Güzel sanatlar fakülteleri müzik özel yetenek sınav kılavuzlarının incelenmesi ve Türkiye'de mesleki müzik eğitimi veren kurumların mevcut durumları
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Kırıkkale Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Ülkemizde mesleki müzik eğitimi konservatuvarların ilkokul, ortaokul ve lise devrelerinde, güzel sanatlar liselerinde, lisans düzeyinde ise konservatuvarlarda, eğitim fakültelerinde ve güzel sanatlar fakültelerinde verilmektedir. Mesleki müzik eğitimi veren tüm bu okul/kurumlar öğrencilerini özel yetenek sınavları ile belirlemektedir. Özel yetenek sınavları her yıl yaz aylarında üniversite bünyesinde yapılmaktadır. Bu araştırma güzel sanatlar fakülteleri müzik özel yetenek sınav kılavuzlarının incelenmesi ve mesleki müzik eğitimi veren kurumların mevcut durumunu ortaya koymak amacıyla yapılmıştır. Araştırmada bu amaçla "Güzel sanatlar fakülteleri müzik özel yetenek sınav kılavuzları ve mesleki müzik eğitimi veren kurumların durumları incelendiğinde mevcut durum nasıldır?" problem cümlesine 10 alt problemle cevap aranmaya çalışılmıştır. Araştırma nitel araştırma veri toplama tekniklerinin kullanıldığı betimsel bir araştırmadır. Araştırmada veriler doküman analizi yoluyla incelenmiş ve içerik analizi yoluyla çözümlenmiştir. Araştırmada iki evren belirlenmiştir. Güzel sanatlar fakültelerinin müzik alanı özel yetenek sınavlarının incelenmesine yönelik tüm evrene ve Türkiye'de mesleki müzik eğitimi veren kurumların incelenmesinde tüm evrene ulaşılmış, örneklem belirlemeye gerek duyulmamıştır. Araştırma için gerekli verilere internet üzerinden erişilmiştir. Veriler araştırma amacına uygun biçimde çözümlenmiştir. Araştırmada, ilkokul, ortaokul ve lise düzeyinde 101, lisans düzeyinde 69 üniversitenin 90 bölümünde mesleki müzik eğitimi verildiği sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Bünyesinde müzik bölümü mevcut olan 13 güzel sanatlar fakültesi, 3 sanat ve tasarım fakültesi, 2 güzel sanatlar ve tasarım fakültesi, 2 güzel sanatlar tasarım ve mimarlık fakültesi, 2 müzik ve sahne sanatları fakültesi, 1 sanat tasarım ve mimarlık fakültesi, 1 sosyal ve beşeri bilimler fakültesi, 39 konservatuvar, 27 eğitim fakültesi bulunmaktadır. Bu bölümlere ayrılan toplam kontenjan 4141' dir. Ayrıca 26 Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti uyruklu öğrenci kontenjanı belirlenmiştir. Konservatuvar ve eğitim fakülteleri müzik öğretmenliği bölümleri dışında kalan fakültelerin müzik bölümlerine 4'ü Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti uyruklu olmak üzere 918 kontenjan belirlenmiştir. Konservatuvar ve eğitim fakülteleri müzik öğretmenliği bölümleri dışında kalan fakültelerin özel yetenek sınavlarında bir aşamalı, iki aşamalı, üç aşamalı ve dört aşamalı uygulamalar yapıldığı sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Buna göre 8 fakültenin 10 bölümüne tek aşamalı sınavla, 12 fakültenin 16 bölümüne iki aşamalı sınavla, 2 fakültenin 3 bölümüne üç aşamalı sınavla, 1 fakülteye 4 aşamalı sınavla öğrenci alımı yapılmaktadır. Özel yetenek sınavlarına başvuru için gerekli olan yükseköğretime geçiş sınavı taban puanları 2 üniversitede 200, 4 üniversitede 180, 3 üniversitede 160, 14 üniversitede 150 olarak belirlenmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler : Mesleki Müzik Eğitimi, Mesleki Müzik Eğitimi Veren Kurumlar, Özel Yetenek Sınavı
In our country vocational music education is given in primary schools, junior high schools, and high school circuits and for licensure level in conservatories, education faculties and fine art faculties. All these schools/institutions that teach vocational music education identify their students with special talent exams. Special talent exams are hold on every year in the university in the summer. This research was made in order to reveal the current situation of institutions that provide professional music education in our country and the situation of talent exams of fine arts faculties. For this purpose in the research, an attempt was made to find an answer to the problem sentence with 10 sub-problems "How is the current situation when examining the positions of fine arts faculties, music special skill examines and institutions providing professional music education?" The research is a descriptive research in which data collection qualities are used. In the study, the data are analyzed through tissue analysis and analyzed through content analysis. Two universes are identified in the research. The music field of fine arts faculties has been reached all over the examination of special talents and institutions that provide professional music education in Turkey, no need to determine a sample. The data that required for the research were accessed via the internet. Data were resolved appropriately for research purposes. In the research it was reached that the result of vocational music education was given at 90 deparments of 69 universities for license level and