"1982 Anayasasına göre anayasa değişikliklerinin şekil bakımından denetimi"
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1982 Anayasasında (m. 175, 148), Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisine anayasa deği- şikliği yapma, Anayasa Mahkemesine de söz konusu anayasa değişikliklerini şekil bakımından denetleme yetkisi tanınmıştır. Anayasa Mahkemesinin anayasa değişikliklerini denetleme yetkisi, Anayasada öngörülen bazı şekil şartlarıyla sınırlı tutulmuştur: “Teklif ve oylama çoğunluğu” ve “ivedilikle görüşülememe”. 9.2.2008 tarih ve 5735 sayılı Kanunla, Anayasanın 10. ve 42. maddesinde yapılan Anayasa Değişiklikleri, Anayasa Mahkemesi tarafından iptal edilmiştir. Söz konusu Anayasa Değişikliklerinin denetiminde, “teklif ve oylama çoğunluğu” ve “ivedilikle görüşülememe” şartlarıyla sınırlı bir denetimin yapılmadığı görülmektedir. Başka bir deyişle, 5735 sayılı Kanunla gerçekleştirilen Anayasa Değişiklikleri, Anayasanın değiştirilmesi teklif edilemeyen ilk üç maddesine aykırılık nedeniyle iptal edilmiştir. Böylece, şekil görüntüsü altında, esas bakımından bir denetim yapılmıştır. Bu çalışmada, Anayasa Mahkemesinin anayasa değişikliklerini şekil bakımından denetleme yetkisi ve bu yetkinin sınırı üzerinde durulmaktadır.
The 1982 Constitution (articles 175 and 148) has granted Turkish National Assembly the right to amend the constitution and authorized the Constitutional Court to examine amendments with regard to their form. The Court is entitled to declare such amendments null and void. The scope of the Courts examination is restricted to consideration of whether an amendment meet certain criteria with regard to form prescribed by the Constitution, that are whether the requisite majorities were obtained for the proposal and in the ballot, and whether the prohibition on debates under urgent procedure was complied with. The Law 5735, dated 9.2.2008 and amended the articles 10 and 42 of the Constitution, has been declared null and void by the Constitutional Court following its examination by the Court in respect of its form. The relevant Court decision has not established the failure of the Law 5735 to meet the criteria of obtaining the requisite majorities for the proposal and in the ballot and the prohibition on debates under urgent procedure. The Courts decision has pointed out that the Law 5735 was declared unconstitutional on the ground that it contravened the provisions of the three irrevocable articles of the Constitution, effectively amounting the Courts decision to the examination and verifi cation of the constitutional amendment with regard to substance. This study dwells on the scope of Constitutional Courts authority to review constitutional amendments with regard to form.
The 1982 Constitution (articles 175 and 148) has granted Turkish National Assembly the right to amend the constitution and authorized the Constitutional Court to examine amendments with regard to their form. The Court is entitled to declare such amendments null and void. The scope of the Courts examination is restricted to consideration of whether an amendment meet certain criteria with regard to form prescribed by the Constitution, that are whether the requisite majorities were obtained for the proposal and in the ballot, and whether the prohibition on debates under urgent procedure was complied with. The Law 5735, dated 9.2.2008 and amended the articles 10 and 42 of the Constitution, has been declared null and void by the Constitutional Court following its examination by the Court in respect of its form. The relevant Court decision has not established the failure of the Law 5735 to meet the criteria of obtaining the requisite majorities for the proposal and in the ballot and the prohibition on debates under urgent procedure. The Courts decision has pointed out that the Law 5735 was declared unconstitutional on the ground that it contravened the provisions of the three irrevocable articles of the Constitution, effectively amounting the Courts decision to the examination and verifi cation of the constitutional amendment with regard to substance. This study dwells on the scope of Constitutional Courts authority to review constitutional amendments with regard to form.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Gazi Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi
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Scopus Q Değeri
Aydın, M. (2010). "1982 Anayasasına göre anayasa değişikliklerinin şekil bakımından denetimi". Gazi Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, 14(1), 215 - 249.