Oğuz Atay’dan “Babama Mektup” ya da bir yazarın ölen Babasıyla/kendisiyle hesaplaşması
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Bir otoritenin, kurumun, yaptırımın ya da hoşgörünün, güvenin, tecrübe ve bilgeliğin temsilcisi olarak “baba”, edebiyatın vazgeçilmez bir malzemesidir. Sadece son dönem romanımızda değil Klasik Edebiyatımızdan Tanzimat’a, Servet-i Fünun’dan Cumhuriyet’in ilk dönem kalem tecrübelerine kadar “baba” birçok edebî metne konu olmuş; farklı yazar ve şairlerimizin eserlerinde değişik kavramlar etrafında işaret edilen birer izlek olarak yer almıştır. Oğuz Atay’ın “Babama Mektup” adlı metninde okurla buluşturulan “baba” figürünün yukarıda ifade edilen dönemler içerisinde dikkat çekilenlerden farklı duran yanları vardır. Bunlardan en belirgin olanı belki de, baba hayattayken başarılamayan iletişimin o öldükten sonra kurulmak istenmesidir. Yazar, babasının yüzüne karşı söylemek isteyip de söyleyemediklerini, ölmüş bedeni karşısında “dil”e getirir. Burada dikkat çeken bir başka nokta ise Atay’ın tüm yapmacıklardan sıyrılarak evreninde sahiciliğin yer aldığı bir dil’i merkez alıyor olmasıdır. Her ne kadar bu dil, edebî metnin kurmaca düzleminden muhatabına ulaşıyor olsa da okuru içerden sarıp sarmalamaktadır. Metnin zengin anlam alanlarına açımlanarak derinleşmesi; yazarın babasıyla olan yaşanmışlıklarının yanına okurun yaşanmışlıklarının da eklemlenerek derin anlam alanlarında çoğalması böyle gerçekleşmektedir. Makalede “Babama Mektup”un bu derin anlam yapısını kurgulayan anlatı formunun ve yazarın kendiyle hesaplaşırken ortaya çıkan söylemlerin özellikleri üzerinde durulacaktır.
“Father“ is a indispensable parts of an authority, an imperative force, or institution as a representative of self-confidential and experiment or wisdom. Not only on the last our time novels, but also from our Classic literature to Tanzımat, from Servet-ı Funun to early years of Republic's “father“ has been issued; it was took place in our different writes and poetries literature products as a path which has been indicated by different ideas. “Father“ is character which is being met with readers by Oguz Atay in the “Babama Mektup / The Letter to My Father“, it has some different ways from others which has been told in literatures above which had been emphasized. One of these the best to be certain is, maybe, to want to set communication or nexus, after father died, between them but this could not reach this goal during lifetime of dad. Writer “sounds“ to his dad faces something he wanted but did not to tell when dad is alive. Here another point is that he centers around a language which has full of reality in its universe by leaving up all fake. Although this language reach to reader from the texts' fiction world, it is wrap to inside the reader. Deepening of the rich meaning of the text fields be exploratory, the author's experiences with his father, as well as by integrating the reader experiences the deep meaning of such proliferation takes place in the field. In this article, study, "Letter To My Father" the narrative form of the deep meaning of the editing structure and the discourse of the author's own reckonition and the properties of the author‘s discourse will be studied in acordingly.
“Father“ is a indispensable parts of an authority, an imperative force, or institution as a representative of self-confidential and experiment or wisdom. Not only on the last our time novels, but also from our Classic literature to Tanzımat, from Servet-ı Funun to early years of Republic's “father“ has been issued; it was took place in our different writes and poetries literature products as a path which has been indicated by different ideas. “Father“ is character which is being met with readers by Oguz Atay in the “Babama Mektup / The Letter to My Father“, it has some different ways from others which has been told in literatures above which had been emphasized. One of these the best to be certain is, maybe, to want to set communication or nexus, after father died, between them but this could not reach this goal during lifetime of dad. Writer “sounds“ to his dad faces something he wanted but did not to tell when dad is alive. Here another point is that he centers around a language which has full of reality in its universe by leaving up all fake. Although this language reach to reader from the texts' fiction world, it is wrap to inside the reader. Deepening of the rich meaning of the text fields be exploratory, the author's experiences with his father, as well as by integrating the reader experiences the deep meaning of such proliferation takes place in the field. In this article, study, "Letter To My Father" the narrative form of the deep meaning of the editing structure and the discourse of the author's own reckonition and the properties of the author‘s discourse will be studied in acordingly.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Turkish Studies (Elektronik)
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Tüzer, İ. (2010). Oğuz Atay’dan “Babama Mektup” ya da bir yazarın ölen Babasıyla/kendisiyle hesaplaşması. Turkish Studies (Elektronik), 5(4), 1499 - 1515.