there are 101 universities for primary, secondary, and high school levels. There are 13 fine art faculties 3 art and design faculties, 2 fine arts design faculties, 2 fine arts design and architecture faculties, 2 music and performing art faculties, 1art design and architechure faculty, 1 social and human sciences faculty, 39 conservatories, 27 education faculties that there is a music section in its organization. The total quota allocated to these section is 4141. In addition students from North Cyprus Turkish Republic (KRNC) have been identified as contingent. Conservatory and education faculties departments other than music teaching departments have assigned 918 quotas to music departments, 4 of which are North Cyprus Turkish Republic (KRNC) nationalities. It was reached that the result of faculty that except conservatory and education faculties of music teaching departments have achieved a gradual, two-stage, three-stage and four-stage practise of special talent exams. According to this 10 sections of 8 faculties are taken by single-stage examination, 16 sections of 12 faculties are taken by two-stage examination, 3 sections of 2 faculties are taken by three-stage exam and 1 faculty is taken by four-stage exam. The National University Entrance Exam base scores required for admission to special talent exams as 200 points in 2 universities, 180 points in 4 universities, 160 points in 3 universities and 150 points in 14 universities.
In our country vocational music education is given in primary schools, junior high schools, and high school circuits and for licensure level in conservatories, education faculties and fine art faculties. All these schools/institutions that teach vocational music education identify their students with special talent exams. Special talent exams are hold on every year in the university in the summer. This research was made in order to reveal the current situation of institutions that provide professional music education in our country and the situation of talent exams of fine arts faculties. For this purpose in the research, an attempt was made to find an answer to the problem sentence with 10 sub-problems "How is the current situation when examining the positions of fine arts faculties, music special skill examines and institutions providing professional music education?" The research is a descriptive research in which data collection qualities are used. In the study, the data are analyzed through tissue analysis and analyzed through content analysis. Two universes are identified in the research. The music field of fine arts faculties has been reached all over the examination of special talents and institutions that provide professional music education in Turkey, no need to determine a sample. The data that required for the research were accessed via the internet. Data were resolved appropriately for research purposes. In the research it was reached that the result of vocational music education was given at 90 deparments of 69 universities for license level and there are 101 universities for primary, secondary, and high school levels. There are 13 fine art faculties 3 art and design faculties, 2 fine arts design faculties, 2 fine arts design and architecture faculties, 2 music and performing art faculties, 1art design and architechure faculty, 1 social and human sciences faculty, 39 conservatories, 27 education faculties that there is a music section in its organization. The total quota allocated to these section is 4141. In addition students from North Cyprus Turkish Republic (KRNC) have been identified as contingent. Conservatory and education faculties departments other than music teaching departments have assigned 918 quotas to music departments, 4 of which are North Cyprus Turkish Republic (KRNC) nationalities. It was reached that the result of faculty that except conservatory and education faculties of music teaching departments have achieved a gradual, two-stage, three-stage and four-stage practise of special talent exams. According to this 10 sections of 8 faculties are taken by single-stage examination, 16 sections of 12 faculties are taken by two-stage examination, 3 sections of 2 faculties are taken by three-stage exam and 1 faculty is taken by four-stage exam. The National University Entrance Exam base scores required for admission to special talent exams as 200 points in 2 universities, 180 points in 4 universities, 160 points in 3 universities and 150 points in 14 universities.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Eğitim ve Öğretim, Education and Training ; Müzik, Music, Akdeniz bölgesi, Mediterranean region ; Akustik, Acoustic ; Anadolu uygarlıkları, Anatolian civilizations ; Antik mimari, Antique architecture ; Arkeolojik eserler, Archaeological materials ; Ege bölgesi, Aegean region ; Eski yapılar, Old buildings ; Müziksel iletişim, Musical communication ; Ses yayılması, Sound propagation ; Tiyatro binaları, Theatre buildings