ninian Smart about Islam in thecontext of seven-dimensional model.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Beşeri Bilimler, Mantık, Din Bilimi
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Scopus Q Değeri
Özcan, Ş. (2017). Ninian Smart’a Göre İslam’ın Boyutları. Dini Araştırmalar, 20(51), 9 - 34.