Satış Talebinin Kanuna Aykırı Olarak Reddedilmesinin, Konulmuş Olan Hacze Etkisi (Yargıtay’ın 16.02.2018 Tarihli İçtihadı Birleştirme Kararı Dolayısıyla)
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Yargıtay, 16.02.2018 tarihli ?çtihadı Birle?tirme Kararı’nda özetle, “Alacaklının yasal süresi içinde usulüne uygun olarak yaptı?ı satı? talebinin icra müdürünce reddine ili?kin kararın ?ikâyet yolu ile ortadan kaldırılmaması halinde yasal sürenin geçmesi ile özellikle sıra cetveline esas alınacak haciz dü?meyecektir” ?eklinde karar vermi?tir. Yargıtay’ın söz konusu kararı isabetli de?ildir. Zira bilindi?i üzere, alacaklının, borçlunun hacizli mallarının satı?ını, kanunda öngörülen süreler içinde istememesi halinde, yalnız haciz kalkar; ancak icra takibi dü?mez. ?cra müdürü, alacaklının kanuna uygun olan satı? talebini kabul etmek ve bunun için gerekli i?lemleri yapmakla yükümlüdür. ?cra müdürünün, alacaklının kanuna uygun olan satı? talebini, henüz kıymet takdiri yapılmadı?ı gerekçesiyle kanuna aykırı olarak reddetmesi halinde, alacaklı icra müdürünün bu i?lemine kar?ı ?ikâyet yoluna ba?vurabilir. ?cra müdürü satı? talebini reddetmekle, hareketsiz kalmadı?ı, bir i?lem tesis etti?i için, bu durumda ba?vurulacak olan ?ikâyetin sebebi; Yargıtay’ın ?çtihadı Birle?tirme Kararı’nda dayandı?ı bir hakkın yerine getirilmemesi ya da sebepsiz yere sürüncemede bırakılması de?il, kanuna aykırılık olur. Alacaklının kanuna uygun olan satı? talebi, icra müdürü tarafından kanuna aykırı olarak reddedilmi? olsa bile, bu i?lemin kendili?inden geçeriz olaca?ı ve alacaklının da satı? talebinin varlı?ını koruyaca?ı söylenemez. Alacaklı, icra müdürünün bu i?lemine kar?ı ancak ?ikâyet yoluna ba?vurarak, söz konusu i?lemi ortadan kaldırabilir. Alacaklı ?ikâyet yoluna ba?vurarak icra müdürünün satı? talebinin reddi i?lemini iptal ettirmez veya daha sonra yeniden satı? talebinde bulunulmaz ve bu arada satı? isteme süresi de geçerse, konulmu? olan haciz kalkar ve bu alacalıya sıra cetvelinde de yer verilemez.
In the event that the creditor does not want the confiscated goods of the debtor to be sold within the period, which is stipulated by the Law, the confiscation is dissolved, but the enforcement proceedings are not. The bailiff manager is obliged to accept the creditor's demand for sale which is in accordance with the Law and to carry out the necessary procedures for it. In the event the bailiff manager rejects the creditor's demand for sale which is in accordance with the law on the ground that the appraisal has not been yet made, the creditor may file a complaint against this transaction of the bailiff manager. If the bailiff manager establishes a transaction by rejecting the demand for sale and does not remain motionless, then the reason for the complaint to be applied would not be not performing a right or suspending it without reasonable justification but unlawfulness. Even if the creditor's demand for sale which is in accordance with the Law is rejected unlawfully by the bailiff manager, this transaction would not be automatically invalid and the existence of the creditor's demand for sale is not continued. The creditor may remove the transaction of the bailiff manager only by applying to complaining procedure against this transaction. In the event that the creditor, by applying to complaining procedure, does not have the rejection of the demand for sale of the bailiff manager annulled or does not request a new demand for sale and the period for demanding for sale is in the meantime also expired, the confiscation which was made is removed and this creditor is not listed in the confiscation order table.
In the event that the creditor does not want the confiscated goods of the debtor to be sold within the period, which is stipulated by the Law, the confiscation is dissolved, but the enforcement proceedings are not. The bailiff manager is obliged to accept the creditor's demand for sale which is in accordance with the Law and to carry out the necessary procedures for it. In the event the bailiff manager rejects the creditor's demand for sale which is in accordance with the law on the ground that the appraisal has not been yet made, the creditor may file a complaint against this transaction of the bailiff manager. If the bailiff manager establishes a transaction by rejecting the demand for sale and does not remain motionless, then the reason for the complaint to be applied would not be not performing a right or suspending it without reasonable justification but unlawfulness. Even if the creditor's demand for sale which is in accordance with the Law is rejected unlawfully by the bailiff manager, this transaction would not be automatically invalid and the existence of the creditor's demand for sale is not continued. The creditor may remove the transaction of the bailiff manager only by applying to complaining procedure against this transaction. In the event that the creditor, by applying to complaining procedure, does not have the rejection of the demand for sale of the bailiff manager annulled or does not request a new demand for sale and the period for demanding for sale is in the meantime also expired, the confiscation which was made is removed and this creditor is not listed in the confiscation order table.
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