Yahudi Dualarında Kudüs
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Yahudilik, özellikle Kral Davut döneminden itibaren Kudüs ile kimlik bulan, yaşanılabilen ve özdeşleştirilen bir dindir. Yahudilere göre Kudüs’te Davut ve oğlu Süleyman zamanında yaşanılan dini ve siyasi hayat, belleklerinde unutulmaması ve yeniden yaşanılması gereken bir idealdir. Yahudilerin dinî hayatının vazgeçilmez bir parçası olan ve özellikle II. Mabed’in yıkılmasıyla dinin odağına yerleşen dualar, Kudüs’ün onlar için ifade ettiği anlamı açık bir şekilde ortaya koymakta ve Yahudi inanç tarihinin birer özeti olarak kabul edilmektedir. Düzenli olarak, bayramlarda ve geçiş dönemleri ve bazı özel durumlarda yapılan Yahudi dualarında Kudüs’e yönelik vurgular, Tanrı’nın yüceltilerek kendisinden barışın ve kurtuluşun istenildiği, kurtuluşun Mesih’in gelişi, Mabed’in inşası ve Kudüs’e barışın hâkim olmasıyla gerçekleşeceğine işaret eden bir görünüm arz etmektedir. Bu bağlamda Amida duası, Mesih’in gelişi, Yahudilerin Kudüs’te toplanması ve adaletin sağlanması neticesinde kurtuluşun gerçekleşmesine yönelik vurguları nedeniyle Kudüs vatandaşlığının yani Yahudi olmanın bir simgesi olarak kabul edilmektedir. Dolayısıyla Yahudilerin belleğinde Kudüs unutulmaması gereken olarak tezahür etmekte ve dillerinde “Kudüs’ü yeniden inşa et” şeklinde yer alan bir “Yahudi Ümidi” olarak her zaman önemini ve değerini korumaktadır. Bu çalışmada çeşitli zamanlarda ve şekillerde yapılan Yahudi dualarına odaklanmak suretiyle, Kudüs’ün Yahudi dualarında ne şekilde yer aldığı ve onlar için ne anlam ifade ettiği fenomenolojik yöntem aracılığıyla anlaşılmaya ve ortaya konulmaya gayret edilmektedir.
Judaism is a religion introduced, practiced, and identified with Jerusalem especially since King David’s period. According to Jews, the religious and political life in Jerusalem during the time of David and his son Suleiman is an ideal that requires not to be forgotten in their memory and to be experienced again. The prayers, which are an indispensable part of the religious life of the Jews and settled in the focus of religion with the collapse of the Temple, clearly reveal the meaning of Jerusalem that expressed for them and are considered as a summary of the history of Jewish faith. In general, the emphasis on Jerusalem in Jewish prayers, made regularly, on holidays and in transition periods and in some special cases, is that God is glorifying himself, that peace and salvation are demanded, salvation comes from the coming of Christ, the construction of temple, and peace in Jerusalem. In this direction Amidah prayer is regarded as a symbol of Jerusalem citizenship, that is to be Jewish, because of its emphasis on the fulfilment of salvation as a result of the coming of Christ, the gathering of the Jews in Jerusalem and the provision of justice. Therefore, in the memory of Jews, Jerusalem appears as need to be remembered and always maintains its importance and value as “a Jewish Hope” in the form of “Rebuild Jerusalem” in their language. In this work, by focusing on Jewish prayers made in various times and shapes, it is tried to be understood and revealed how Jerusalem takes place in Jewish prayers and what it means to them through the phenomenological method.
Judaism is a religion introduced, practiced, and identified with Jerusalem especially since King David’s period. According to Jews, the religious and political life in Jerusalem during the time of David and his son Suleiman is an ideal that requires not to be forgotten in their memory and to be experienced again. The prayers, which are an indispensable part of the religious life of the Jews and settled in the focus of religion with the collapse of the Temple, clearly reveal the meaning of Jerusalem that expressed for them and are considered as a summary of the history of Jewish faith. In general, the emphasis on Jerusalem in Jewish prayers, made regularly, on holidays and in transition periods and in some special cases, is that God is glorifying himself, that peace and salvation are demanded, salvation comes from the coming of Christ, the construction of temple, and peace in Jerusalem. In this direction Amidah prayer is regarded as a symbol of Jerusalem citizenship, that is to be Jewish, because of its emphasis on the fulfilment of salvation as a result of the coming of Christ, the gathering of the Jews in Jerusalem and the provision of justice. Therefore, in the memory of Jews, Jerusalem appears as need to be remembered and always maintains its importance and value as “a Jewish Hope” in the form of “Rebuild Jerusalem” in their language. In this work, by focusing on Jewish prayers made in various times and shapes, it is tried to be understood and revealed how Jerusalem takes place in Jewish prayers and what it means to them through the phenomenological method.
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