Kıbrıs'ın bütünleştirilmesinde AB'nin rolü ve açmazlar
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AB'nin elinde Kıbrıs'ta bütünleşmeyi ve sorunun çözümünü sağlayabilecek şu araçlar bulunmaktadır: uzlaşmacı tutum takınmayı AB üyeliğinin şartı haline getirme, kendi çatısı altında bütünleşme durumunda güvenlik ve refah sağlama, üyelikle toplumların kimliklerini ve sorunları algılayışlarını dönüştürme ve kurumlarıyla çoklu kimliklerin temsilini ve korunmasını sağlama. AB, Kıbrıslı Rumların tavrını değiştirmek için üyelik aracını kullanmamış, tavrını değiştiren Kıbrıslı Türklere üyelik vermemiş ve Kıbrıs sorununu Türkiye'nin üyeliğini zorlaştırıcı bir faktöre dönüştürmüştür.Türk tarafı, Kıbrıs sorunundaki tutumundan ve çıkarlarından vazgeçmesini sağlayacak derecede AB'nin kendisine üyelikle birlikte önemli ödüller sunacağından, güvenlik ve refahına ciddi katkı sağlayacağından ve kimliğini güvence altına alacağından emin olamamıştır. Kıbrıs sorununun taraflarının kimlik, egemenlik ve güvenlik konularında geleneksel anlayışa sahip olmaları yanında AB de Kıbrıs sorununa yaklaşımında yumuşak güç unsurlarını yeterince devreye sokmamış, taraflar arasında denge ve tarafsızlık gözetmemiş, yeterince iki toplumlu proje üretmemiş, bu tür projelere yeterince destek vermemiş, Türkiye'nin üyeliğini sert güç perspektifiyle ele almış ve Kıbrıslı Türkleri ikincil konumdan kurtarıcı bir tutum sergilememiştir.
Abstract: The EU has the following tools in re-integrating Cyprus and transforming the Cyprus issue: making conciliatory attitude the condition of EU membership-, providing security and welfare under its framework in case of re-integration; transforming the sides' identities and their perceptions of problems through membership and ensuring representation and protection of multiple identities through its institutions. The EU did not use the membership tool to change the attitudes of Greek Cypriots, did not grant membership to Turkish Cypriots, who changed their attitudes, and transformed the Cyprus issue to a factor preventing Turkey's EU membership. To be able to give up their attitudes and interests in the Cyprus issue, Turkish Cypriots and Turkey have not been assured that the EU will provide them with important rewards as well as membership, that it will contribute greatly to their security and welfare and that it will present effective guarantees to protect their identities. In addition to the fact that the sides of the Cyprus issue have had traditional perceptions regarding identity, sovereignty and security; the EU has not activated its soft power elements while dealing with the Cyprus issue, it has not established balance in its attitudes toward the sides, it has not produced sufficient bi-communal projects, it has not supported such projects sufficiently, it has approached to Turkey's EU membership with hard power perspective and it has not tried to end the subordinate position of Turkish Cypriots.
Abstract: The EU has the following tools in re-integrating Cyprus and transforming the Cyprus issue: making conciliatory attitude the condition of EU membership-, providing security and welfare under its framework in case of re-integration; transforming the sides' identities and their perceptions of problems through membership and ensuring representation and protection of multiple identities through its institutions. The EU did not use the membership tool to change the attitudes of Greek Cypriots, did not grant membership to Turkish Cypriots, who changed their attitudes, and transformed the Cyprus issue to a factor preventing Turkey's EU membership. To be able to give up their attitudes and interests in the Cyprus issue, Turkish Cypriots and Turkey have not been assured that the EU will provide them with important rewards as well as membership, that it will contribute greatly to their security and welfare and that it will present effective guarantees to protect their identities. In addition to the fact that the sides of the Cyprus issue have had traditional perceptions regarding identity, sovereignty and security; the EU has not activated its soft power elements while dealing with the Cyprus issue, it has not established balance in its attitudes toward the sides, it has not produced sufficient bi-communal projects, it has not supported such projects sufficiently, it has approached to Turkey's EU membership with hard power perspective and it has not tried to end the subordinate position of Turkish Cypriots.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Uluslararası İlişkiler, Siyasi Bilimler
Uluslararası Hukuk ve Politika
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Uslu, N. (2010). Kıbrıs'ın bütünleştirilmesinde AB'nin rolü ve açmazlar. Uluslararası Hukuk ve Politika, 6(22), 1 - 22.