Cranial Magnetic Resonance Imaging Findings of Bonzai Abuse: A Case Report
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Sentetik kannabinoidler (SK) Avrupa da Spice, ABD de K2, diğer taraftan Türkiye de Bonzai ismiyle popülerleş- mişlerdir. Çağımızın tehlikesi Bonzai, komplikasyonları ve nöroradyolojik bulguları literatürde çok bilinmeyen, son zamanlarda Türkiye de popüler olan bir bitkisel kaynaklı sentetik kannabinoid ilaçtır. Bunun sonucu olarak Bon- zai veya Bonzai ilişkili komplikasyonlar konusunda rad- yoloğun nöroradyolojik olarak farkında olması önemlidir. Biz bu olgu sunumunda, bilgisayarlı tomografide iskemi ile ilişkili olabilecek hipodens alanları olan, diğer taraf- tan magnetik rezonans görüntülemesinde T2 ağırlıklı ve FLAIR sekanslarda vazojenik ödemle uyumlu olduğu dü- şünülen Bonzai suistimali olgusunun kranial görüntüleme bulgularını sunduk. Ek olarak FLAIR görüntülemede kor- pus kallozumda sinyal artışı ve kanama odakları izlendi.
Synthetic cannabinoids (SC) are referred such as Spice in Europe, K2 İn USA, on the other hand Bonzai in Turkey. Bonzai has recently popular SC herbal-drug in Turkey which abuse increasingly, not very well known about its complications and neuro-radiological findings in literature. As a result of this it is substantial for radiologist be aware of neuro-radiological findings may be related to Bonzai or Bonzai like SC complications and thought as a differential diagnosis at unknown or indeterminate patient history. In this case report, we presented Bonzai abuse case neuro-radiological findings that computed to- mography showed hypodense areas may be related to ischemia, on the other hand magnetic resonance imaging demonstrated at T2 weighted (T2W) and fluid attenuation inversion recovery (FLAIR) sequence hyperintensities in those areas are compatible with vasogenic edema . In addition, corpus callosum splenium has a signal increase at FLAIR sequence and multifocal intraparencymal hema- tomas has periferally edema are also shown.
Synthetic cannabinoids (SC) are referred such as Spice in Europe, K2 İn USA, on the other hand Bonzai in Turkey. Bonzai has recently popular SC herbal-drug in Turkey which abuse increasingly, not very well known about its complications and neuro-radiological findings in literature. As a result of this it is substantial for radiologist be aware of neuro-radiological findings may be related to Bonzai or Bonzai like SC complications and thought as a differential diagnosis at unknown or indeterminate patient history. In this case report, we presented Bonzai abuse case neuro-radiological findings that computed to- mography showed hypodense areas may be related to ischemia, on the other hand magnetic resonance imaging demonstrated at T2 weighted (T2W) and fluid attenuation inversion recovery (FLAIR) sequence hyperintensities in those areas are compatible with vasogenic edema . In addition, corpus callosum splenium has a signal increase at FLAIR sequence and multifocal intraparencymal hema- tomas has periferally edema are also shown.
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Burulday, V., Koç, U., Tan, S., İnal, M., Alpua, M. (2016). Cranial Magnetic Resonance Imaging Findings of Bonzai Abuse: A Case Report. Dicle Tıp Dergisi, 43(1), 156 - 158.