Farklı Mesafe ve Açılarda RF Yayılımına Maruz Kalan İnsan Kafasındaki Sıcaklık ve Özgül Soğurma Oranı Dağılımı
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Kırıkkale Üniversitesi
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Bu makale, insan kafası içerisinden elde edilenözgül soğurma oranı (ÖSO) ve cep telefonlarındaki elektrik alan maruziyetininsebep olduğu ısıl etkileri sunmaktadır. 900 MHz ve 1800 MHz frekanslarındayayınım yapan cep telefonları mikrostrip patch anten ile modellenmiş ve çıkışgüçleri olabilecek en kötü durum senaryosuna göre seçilmiştir. Sonlu elemanlaryöntem (SEY) tabanlı COMSOL Multiphysics yazılım programı yardımıyla, kafamodelindeki ÖSO ve sıcaklık dağılımları üzerinde, sadece anten ile kafa modeliarasındaki mesafenin etkisi değil, aynı zamanda kafaya göre antenin açısınınetkisi de incelenmiştir. Çalışmada gösterilmiştir ki, antenin kafaya göremesafe ve açısının, kafadaki ÖSO değerleri ve sıcaklık artışında önemli biretkisi vardır. Benzetim sonucunda, ÖSO değerlerinin 900 MHz’de güvenlik sınırdeğerlerinin altında iken 1800 MHz’de antenin kafadan olan uzaklığı 0,2 cmolduğunda sınır değerlerinin altında olduğu bulunmuştur. Buna ek olarak, and nbsp; kafadaki sıcaklık artışının diğer yapılançalışmalarla oldukça uyumlu olduğu not edilmiştir.
This paper presents specific absorption rate(SAR) obtained inside a human head and the thermal effects due to exposure to acellular phone. The cellular phone radiating at 900 MHz and 1800 MHzfrequencies was modeled by microstrip patch antenna and its output power waschosen according to the worst-case scenario. By the aid of finite elementmethod (FEM) based COMSOL Multiphysics software program, not only the effect ofdistance between the antenna and the head model but also the effect ofantenna’s angle relative to the head on SAR and the temperature distribution inthe head model were investigated. It was shown in the study that the distanceand the angle of the antenna to the head had significant importance on the SARvalues and the temperature increase in the head. As a result of the simulation,it was found that SAR values at 900 MHz were under the safety limit valueswhereas at 1800 MHz were under the limits when the distance between the antennaand the head was 0.2 cm. Furthermore, it was noted that the temperatureincrease on the head was in good agreement with the other studies.
This paper presents specific absorption rate(SAR) obtained inside a human head and the thermal effects due to exposure to acellular phone. The cellular phone radiating at 900 MHz and 1800 MHzfrequencies was modeled by microstrip patch antenna and its output power waschosen according to the worst-case scenario. By the aid of finite elementmethod (FEM) based COMSOL Multiphysics software program, not only the effect ofdistance between the antenna and the head model but also the effect ofantenna’s angle relative to the head on SAR and the temperature distribution inthe head model were investigated. It was shown in the study that the distanceand the angle of the antenna to the head had significant importance on the SARvalues and the temperature increase in the head. As a result of the simulation,it was found that SAR values at 900 MHz were under the safety limit valueswhereas at 1800 MHz were under the limits when the distance between the antennaand the head was 0.2 cm. Furthermore, it was noted that the temperatureincrease on the head was in good agreement with the other studies.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Biyoısı Denklemi, Elektromanyetik Alan Maruziyeti, Sonlu Elemanlar Yöntemi, Özgül Soğurma Oranı, Bioheat Equation, Electromagnetic Field Exposure, Finite Element Method, Specific Absorption Rate
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