Silindirle Sıkıştırılmış Beton Karışımlarında Kullanılan Malzemelerin Özellikleri
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Son yıllarda dünya genelinde silindirle sıkıştırılmış beton (SSB) teknolojisiyaygın şekilde kullanılmaktadır. SSB, düşük maliyeti ve hızlıyerleştirilebilmesi nedeniyle baraj ve yol inşaatlarında tercih edilmektedir.SSB, normal betonla aynı temel bileşenlere sahiptir ve aynı yöntemlerkullanılarak üretilir. Ancak, geleneksel betondan farklı olarak daha düşükmiktarda çimento kullanılmasının yanı sıra kuru kıvamından dolayı silindirlesıkıştırılarak yerleştirilir. Bu çalışmada SSB’nin genel özelliklerinden vekarışımlarında kullanılan malzemelerin özelliklerinden bahsedilmiştir.SSB’lerin temel içeriğini oluşturan malzemelerden; çimentonun tipi ve kullanımmiktarı, agrega gradasyonu, su ve SSB’nin çeşitli özelliklerini etkileyenmineral katkılar incelenmiştir. Bunun yanında, bu malzemelerin dünya üzerindekiSSB uygulamalarında kullanımlarından ve avantajlarından bahsedilmiştir.
In recent years, roller compacted concrete (RCC)technology has been widely used worldwide. RCC is preferred for dam and roadconstruction because of its low cost and rapid placement. RCC has the samebasic constituents and produced by using the same methods with conventionalconcrete. However, unlike conventional concrete, a lower amount of cement isused as well as being compacted by roller because of its dry consistency. Inthis work, general properties of the RCC and the properties of the materialsused in their mixtures were mentioned. The type and usage amount of cement,aggregate gradation, water and mineral admixtures as materials that form theinitial content of roller compacted concrete and affecting various propertiesof RCC were studied. In addition, the use and advantages of these materials inRCC applications around the world were mentioned.
In recent years, roller compacted concrete (RCC)technology has been widely used worldwide. RCC is preferred for dam and roadconstruction because of its low cost and rapid placement. RCC has the samebasic constituents and produced by using the same methods with conventionalconcrete. However, unlike conventional concrete, a lower amount of cement isused as well as being compacted by roller because of its dry consistency. Inthis work, general properties of the RCC and the properties of the materialsused in their mixtures were mentioned. The type and usage amount of cement,aggregate gradation, water and mineral admixtures as materials that form theinitial content of roller compacted concrete and affecting various propertiesof RCC were studied. In addition, the use and advantages of these materials inRCC applications around the world were mentioned.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Silindirle sıkıştırılmış beton, Uçucu kül, Kimyasal katkılar, Silis dumanı, Roller compacted concrete, fly ash, chemical admixture, silica fume, Engineering
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