Bir kısrakta miks sarkoid olgusu
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Bu raporda, 8 yaşlı yarım kan İngiliz bir kısrağın ventral abdomen bölgesinde saptanan miks sarkoid olgusu klinik ve patolojik bulguları ile tanımlanmıştır. Tümör, 6x4x3 cm ölçülerinde, yüzeyi ülserli ve kanamalı, kılsız deri ile örtülü deri yüzeyden taşkın diskoid şekilli bir kitleden ibaretti. Histopatolojik incelemede, epidermiste yaygın ülser alanları, hiperplazi, oıtokeratotik hiperkeratoz ve yer yer epitelyal incelmeler dikkati çekti. Nadiren akantozis ve kistik kıl folliküllerine rastlandı. Dermişte yumak şeklinde kıvrımlar oluşturan fibroblast benzeri iğ ve çomak şekilli hücre proliferasyonları görüldü. Farklı sarkoid tiplerine ait klinik ve histopatolojik bulgular gözlenen bu tümöre miks sarkoid tanısı konuldu.
In this report, a mixed sarcoid case detected on the ventral abdomen region of an 8 year-old Throughbreed horse was described with clinical and pathological findings. The tumor was 6x4x3 cm in size, discoid in shape and contained ulcerative and haemorrhagic areas on the hairless skin. Histopathologically, widespread ulceration, hyperplasia, orthokeratotic hyperkeratosis and thinning of the epidermis were observed. Occasionally, acanthosis and follicular cysts were also detected. Whorls of fibroblast-like spindle and spheroidal cell proliferations were seen in dermis. This tumor was diagnosed as mixed sarcoid because of the clinical and histopathological findings consistent with different sarcoid types.
In this report, a mixed sarcoid case detected on the ventral abdomen region of an 8 year-old Throughbreed horse was described with clinical and pathological findings. The tumor was 6x4x3 cm in size, discoid in shape and contained ulcerative and haemorrhagic areas on the hairless skin. Histopathologically, widespread ulceration, hyperplasia, orthokeratotic hyperkeratosis and thinning of the epidermis were observed. Occasionally, acanthosis and follicular cysts were also detected. Whorls of fibroblast-like spindle and spheroidal cell proliferations were seen in dermis. This tumor was diagnosed as mixed sarcoid because of the clinical and histopathological findings consistent with different sarcoid types.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri