Dizel Yakıtına Farklı Ağır Alkoller (1-Bütanol, 1-Pentanol ve 1-Hekzanol) İlave Edilmesinin Tek Silindirli Bir Dizel Motorunun Performans, Yanma ve Egzoz Emisyon Karakteristiklerine Etkileri
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Kırıkkale Üniversitesi
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Petrol tüketiminin artmasına bağlı olarak tüm dünyada rezervlerin gün geçtikçe azalması ve çevre kirliliğinin ciddi boyutlara ulaşması araştırmacıları içten yanmalı motorlar için alternatif ve temiz enerji kaynakları araştırmaya yönlendirmiştir. Kısa zincirli alkollerin (metanol ve etanol) düşük enerji içerikleri ve setan sayıları gibi olumsuz özelliklerinden dolayı kimyasal yapılarında dört ya da daha fazla karbon atomu içeren ağır alkoller, dizel motorlar için ön plana çıkmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, dizel yakıtına hacimsel olarak %15 oranlarında 1-bütanol, 1-pentanol ve 1-hekzanol alkolleri eklenerek hazırlanan alternatif yakıtları (Bt15: %15 1-bütanol + %85 dizel yakıtı, Pt15: %15 1-pentanol + %85 dizel yakıtı, Hk15: %15 1-hekzanol + %85 dizel yakıtı) tek silindirli, dört zamanlı, direkt enjeksiyonlu bir dizel motorda 1500 d/d sabit motor devri ve farklı yüklerde (%25, %50, %75 ve %100) test ederek performansı, emisyon ve yanma karakteristiklerini referans dizel yakıt (D100) ile karşılaştırmaktır. Sonuç olarak, alkollerin dizel yakıtına göre düşük kalori değerlerine sahip olmalarından dolayı, alkol karışımlı yakıtlar fren termal verimin azalmasına, fren özgül yakıt tüketiminin ise yükselmesine neden olmuştur. %100 motor yükünde; D100, Bt15, Pt15 ve Hk15 yakıtlarının maksimum net ısı salımı hızları sırasıyla 29,55 J/o, 31,14 J/o, 32,66 J/o ve 33,80 J/o olarak bulunurken, maksimum silindir basınçları ise sırasıyla 46,97 bar, 47,76 bar, 48,41 bar ve 48,91 bar olarak gözlemlenmiştir. Ayrıca alkol karışımlı yakıtların düşük setan sayılarından dolayı tutuşma gecikmesi süresini dizel yakıtına göre genel olarak artırdığı belirlenmiştir. Dizel yakıtına alkol ilavesi ile CO, HC ve NOX emisyonları ile egzoz gazı sıcaklıkları azalırken, CO2 ve O2 emisyonları ise artmıştır. Tüm deneysel sonuçlar değerlendirildiğinde, Hk15 karışımının performans, emisyon ve yanma özellikleri açısından en iyi sonuçları verdiği söylenebilir.
The reduction of petroleum reserves day by day all over the world depending on the increase in petroleum consumption and the reaching serious levels of environmental pollution have led researchers to search alternative and clean energy sources for internal combustion engines. The higher alcohols having four or more carbon atoms in their chemical structure come to the fore for diesel engines due to the negative properties of short-chain alcohols (methanol and ethanol) such as low energy content and cetane number. The aim of this study is to compare the performance, emissions, and combustion characteristics of a single-cylinder, four-stroke, direct injection diesel engine operating with alternative fuels which contains 15% by volume of 1-butanol, 1-pentanol and 1-hexanol alcohols (Bt15: 15% 1-butanol + 85% diesel fuel, Pt15: 15% 1- pentanol + 85% diesel fuel, Hx15: 15% 1-hexanol + 85% diesel fuel) with reference diesel fuel (D100) by testing at a fixed engine speed of 1500 rpm and different loads (25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%). As a result, it is noticed to be that alcohol-infused fuel blends caused to decrease the brake thermal efficiency and increase brake specific fuel consumption due to the lesser calorific values of the alcohols according to the diesel fuel. At 100% engine load, the maximum cylinder pressures were observed as 46.97 bar, 47.76 bar, 48.41 bar, and 48.91 bar, respectively while the peak net heat release rates of D100, Bt15, Pt15, and Hx15 were found to be at 29.55 J/o, 31.14 J/o, 32.66 J/o, and 33.80 J/o, respectively. Besides, it is determined that the ignition delay period of the alcohol-treated fuel blends is generally extended as compared to the diesel fuel because of the lower cetane number of alcohol. CO2 and O2 emissions increased with the addition of alcohol to diesel fuel while CO, HC and NOX emissions as well as exhaust gas temperatures reduced. When all experimental results were evaluated, it could be noted that the Hx15 blend gave the best results in terms of performance, emissions and combustion properties.
The reduction of petroleum reserves day by day all over the world depending on the increase in petroleum consumption and the reaching serious levels of environmental pollution have led researchers to search alternative and clean energy sources for internal combustion engines. The higher alcohols having four or more carbon atoms in their chemical structure come to the fore for diesel engines due to the negative properties of short-chain alcohols (methanol and ethanol) such as low energy content and cetane number. The aim of this study is to compare the performance, emissions, and combustion characteristics of a single-cylinder, four-stroke, direct injection diesel engine operating with alternative fuels which contains 15% by volume of 1-butanol, 1-pentanol and 1-hexanol alcohols (Bt15: 15% 1-butanol + 85% diesel fuel, Pt15: 15% 1- pentanol + 85% diesel fuel, Hx15: 15% 1-hexanol + 85% diesel fuel) with reference diesel fuel (D100) by testing at a fixed engine speed of 1500 rpm and different loads (25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%). As a result, it is noticed to be that alcohol-infused fuel blends caused to decrease the brake thermal efficiency and increase brake specific fuel consumption due to the lesser calorific values of the alcohols according to the diesel fuel. At 100% engine load, the maximum cylinder pressures were observed as 46.97 bar, 47.76 bar, 48.41 bar, and 48.91 bar, respectively while the peak net heat release rates of D100, Bt15, Pt15, and Hx15 were found to be at 29.55 J/o, 31.14 J/o, 32.66 J/o, and 33.80 J/o, respectively. Besides, it is determined that the ignition delay period of the alcohol-treated fuel blends is generally extended as compared to the diesel fuel because of the lower cetane number of alcohol. CO2 and O2 emissions increased with the addition of alcohol to diesel fuel while CO, HC and NOX emissions as well as exhaust gas temperatures reduced. When all experimental results were evaluated, it could be noted that the Hx15 blend gave the best results in terms of performance, emissions and combustion properties.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Yanma karakteristikleri, egzoz emisyonları, performans, ağır alkol, dizel motor, Combustion characteristics, exhaust emissions, performance, higher alcohol, diesel engine, Mechanical Engineering
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