Kira Sözleşmesinin Önemli Sebeplerle Olağanüstü Feshi (TBK m.331)
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6098 sayılı Türk Borçlar Kanunu’nun kiraya ilişkin genel hükümleri kapsamında kira sözleşmesinin sona ermesi; belirli süreli kira sözleşmelerinde sürenin geçmesi (TBK m.327), belirsiz süreli kira sözleşmelerinde fesih bildirimi (TBK m.328-330) ve olağanüstü fesih (TBK m.331-333) şeklinde düzenlenmiştir. Olağanüstü fesih nedenleri ise önemli sebepler (TBK m.331), kiracının iflası (TBK m.332) ve kiracının ölümü (TBK m.333) olmak üzere üç başlıkta ifade edilmiştir. Kiraya ilişkin genel hükümler kapsamında kira sözleşmesinin sona ermesine imkân veren üç durum daha söz konusudur. Bunlardan ilki kiraya verenin, kiracının kiralananı özenle kullanma ve komşulara saygı gösterme borcunu ihlal etmesi sebebiyle sözleşmeyi feshi (TBK m.316), ikincisi kiracının temerrüdü (TBK m.315) sebebiyle sözleşmenin feshi, üçüncüsü ise önemli ayıplar nedeniyle kiracının sözleşmeyi feshetmesidir (TBK m.305/II). Çalışmada kira sözleşmesinin önemli sebeplerle feshine ilişkin TBK m.331 hükmü, diğer sona erme sebepleri ile olan ilişkisi de değerlendirilmek suretiyle ele alınmıştır. Ayrıca İsviçre Hukuku ve Yargıtay uygulaması da olabildiğince aktarılmaya çalışılmıştır.
Termination of the lease contract within the scope of the general provisions concerning to lease of the Turkish Code of Obligations (TCO) 6098; has been regulated as termination of the tenancy in certain lease contracts (TCO a.327), notice of termination in uncertain lease contracts (TCO a.328-330) and extraordinary termination (TCO a.331-333). The reasons for the extraordinary termination are stated in three chapters as significant reasons (TCO a.331), bankruptcy of the tenant (TCO a.332), and the tenant’s death (TCO a.333). There are three other cases that allow for the end of the the lease contract under the general provisions of lease. First of these is the termination of the contract by the lessor due to the tenant’s violation of the carefully usage of the leased and obligation of respecting to the neighbours (TCO a.316), the second is the termination of the contract due to the default of the tenant (TCO a.315), and the third is the termination of the contract by the tenant due to the significant faults (TCO a.305/II). In this study, the provision of the Article 313 of the TCO concerning the termination of the lease contract for significant reasons was dealt with by assessing the relationship with other reasons for termination. The Swiss Law and Court of Cassation practice has also been tried to be conveyed as much as possible.
Termination of the lease contract within the scope of the general provisions concerning to lease of the Turkish Code of Obligations (TCO) 6098; has been regulated as termination of the tenancy in certain lease contracts (TCO a.327), notice of termination in uncertain lease contracts (TCO a.328-330) and extraordinary termination (TCO a.331-333). The reasons for the extraordinary termination are stated in three chapters as significant reasons (TCO a.331), bankruptcy of the tenant (TCO a.332), and the tenant’s death (TCO a.333). There are three other cases that allow for the end of the the lease contract under the general provisions of lease. First of these is the termination of the contract by the lessor due to the tenant’s violation of the carefully usage of the leased and obligation of respecting to the neighbours (TCO a.316), the second is the termination of the contract due to the default of the tenant (TCO a.315), and the third is the termination of the contract by the tenant due to the significant faults (TCO a.305/II). In this study, the provision of the Article 313 of the TCO concerning the termination of the lease contract for significant reasons was dealt with by assessing the relationship with other reasons for termination. The Swiss Law and Court of Cassation practice has also been tried to be conveyed as much as possible.
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Ankara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi
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Şahin T. (2019). Kira Sözleşmesinin Önemli Sebeplerle Olağanüstü Feshi (TBK m.331). Ankara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, 68(1), 337 - 359.