Barriers About Physical Education Course In The State High Schools In Kırşehir
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Bu çalışmanın amacı; Kırşehir ili merkezindeki liselerde beden eğitimi dersi hedeflerinin gerçekleşmesinin önündeki engelleri belirlemektir. Araştırma, 2015-2016 eğitim-öğretim yılı I. döneminde Kırşehir ilinde devlete bağlı bulunan 9 farklı lisede öğrenim gören 632 öğrenci ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Veri toplama aracı olarak araştırmacı tarafından geliştirilen 'Beden Eğitimi ve Spor İmkan ve Eksiklikler Ölçeği (BESİVE)' kullanılmıştır. Ölçek, 21 maddeden ve "kurumsal yetersizlik", "sınav kaygısı ve ilgisizlik", "öğrenci deneyimi" ve "fiziksel yetersizlik (altyapı)" olarak 4 alt boyuttan oluşmuştur. Sonuç olarak kız ve erkek öğrenciler benzer düşüncededirler. Ölçek maddelerin kümelenerek oluşturduğu "Kurumsal yetersizlik" alt boyutu bakımından iki okul turu ortalama değerleri birbirine çok yakın gerçekleşmiştir. Fen ve Anadolu Liseleri öğrencilerinin, Genel-Güzel Sanatlar-Meslek Liseleri öğrencilerine göre önemli sınavlar için daha az kaygılandığı aynı zamanda beden eğitimi ve spor faaliyetlerine karşı daha ilgili olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır. "BES faaliyetleri sonucu oluşan olumsuzluklar (saçların bozulması, terleme vb.)", "Başarısız olma korkusu", "Geçmişteki olumsuz deneyimler", "İnternet, TV, playstation vb. alışkanlıklar", "Karma eğitim" ve "Sınıf mevcudunun fazla olması" maddelerinin yer aldığı "Öğrenci deneyimi" boyutunda da Fen ve Anadolu Liseleri öğrencileri lehine olumlu bir durumla karşılaşılmıştır. "Fiziksel yetersizlik (alt yapı/tesis)" alt boyutunda Genel Liseler-Güzel Sanatlar Lisesi-Meslek Liseleri öğrencileri, Fen ve Anadolu Liseleri öğrencilerine göre anlamlı düzeyde olumsuz düşünce içerisindedirler
The purpose of this study is to determine the barriers in front of the realization of physical education course goals in the high schools in Kırşehir city center. The study was carried out with 632 students attending 9 different high schools in Kırşehir in the Fall Semester of 2015-2016 academic year. The 'Physical Education and Sport Facilities and Inadequacies Scale (PESFIS)' developed by the researcher was used as data collection tool. The scale consists of 21 items and 4 sub-dimensions ("institutional inability", "test anxiety and indifference", "student experience" and "infrastructural inadequacies"). As a result, Boys and girls think similar. In terms of the "Institutional disability" sub-dimension, the mean values of the two school groups were close to each other. Science and Anatolian High School students were less concerned about important examinations than General-Fine Arts-Vocational High School students and it was observed that they were more interested in physical education and sports activities. A positive situation was observed in favor of the Science and Anatolian High School students in the Student Experience subdimension including "Problem occurred during physical education and sport activities (messing hair up, sweating, etc)", "Fear of failure", "Negative experiences in the past", " Habits like Internet, TV, playstation, etc.", "mixed education" and "huge class size" items. In the "Infrastructural inadequacies" sub-dimension, General High School-Fine Arts High SchoolVocational High School students think more negatively at a significant level than Science and Anatolian High School students
The purpose of this study is to determine the barriers in front of the realization of physical education course goals in the high schools in Kırşehir city center. The study was carried out with 632 students attending 9 different high schools in Kırşehir in the Fall Semester of 2015-2016 academic year. The 'Physical Education and Sport Facilities and Inadequacies Scale (PESFIS)' developed by the researcher was used as data collection tool. The scale consists of 21 items and 4 sub-dimensions ("institutional inability", "test anxiety and indifference", "student experience" and "infrastructural inadequacies"). As a result, Boys and girls think similar. In terms of the "Institutional disability" sub-dimension, the mean values of the two school groups were close to each other. Science and Anatolian High School students were less concerned about important examinations than General-Fine Arts-Vocational High School students and it was observed that they were more interested in physical education and sports activities. A positive situation was observed in favor of the Science and Anatolian High School students in the Student Experience subdimension including "Problem occurred during physical education and sport activities (messing hair up, sweating, etc)", "Fear of failure", "Negative experiences in the past", " Habits like Internet, TV, playstation, etc.", "mixed education" and "huge class size" items. In the "Infrastructural inadequacies" sub-dimension, General High School-Fine Arts High SchoolVocational High School students think more negatively at a significant level than Science and Anatolian High School students
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