Topikal fenilefrin ve siklopentolat'ın orbita kan akımı üzerine etkisi
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Amaç: Topikal uygulanan siklopentolat ve fenilefrin'in retrobulber kan akım hızlarına olan etkisini renkli Doppler ultrasonografi ile araştırmak. Gereç ve Yöntem: Göz polikliniğine başvuran hastalardan seçilen 22 gönüllü olgu siklopentolat grubunu, 40 olguda fenilefrin grubunu oluşturdu. Olguların rasgele seçilen bir gözlerine siklopentolat veya fenilefrin, diğer gözlerine ise serum fizyolojik damlatıldı. İlaç uygulanmadan önce renkli Doppler görüntüleme ile oftalmik arter, posterior silier arter ve santral retinal arterde maksimum sistolik kan akım hızı, diyastol sonu kan akım hızı, rezistivite ve pulsatilite indeksleri saptandı. İlaç uygulamasından önce elde edilen değerler, ilaç sonrası elde edilen değerler ile istatistiksel olarak karşılaştırıldı. Bulgular: İlaç uygulamaları sonrasında her iki grupta, sistemik parametreler ve göz içi basıncı açısından anlamlı bir fark saptanmadı (p0.05). Siklopentolat uygulanan grupta, ilaç öncesi ve sonrası retrobulber kan akım hızları anlamlı farklılık göstermedi (p0.05). Fenilefrin uygulanan grupta, ilaç uygulanan gözde diyastol sonu kan akım hızı kontrol göze göre posterior silier arterde anlamlı derecede düşük bulundu (p0.034). Bunun dışında her iki grupta yapılan kan akım hız ölçümlerinde anlamlı olmayan hafif düşme, rezistivite ve pulsatilite indekslerinde ise anlamlı olmayan hafif artış saptandı (p0.05). Sonuç: Her iki ilaç göz içi basınç, sistemik kan basıncı ve retrobulber kan akımında belirgin değişiklik yaratmamaktadır. Ancak, orbital hemodinamik bozukluk gösteren olgular üzerinde yapılacak yeni çalışmalar her iki ilacın bu olgulardaki etkileri konusuna açıklık getirecektir.
Purpose: To evaluate the effect of topical phenylephrine and cyclopentolate on the retrobulbar hemodynamics by means of color Doppler imaging. Materials and Methods: Sixty-two patients who applied to the Department of Ophthalmology were recruited for the study on the basis of voluntary. Of 62 subjects, 22 constituted the cyclopentolate group and 40 constituted the phenylephrine group. Randomly selected one eye of each subject received either cyclopentolate or phenylephrine and the fellow eye received serum physiologic. At baseline, the peak systolic velocity, end-diastolic velocity, resistivity index and pulsatilite index of the ophthalmic artery, posterior ciliary artery, and central retinal artery were measured in each eye, using color Doppler imaging. The parameters measured at baseline were compared with those measured after the dosing. Results: After the dosing, we did not determined any significant difference in systemic parameters and intraocular pressure in both groups (p>0.05). In the cyclopentolate group, there was no difference in retrobulbar blood flow velocities after the application of cyclopentolate (p>0.05). In the phenylephrine group, administration of phenylephrine caused a significant decrease in end-diastolic blood flow velocity of posterior ciliary artery (p0.034). There were insignificant decreases in blood flow velocities and insignificant elevations in resistivity and pulsatilite indices in all retrobulbar vessels in both groups. Conclusion: This study suggests that both cyclopentolate and phenylephrine do not result in significant changes in intraocular pressure, systemic pressures, and retrobulbar hemodynamics. However, future studies will clarify the effect of both medications on the retrobulbar hemodynamics in patients with impaired orbital hemodynamics.
Purpose: To evaluate the effect of topical phenylephrine and cyclopentolate on the retrobulbar hemodynamics by means of color Doppler imaging. Materials and Methods: Sixty-two patients who applied to the Department of Ophthalmology were recruited for the study on the basis of voluntary. Of 62 subjects, 22 constituted the cyclopentolate group and 40 constituted the phenylephrine group. Randomly selected one eye of each subject received either cyclopentolate or phenylephrine and the fellow eye received serum physiologic. At baseline, the peak systolic velocity, end-diastolic velocity, resistivity index and pulsatilite index of the ophthalmic artery, posterior ciliary artery, and central retinal artery were measured in each eye, using color Doppler imaging. The parameters measured at baseline were compared with those measured after the dosing. Results: After the dosing, we did not determined any significant difference in systemic parameters and intraocular pressure in both groups (p>0.05). In the cyclopentolate group, there was no difference in retrobulbar blood flow velocities after the application of cyclopentolate (p>0.05). In the phenylephrine group, administration of phenylephrine caused a significant decrease in end-diastolic blood flow velocity of posterior ciliary artery (p0.034). There were insignificant decreases in blood flow velocities and insignificant elevations in resistivity and pulsatilite indices in all retrobulbar vessels in both groups. Conclusion: This study suggests that both cyclopentolate and phenylephrine do not result in significant changes in intraocular pressure, systemic pressures, and retrobulbar hemodynamics. However, future studies will clarify the effect of both medications on the retrobulbar hemodynamics in patients with impaired orbital hemodynamics.
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