Ombudsmanlığın Uluslararası Hukuk Sistemlerindeki Yeri
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Ombudsmanlık, geçmişten bugüne çeşitli uluslara-rası hukuk sistemlerinde mevcut olan ve devletler nezdinde birçok farklı yetki ile donatılmış bir hukuki denetim müessesesidir. İlk uygulamaları milattan önceki devirlere kadar uzanan bu kurum, günü-müzde AB hukuk sisteminde, İskandinav hukuk sisteminde, Anglo-Sakson hukuk sisteminde ve Kıta Avrupası hukuk sisteminde farklı şekillerde uygula-ma alanı bulmaktadır. Çoğunlukla, Ombudsman’ın yargı makamları üzerinde denetim yetkisinin ol-madığı görülmekle beraber, istisnai olarak yargı makamlarını da yetki kapsamına alarak eleştirilen bazı hukuki düzenlemelerin de mevcut olduğu anlaşılmaktadır. Bu çerçevede, en geniş denetim yetkisinin İskandinav hukuk sistemlerinde olduğu görülmektedir. Bu hususlara ilaveten, zikredilen hu-kuk sistemlerinin bazılarında tek bir Ombudsman, uhdesinde olan tüm konularda denetim yetkisini haiz iken, bazılarında ise her alanda birden çok Om-budsman’ın görevlendirildiği anlaşılmaktadır.
The Ombudsman is a legal body of control, which is present in various international legal systems from the past to the present day and is equipped with many different powers. The first applications of this institution, dating back to the Christ era, are nowadays being used in different ways in the EU legal system, the Scandinavian legal system, the Anglo-Saxon legal system and the Continental European legal system. Mostly, it can be seen that the Ombudsman does not have jurisdiction over the judicial authorities, but there are also some legal acts that have been criticized by taking into account the jurisdiction of the judiciary. In this framework, it is seen that the largest audit authority is in Scandinavian legal systems. In addition to these issues, in some of the aforementioned legal systems, a single Ombudsman has the authority to audit all matters which are under its responsibility, while in others it is understood that more than one Ombudsman has been appointed in each area.
The Ombudsman is a legal body of control, which is present in various international legal systems from the past to the present day and is equipped with many different powers. The first applications of this institution, dating back to the Christ era, are nowadays being used in different ways in the EU legal system, the Scandinavian legal system, the Anglo-Saxon legal system and the Continental European legal system. Mostly, it can be seen that the Ombudsman does not have jurisdiction over the judicial authorities, but there are also some legal acts that have been criticized by taking into account the jurisdiction of the judiciary. In this framework, it is seen that the largest audit authority is in Scandinavian legal systems. In addition to these issues, in some of the aforementioned legal systems, a single Ombudsman has the authority to audit all matters which are under its responsibility, while in others it is understood that more than one Ombudsman has been appointed in each area.
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Ombudsman Akademik
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Kaya, İ. S., Karabay, H. (2019). Ombudsmanlığın Uluslararası Hukuk Sistemlerindeki Yeri. Ombudsman Akademik, 6(11), 213 - 232.