Atık Fosfojipslerin Yapı Malzemesi Olarak Ekonomiye Geri Kazandırılması
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Depolanması sırasında ekolojik dengeye zarar veren fosfojipsin, içerdiği safsızlıklar nedeniyle kullanımı sınırlı olmakla birlikte, yıkama ve kalsine etme yolu ile bu safsızlıkların giderilmesi mümkündür. Bu araştırmada, Türkiye’deki atık fosfojipslerin yol açtığı büyük çevre kirliliğinin önlenmesi ve yapı malzemesi olarak ekonomiye geri kazandırılabilme olanakları araştırılmıştır. Bu amaçla, doğal baz alçı, fosfojips ve belirli oranlarda karıştırılmış doğal baz alçı ve fosfojips karışımı üzerinde bir dizi fiziksel analiz yapılmıştır. Bu üç malzeme üzerinde yapılan fiziksel analizler; kristal suyu tayini, elek analizi, priz (donma) süresi ve yayılma çapı tayini, Ph belirleme, rutubet miktarının tayini, eğilmede çekme mukavemeti ve eksenel basınç mukavemeti tayinidir. Fosfojips ve doğal baz alçının karışım oranları Ph derecelerine göre belirlenmiştir. Doğal baz alçının Ph derecesi 6-7, fosfojipsin Ph derecesi ise 3’tür. Fosfojipsin asidik özelliğinin yapı malzemesi olarak kullanımını sınırlandırması nedeniyle karışım halinde kullanılmasında yarar görülmüştür. Bu amaçla Ph dengesini ve granülometrisini ayarlamak amacıyla birçok karışım hazırlanmıştır. Uygun karışım %15 fosfojips - %85 doğal baz alçı olarak bulunmuştur. Eğilmede çekme mukavemeti ve eksenel basınç mukavemeti deneyleri yapılmış, priz alma süresi de dikkate alınarak yapı malzemesi olarak kullanılabilirliği ve maliyeti irdelenmiştir.
Phosphogypsum, the storage of which damages the ecological balance, has limited use due to its contamination aspect. However, it is possible to eliminate its impurities through raffination methods, such as washing and calcination. This study, examines ways of pollution prevention caused by waste phosphogypsum in Turkey and its recycling methods of building materials and winning for economics. A number of physical analysis were conducted on the natural gypsum, phosphogypsum, and the mixture of phosphogypsum and natural gypsum with specific proportions. These physical analysis on the abone mentioned three materials are determination of crystal water, sieve analysis, determination of set duration and flow diameter, Ph determination, the amount of moisture content determination, determination of flexural and axial compressive strength. The proportional mixture of phosphogypsum and natural gypsum are determined according to their Ph degrees. While natural gypsum has a Ph degree of 6-7, phosphogypsum has 3. Due to asidic characteristic of the latter, and its related limited use as a consturction material, proportional use of phosphogypsum is found to be more efficient. In order to measure Ph balance and its granulometer, various mixtures are prepared. The most appropriate blend is found to be 15% phosphogypsum and 85% natural gypsum. Axial compressive strength and flexural strength tests were conducted, setting duration has been taken into account, outdoor use as construction material and its cost have been discussed.
Phosphogypsum, the storage of which damages the ecological balance, has limited use due to its contamination aspect. However, it is possible to eliminate its impurities through raffination methods, such as washing and calcination. This study, examines ways of pollution prevention caused by waste phosphogypsum in Turkey and its recycling methods of building materials and winning for economics. A number of physical analysis were conducted on the natural gypsum, phosphogypsum, and the mixture of phosphogypsum and natural gypsum with specific proportions. These physical analysis on the abone mentioned three materials are determination of crystal water, sieve analysis, determination of set duration and flow diameter, Ph determination, the amount of moisture content determination, determination of flexural and axial compressive strength. The proportional mixture of phosphogypsum and natural gypsum are determined according to their Ph degrees. While natural gypsum has a Ph degree of 6-7, phosphogypsum has 3. Due to asidic characteristic of the latter, and its related limited use as a consturction material, proportional use of phosphogypsum is found to be more efficient. In order to measure Ph balance and its granulometer, various mixtures are prepared. The most appropriate blend is found to be 15% phosphogypsum and 85% natural gypsum. Axial compressive strength and flexural strength tests were conducted, setting duration has been taken into account, outdoor use as construction material and its cost have been discussed.
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