Yürüme desteği için yürüteç- dış iskelet mekanizması tasarımı ve denetimi
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Kırıkkale Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bazı tıbbi sebepler ve yaşlılığa bağlı olarak, vücudun sağ ve sol yarısındaki kaslarda, kısmi veya tam güç kaybı oluşabilmektedir. Bu da normal yürüme aktivitesine engel olmaktadır. Bu tez çalışmasında, bu tip sebeplerle yürüme kısıtlılığı olan bireylerin rehabilitasyonlarını sağlayacak ve aynı zamanda temel ihtiyaçlarını karşılayabilecek düzeyde yürümelerine olanak tanıyacak, yürüteç-dış iskelet mekanizmasının kavramsal tasarımı yapılmıştır. Çalışma kapsamında ilk olarak, normal insan yürüyüşü analiz edilmiştir. Winter'ın normal yürüyüş deneylerinden elde ettiği veriler kullanılarak, alt ekstremitelerin hareket analizleri yapılmıştır. Daha sonra, 5 adet uzuvdan oluşan dış iskelet, insan antropometrisine uygun olarak tasarlanmıştır. Dış iskelet giydirilmiş insan yürüyüşünün dinamik analizinde kullanılabilecek, 2 boyutlu alternatif bir dinamik model önerilmiştir. 7 uzuvlu model, iki adet üst bacak (uyluk), iki adet alt bacak (baldır), iki adet ayak ve gövde uzuvlarından oluşmaktadır. Uzuvlar birbirlerine sürtünmesiz döner mafsallarla bağlanmıştır. Yürüyüşün, sagital düzlemdeki ve tek ayak destek fazındaki kısmı incelenmiştir. Destek fazında yer alan ayağın, ayak basınç merkezi (COP) etrafında dairesel hareket yaptığı kabul edilmiştir. Bu noktanın yürüyüş çevrimi boyunca değişen konumu, analitik olarak belirlenmiştir. Basınç merkezi (COP) ile ayak başparmağı ucu arasındaki kısım ise yatay olarak yerde hareketsiz bulunan, pasif bir uzuv gibi değerlendirilmiştir. Bu kısmın dinamik analize etkisi ihmal edilmiştir. Ortaya konan modelin, Lagrange denklemleri ile hareket denklemleri elde edilmiştir. Referans kalça ve referans diz eklemlerinin hareket denklemlerine göre transfer fonksiyonları belirlenmiş, kontrol sistemleri tasarlanmış ve test edilmiştir. Yürüteç-dış iskelet mekanizmasında mafsal açılarının kontrolü, PID kontrolör kullanılarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Kontrol sisteminin giriş verisi referans mafsal açısı, çıkışı ise takipçi mafsal açısıdır. Böylece, referans kalça ve diz eklemlerinin hareketlerinin, takipçi eklemlerce taklit ettirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Tasarlanan kontrol sistemleri, Matlab/Simmechanics'te oluşturulan dinamik model içerisinde uygulanmış ve test edilmiştir. Takipçi mafsallara ait açı değerleri, referans mafsalların açı değerleri ile karşılaştırılmıştır. Karşılaştırmalar neticesinde, elde edilen eğrilerin büyük oranda örtüştüğü görülmüştür. Kalça mafsalları arasındaki maksimum farkın yaklaşık 2 derece, diz mafsalları arasındaki maksimum farkın ise yaklaşık 3 derece civarında olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Önerilen dinamik modelin ve tasarlanan kontrol sisteminin başarısı/ uygunluğu değerlendirilmiştir.
Due to some medical reasons and old age, partial or complete loss of strength may occur in the muscles of the right and left sides of the body. This interferes with normal walking activity. In this thesis, the conceptual design of the walker-exoskeleton mechanism, which will enable individuals with walking limitations for such reasons, to walk enough to both provide their rehabilitation and meet their basic needs, is made. Within the scope of the study, firstly, normal human gait is analyzed. Movement analyzes of the lower extremities are performed using the data obtained from Winter's normal gait experiments. Then, the exoskeleton consisting of 5 links is designed in accordance with human anthropometry. An alternative 2D model is proposed that can be used in the dynamic analysis of human gait dressed an exoskeleton. The 7-link model consists of two upper legs (thigh), two lower legs (shank), two feet and trunk. The links are connected to each other by friction-free revolute joints. The part of the gait in the sagittal plane and during the single support phase is examined. It is assumed that the foot in the support phase rotates about the center of pressure (COP) of the foot. The varying position of this point during the gait cycle is determined analytically. The part between the center of pressure (COP) and the tip of the toe is evaluated as a passive limb horizontally on the ground. The effect of this part on dynamic analysis is neglected. The equations of motion of the presented model are obtained by Lagrange equations. The transfer functions are determined with respect to the equations of motions of reference hip and knee joints, the control systems are designed and tested. The control of the joint angles is performed using PID controllers. The input data of the control systems are the reference joint angles and the outputs are the follower joint angles. Thus, it is aimed to imitate the movements of the reference hip and knee joints by the follower joints. The designed control systems are implemented and tested within the dynamic model created in Matlab/Simmechanics. The angle values of the follower joints are compared with the angles of the reference joints. As a result of the comparisons, it is seen that the obtained curves are significantly overlapped. It is obtained that the maximum difference between the hip joints is about 2 degrees, and the maximum difference between the knee joints is about 3 degrees. The success/feasibility of the proposed dynamic model and the designed control system is evaluated.
Due to some medical reasons and old age, partial or complete loss of strength may occur in the muscles of the right and left sides of the body. This interferes with normal walking activity. In this thesis, the conceptual design of the walker-exoskeleton mechanism, which will enable individuals with walking limitations for such reasons, to walk enough to both provide their rehabilitation and meet their basic needs, is made. Within the scope of the study, firstly, normal human gait is analyzed. Movement analyzes of the lower extremities are performed using the data obtained from Winter's normal gait experiments. Then, the exoskeleton consisting of 5 links is designed in accordance with human anthropometry. An alternative 2D model is proposed that can be used in the dynamic analysis of human gait dressed an exoskeleton. The 7-link model consists of two upper legs (thigh), two lower legs (shank), two feet and trunk. The links are connected to each other by friction-free revolute joints. The part of the gait in the sagittal plane and during the single support phase is examined. It is assumed that the foot in the support phase rotates about the center of pressure (COP) of the foot. The varying position of this point during the gait cycle is determined analytically. The part between the center of pressure (COP) and the tip of the toe is evaluated as a passive limb horizontally on the ground. The effect of this part on dynamic analysis is neglected. The equations of motion of the presented model are obtained by Lagrange equations. The transfer functions are determined with respect to the equations of motions of reference hip and knee joints, the control systems are designed and tested. The control of the joint angles is performed using PID controllers. The input data of the control systems are the reference joint angles and the outputs are the follower joint angles. Thus, it is aimed to imitate the movements of the reference hip and knee joints by the follower joints. The designed control systems are implemented and tested within the dynamic model created in Matlab/Simmechanics. The angle values of the follower joints are compared with the angles of the reference joints. As a result of the comparisons, it is seen that the obtained curves are significantly overlapped. It is obtained that the maximum difference between the hip joints is about 2 degrees, and the maximum difference between the knee joints is about 3 degrees. The success/feasibility of the proposed dynamic model and the designed control system is evaluated.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Makine Mühendisliği, Mechanical Engineering