Covid-19 Salgını Sebebiyle İcra Takiplerine İlişkin Düzenlemelerin Değerlendirilmesi
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Dünya üzerinde ve ülkemizde son günlerde ortaya çıkan ani COVİD-19 salgını, işletmeleri ve kişileri olduğu kadar devletleri de ekonomik ve sosyal olarak ciddi şekilde sarsacak sonuçlar orta - ya çıkarmaktadır. Kişilerin bağışıklık mekanizmalarını etkisiz hale getirerek hayatlarını tehdit eden bu durumun aynı zamanda ülkele - rin kamu düzenini ve ekonomilerini de tahrip etmesinin önlenmesi veya etkilerinin en aza indirilmesi amacıyla devletler de bir takım yasal tedbirler almaya yönelmektedir. Çalışmamızda özellikle 2020 Mart ayından itibaren ülkemizde etkisini gösteren salgına karşı Cum - hurbaşkanlığı Kararları, Kanunlar, Genelgeler ve Bakanlık Görüşleri şeklindeki yasal tedbirlerin kronolojik olarak icra ve ifls takiplerine, sürelere, konkordato süreçlerine, ihtiyati haciz, ihtiyati tedbir ve delil tespiti gibi kurumlara etkileri ve sonuçları üzerinde durulacaktır.
Sudden COVID-19 outbreak across the world and in our country have many serious economic and social consequences on states, as well as businesses and individuals. The states try to take some legal measures to prevent this situation from destroying their economies and public order and to minimize its effcts, which also threatens the lives of people by deactivating their immune systems. In our study, the effcts and consequences of these legal measures such as Presidential Decrees, Laws, Circulars and Ministerial Opini - ons against the epidemic which has been effctive in our country since March 2020, on execution and bankruptcy proceedings, con - cordat procedures, precautionary liens, precautionary measures and evidence determination will chronologically be examined.
Sudden COVID-19 outbreak across the world and in our country have many serious economic and social consequences on states, as well as businesses and individuals. The states try to take some legal measures to prevent this situation from destroying their economies and public order and to minimize its effcts, which also threatens the lives of people by deactivating their immune systems. In our study, the effcts and consequences of these legal measures such as Presidential Decrees, Laws, Circulars and Ministerial Opini - ons against the epidemic which has been effctive in our country since March 2020, on execution and bankruptcy proceedings, con - cordat procedures, precautionary liens, precautionary measures and evidence determination will chronologically be examined.
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