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Kırıkkale Üniversitesi
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Yükseköğretim kurumlarındaki öğrencilerin, kamu disiplin hukukuna ilişkin uyması gereken kuralları düzenleyen 2547 sayılı Yükseköğretim Kanunu’nun 54. maddesinde 2023 yılında köklü değişikliğe gidilmiş ve devamında Yükseköğretim Kurumları Öğrenci Disiplin Yönetmeliği de yürürlükten kaldırılmıştır. Çalışmanın konusu doktrinde ihmal edilmiş olan yükseköğretim kurumlarındaki öğrencilere uygulanan kamu disiplin hukukunda zamanaşımı müessesesidir. Çalışmanın konusunun teması olarak nitelendirilebilecek olan zamanaşımı kavramı ise ceza hukuku ile mukayeseli olarak yasamanın iradesi ve yargı kararları özelinde incelenmiştir. Sonuç olarak kamu disiplin hukukuna ait kavramların ceza hukukunda farkları ortaya konulmuştur. Öte yandan kamu disiplin yaptırımlarından birisini teşkil eden öğrenci disiplin yaptırımlarının öteki kamu disiplin yaptırımlarından, öğrencilik statüsünün niteliği gereği ayrılan özellikleri göz önünde bulundurularak öğrenci disiplin yaptırımlarında zamanaşımı müessesesi kritik edilmiştir. Disiplin yaptırımları kurum içi veya meslek içi düzene ilişkindir. Hukuki rejimleri özellikle bu bağlamda şekillenmektedir. Öğrenci disiplin yaptırımları tıpkı kamu görevlileri disiplin yaptırımlarında olduğu gibi kurum içi düzen hakkındadır. Zamanaşımı müessesesi incelenirken öğrenci disiplin yaptırımlarının hukuki rejimi de göz önünde bulundurulmuştur.
Article 54 of the Higher Education Law No. 2547, which regulates the rules regarding the public disciplinary law of students in higher education institutions, was radically amended in 2023 and the Regulation on Student Discipline in Higher Education Institutions was repealed. The subject of our study is the prescription in public disciplinary law applied to students in higher education institutions, which has been neglected in the doctrine. The concept of prescription, which is the theme of the article, is examined in comparison with criminal law, in terms of legislative will and judicial decisions. As a result, the differences between the concepts of public disciplinary law and criminal law are revealed. On the other hand, considering the characteristics of student nonjudicial punishment, which constitute one of the public nonjudicial punishment, from other public nonjudicial punishment due to the nature of the student status, prescription in student nonjudicial punishment has been examined. Nonjudicial punishments are related to the internal institutional order or professional order. Their legal regime is especially shaped in this context. Student nonjudicial punishment are related to the internal order of the institution, just like the nonjudicial punishment of public officials. While analyzing prescription, the legal regime of student nonjudicial punishment is also taken into consideration.
Article 54 of the Higher Education Law No. 2547, which regulates the rules regarding the public disciplinary law of students in higher education institutions, was radically amended in 2023 and the Regulation on Student Discipline in Higher Education Institutions was repealed. The subject of our study is the prescription in public disciplinary law applied to students in higher education institutions, which has been neglected in the doctrine. The concept of prescription, which is the theme of the article, is examined in comparison with criminal law, in terms of legislative will and judicial decisions. As a result, the differences between the concepts of public disciplinary law and criminal law are revealed. On the other hand, considering the characteristics of student nonjudicial punishment, which constitute one of the public nonjudicial punishment, from other public nonjudicial punishment due to the nature of the student status, prescription in student nonjudicial punishment has been examined. Nonjudicial punishments are related to the internal institutional order or professional order. Their legal regime is especially shaped in this context. Student nonjudicial punishment are related to the internal order of the institution, just like the nonjudicial punishment of public officials. While analyzing prescription, the legal regime of student nonjudicial punishment is also taken into consideration.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Disiplin Yaptırımı, Zamanaşımı, İdari Yaptırım Hukuku, Öğrenci Disiplin Yaptırımı, Öğrencilik Statüsü, Nonjudicial punishment, Prescription, Administrative Sanction Law, Student Nonjudicial Punishment, Student Status, Administrative Law
Kırıkkale Hukuk Mecmuası
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