Bânet su‘âd kasîdesine yapılan çalışmaların tesbiti üzerine-I
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Bânet Su‘âd kasîdesi, Hz. Peygamberin huzurunda okunmuş ve hediye olarak da hırka-i saadete nail olmuş olan bir kasidedir. Câhiliye şiirinin tüm özelliklerini taşıyan bu kaside her dönemde edebiyat alanında el üstünde tutulmuştur. Söz konusu kaside üzerine şerhler, tahmisler, taştirler; tahkikler, modern edebiyatla beraber makaleler ve bilimsel çalışmalar yapılmıştır. Bu çalışmamızda kaside üzerine yapılan şerh, tahmis ve taştir ve muaraza yazan müelliflerin biyografilerini vereceğiz. İleriki dönemlerde de makalemizin ikinci bölümü olarak kaside üzerine yapılan tercümeler, tahkikler, müstakil eserler ve makaleler listesini verme arzusundayız.
Bânat Su‘âd qasîda is a qasîda which was read in the presence of The Prophet and had the distinct honor of becoming one of the parts of Holy Mantle of the Prophet (Hırka-i Saadet) as a gift. This qasîda, having all the characteristics of the Ignorance Era, has attracted great respect in the field of Literature at all times. Many comments, explanations, queries and with the rise of Modern Literature articles and scientific studies have been performed on this qasîda. This article focuses on the biographies of the writers that have performed comments, explanations, queries and disputes on the qasîda. Another essay focusing on a list of the translations, queries, distinctive works and articles will hopefully be published in the near future.
Bânat Su‘âd qasîda is a qasîda which was read in the presence of The Prophet and had the distinct honor of becoming one of the parts of Holy Mantle of the Prophet (Hırka-i Saadet) as a gift. This qasîda, having all the characteristics of the Ignorance Era, has attracted great respect in the field of Literature at all times. Many comments, explanations, queries and with the rise of Modern Literature articles and scientific studies have been performed on this qasîda. This article focuses on the biographies of the writers that have performed comments, explanations, queries and disputes on the qasîda. Another essay focusing on a list of the translations, queries, distinctive works and articles will hopefully be published in the near future.
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Yeşildağ A. (2013). Bânet su'âd kasîdesine yapılan çalışmaların tesbiti üzerine-I. Nüsha, 0(36), 7 - 43.