Yaratıcı insan-sıradan insan ve "Bağışla Onları" romanı
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İnsan, doğal-tinsel/tarihsel bir bütündür. Diğer bir ifadeyle hem düğal/biyo-psişik, hem tinsel/tarihsel bir varlık olan insanı insan kılan, sadece doğal özellik/olanaklarını (yemek içmek, boşaltmak, türünü devam ettirmek) değil, aynı zamanda tinsel özellik/olanaklarını da gerçekleştirmesidir. Felsefî antropoloji, bir bütün olan insanın olanaklarını/özelliklerini/varlık şartlarını; bilmek, yapıp etmek, değerlerin sesini duymak, inanmak, kendini vermek, ideleştirmek, sanatın yaratıcısı olmak, önceden görmek vs. olarak sıralar. İnsanı, olanaklarıyla ilişkisi ve onlar karşısında takındığı tavrı göz önünde bulundurarak yaratıcı/bilge/trajik insan ve sıradan insan olarak ikiye ayırır. Yaratıcı insan, türünün olanaklarını gerçekleştiren kişidir. Onu o yapan bilim, sanat, felsefe, sorumluluk gibi yüksek değerlerin belirlemesinde olmasıdır. Sıradan insan ise gerçekleştirildiği takdirde kendisini insanlaştıracak olan olanaklara kapalı kalan; çoğu zaman küçük, gündelik çıkarlarının peşinde, mal-mülk edinme, zengin ve ünlü olma gibi araç değerlerin belirlemesinde olan bireydir. Diğer bir ifadeyle yaratıcı insan, varlığının olanaklarını doğal/tinsel bütünlüğünü parçalamadan gerçekleştiren, sıradan insansa gerçekleştiremeyen insandır. Bu yazıda öncelikle insan, insanın özellikleri/olanakları, yaratıcı ve sıradan insan kavramları tanımlanmaya çalışılmış; daha sonra yaratıcı bir insan olan Muhsin Ertuğrul'un yaşamını konu alan Bağışla Onları romanı ele alınmış ve roman teknik bakımdan değerlendirilmiştir.
Human beings are natural-spiritual/historical figures. In other words, a person is both a natural bio-psychic and a spiritual/historical being and what makes a person human is not only his natural features/opportunities (eating and drinking, excretion, produce offspring) but also realizing his spiritual features/opportunities. Philosophical anthropology specifies the opportunities/ features/ existence conditions of human as a whole as; to know, to make, to hear the others' voice, to believe, to devote, to idealize, to be the creator of art, to foresee etc. Considering his relationship with his opportunities and his attitude towards them, philosophical anthropology categorizes human as creative/sagacious/tragic human and ordinary human. Creative human is the one improving the opportunities of his own kind. What makes him special is his place in determining the high values as science, art, philosophy, responsibility. As for the ordinary human, he is the one who is not open to the opportunities which can humanize him if they are realized, and most of the time who takes part in determining the tool values as his daily interests, to own property, to be rich and famous. In other words, creative human is the one realizing his opportunities of his being without breaking up his natural/spiritual coherence, and ordinary human is the one who doesn't do this. In this abstract, firstly the concepts of human, human's features/opportunities, creative and ordinary human were tried to be identified; then the novel Forgive Them in which the life of a creative human, Muhsin Ertugrul was handled and the novel was studied technically.
Human beings are natural-spiritual/historical figures. In other words, a person is both a natural bio-psychic and a spiritual/historical being and what makes a person human is not only his natural features/opportunities (eating and drinking, excretion, produce offspring) but also realizing his spiritual features/opportunities. Philosophical anthropology specifies the opportunities/ features/ existence conditions of human as a whole as; to know, to make, to hear the others' voice, to believe, to devote, to idealize, to be the creator of art, to foresee etc. Considering his relationship with his opportunities and his attitude towards them, philosophical anthropology categorizes human as creative/sagacious/tragic human and ordinary human. Creative human is the one improving the opportunities of his own kind. What makes him special is his place in determining the high values as science, art, philosophy, responsibility. As for the ordinary human, he is the one who is not open to the opportunities which can humanize him if they are realized, and most of the time who takes part in determining the tool values as his daily interests, to own property, to be rich and famous. In other words, creative human is the one realizing his opportunities of his being without breaking up his natural/spiritual coherence, and ordinary human is the one who doesn't do this. In this abstract, firstly the concepts of human, human's features/opportunities, creative and ordinary human were tried to be identified; then the novel Forgive Them in which the life of a creative human, Muhsin Ertugrul was handled and the novel was studied technically.
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Öcal, O. (2011). Yaratıcı insan-sıradan insan ve "Bağışla Onları" romanı. Türklük Bilimi Araştırmaları, 0(29), 261 - 274.