Türklerin Unutulmayan Dostu Muhammed İkbal
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Muhammed İkbal, Pakistan'ın en önemli şairlerinden birisidir. Ülkesinin bağımsız bir ülke olmasının temellerini atmıştır, fakat bu mutlu anı görememiştir. Çok iyi bir tahsil hayatı vardı, çocukluğunda eğitim için çeşitli zorluklarla karşılaşsa da eğitimini hiç aksatmadı, en iyi hocalar ona ders verdiler. Üniversite'de okumak için uzak yerlere gitti, üniversite sonrası tahsilini en iyi üniversitelerde yaptı, mezuniyetten sonra hukuk alanında çalıştı ve vefatına kadar avukatlık mesleğini sürdürdü. Hindistan'da yaşayan Müslümanların sesi oldu, Pakistan'ın kurulmasında çok büyük katkısı oldu. Muhammed İkbal Türkleri çok severdi ve Türklere karşı çok büyük bir ilgisi vardı, bu sevgi ve ilgi öylesine büyüktü ki ülkemizin karşılaşmış olduğu birçok savaşlarda ve zorluklarda hep yanımızda oldu. Belki kilometrelerce uzaktaydı ama ülkesinde Türklere yardımcı olmak için mitingler yaptı, Türkler için şiirler yazdı. Kurtuluş Savaşında ülkemizin düşmanlarla olan mücadelesinde Muhammed İkbal, bir kurban bayramı günü insanlara ülkemiz için dua etmelerini istedi. Muhammed İkbal bir Mustafa Kemal Atatürk hayranıydı ve her zaman Atatürk için övgü dolu konuşmalar yaptı, Atatürk'ün kahramanlıklarını halkına anlattı. O, aynı zamanda bir Mevlana Celaleddin Rumi hayranıydı, Mevlana'ya öyle bir bağlıydı ki adeta et ve tırnak gibiydiler. Aynı zamanda İkbal, ülkemiz şairi Mehmet Akif Ersoy ile sıkı bir dosttu. Dostlukları boyunca şiirlerini birbirlerine gönderdiler. Muhammed İkbal için ülkemizde yazılmış bir çok kitap ve onun eserlerinin Türkçeye çevrilmiş kitaplarına ülkemiz insanları ve araştırmacılar tarafından büyük ilgi gösterilmektedir
Muhammad Iqbal, Pakistan is one of the most important poets. Laid the foundations of the country is an independent country, but could not see this happy moment.Iqbal had collected a very good life, in his childhood education training to the various challenges they thought would cease, the best teachers gave him lessons.Iqbal went to distant places to study at the university, the university has made the best universities in the collection of post-graduation and he worked in the field of law and continued to practice law until his death. He was the sound of the Muslims living in India, was an important contribution to the establishment of Pakistan. Muhammad Iqbal was very fond of the Turks and the Turks had nothing to do with a very large, so large that the country experienced the love and attention that was always at our side in many battles and challenges.Maybe it was miles and miles away, but the country rallies to help the Turks. He wrote poems for Turks. Muhammad Iqbal “War of Independence” struggle with the enemies of our country, on the feast of sacrifice asked them to pray for the people of our country.Muhammad Iqbal an admirer of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, Iqbal gave speeches full of praise for Ataturk, he told the people of Ataturk’s heroism. Iqbal is also a fan of Rumi, he was so dependent that to Rumi, they relations as meat and nail dependent.At the same time Iqbal, the poet Mehmet Akif Ersoy country with a tight friend. Sent poems to each other for friendship. Muhammad Iqbal was written in our country for many books and books of his works were translated into Turkish by the researchers of the people in our country are of great interest.
Muhammad Iqbal, Pakistan is one of the most important poets. Laid the foundations of the country is an independent country, but could not see this happy moment.Iqbal had collected a very good life, in his childhood education training to the various challenges they thought would cease, the best teachers gave him lessons.Iqbal went to distant places to study at the university, the university has made the best universities in the collection of post-graduation and he worked in the field of law and continued to practice law until his death. He was the sound of the Muslims living in India, was an important contribution to the establishment of Pakistan. Muhammad Iqbal was very fond of the Turks and the Turks had nothing to do with a very large, so large that the country experienced the love and attention that was always at our side in many battles and challenges.Maybe it was miles and miles away, but the country rallies to help the Turks. He wrote poems for Turks. Muhammad Iqbal “War of Independence” struggle with the enemies of our country, on the feast of sacrifice asked them to pray for the people of our country.Muhammad Iqbal an admirer of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, Iqbal gave speeches full of praise for Ataturk, he told the people of Ataturk’s heroism. Iqbal is also a fan of Rumi, he was so dependent that to Rumi, they relations as meat and nail dependent.At the same time Iqbal, the poet Mehmet Akif Ersoy country with a tight friend. Sent poems to each other for friendship. Muhammad Iqbal was written in our country for many books and books of his works were translated into Turkish by the researchers of the people in our country are of great interest.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Turkish Studies (Elektronik)
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
9 a
Alap, M. S. (2013). Türklerin Unutulmayan Dostu Muhammed İkbal. Turkish Studies (Elektronik), 8(9 a), 509 - 521.