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Milattan önceki yüzyıllardan günümüze kadar var olan çeviri etkinliğinin oldukça eski bir tarihi olduğunu biliyoruz. Çeviri, antik çağlardan beri var olan bir çalışma olmasına rağmen özellikle Fransız Aydınlanma Çağı olan 18. yüzyıl yazını, ülkemiz yazın hayatına birçok eserin ve düşünce akımlarının girmesini sağlamış; toplumsal yaşam biçimlerinin değişimine katkıda bulunmuştur. Bu değişim Avrupa'da aynı dönemlere rastlayan sanayi devrimleriyle; ilerleyen teknik bilginin ve yazın çalışmalarının çeviri yoluyla yayılmasıyla gerçekleşmiştir. Şiir çevirisi aslında yazın alanındaki en şiddetli anlaşmazlıkları ve fikir ayrılıklarını tetikleyen çeviri çalışmaları incelemesidir. Çeviri alanında uzmanlaşmış olmayanlar bile konu üzerinde her zaman bir fikre sahiptir, ve sonuç olarak bu uzman olmayan kişilerin fikirleri çok sayıda faydasız basmakalıp söz ortaya çıkarır. Şiirin çevrilebilirliği ve çevrilemezliğiyle alakalı en rahatsız edici ve faydasız tartışmalardan birisi şiir çevirisi üzerinde zaman harcamaya değmeyeceğidir, çünkü bu türden edebi eserler ticari bir kaygı ile özel olarak üretilirler. Bir şekilde eserin ana fikrini yada içeriğini anlamak için çaba sarf etmeye ve böyle çevrilmiş metinleri okumaya istekli olan bir okuyucu yazarın yada başka birinin kişiliği yardımıyla iyi kötü gözle görülür biçimde karakterlerin kimliklerinin izlerini bulmaya çalışır. Çevirmenler şiir çevirir ve okuyucular da çevrilen şiiri okur. Şiirde bile, çevirinin ikilemi okuyucunun orijinal metine ulaşmasını sağlayan bir metin yaratmak ya da orijinal metinden ilham alınarak oluşturulan beğenilen şiirsel bir metin yaratmaktır. Bu yüzden, şiir çevirisinin amacı hakkında bazı ayrımları yapmaya çalışmak ve detaylı bir biçimde kafa yormak daha iyidir. Çeviri etkinliği günümüzde çeviri bilim alanındaki gelişmelerle oldukça geniş bir alana sahiptir. Bu alanlardan biri olan şiir çevirisinin teorik ve pratik sorunlarına karşı çeviri bilimcilerin yaklaşımlarını göz önüne (Fransızca)seçtiğimiz şiirlerin erek dildeki (Türkçe) çevirilerinde rastladığımız değişkenlerin oluşumunu çeviri tekniklerini kullanarak inceledik
The art of translation, which has been in existence from before the Common Era until today is known to have a considerable history. Although translation is a study which has existed since ancient times, in particular through the writings of the eighteenth century French Enlightenment period, it enabled the introduction of many works and schools of thought into the literary life of our country; and contributed to changes in social lifestyle. These changes came into effect through the Industrial Revolution which occurred in Europe during the same period, and as a result of advances in technical knowledge and of the spread of works of literature through translation. The translation of poetry is actually the subject of translation studies that triggers the fiercest controversies or difference of opinion in literary domains. Even those who are not specialized in translation often have an opinion on the subject, and consequently the opinions of these unspecialised people bring out many pointless platitudes. One of the most annoying and useless debates concerning the translatability and nontranslatability of poetry is that it is not worth wasting time on translation of a poem, because these kinds of literary works are produced privately by a commercial concern. A reader who is willing to read such translated texts and make an effort to understand the content or the main idea of the work somehow tries to find the traces of characters' identities more or less noticeably with the help of the personality of the author or another one. Translators translate poems and readers read the translated poem. Even in poetry, the dilemma of translation is to create a text that allows a reader to have access to the original text, or create an admirable poetic text that is formed by being inspired from the original text. Therefore, it is better to think hard in a detailed way and try to make some distinctions about the purpose of the translation of poetry. Today, because of developments in the science of translation, the activity of translation covers a wide range of areas. In this study, taking into consideration the approach of translation scientists to the theoretical and practical problems encountered in one of these areas, the translation of poetry, the formation of variance encountered in the translations of selected poems from the source language (French) into the target language (Turkish) was examined using translation techniques
The art of translation, which has been in existence from before the Common Era until today is known to have a considerable history. Although translation is a study which has existed since ancient times, in particular through the writings of the eighteenth century French Enlightenment period, it enabled the introduction of many works and schools of thought into the literary life of our country; and contributed to changes in social lifestyle. These changes came into effect through the Industrial Revolution which occurred in Europe during the same period, and as a result of advances in technical knowledge and of the spread of works of literature through translation. The translation of poetry is actually the subject of translation studies that triggers the fiercest controversies or difference of opinion in literary domains. Even those who are not specialized in translation often have an opinion on the subject, and consequently the opinions of these unspecialised people bring out many pointless platitudes. One of the most annoying and useless debates concerning the translatability and nontranslatability of poetry is that it is not worth wasting time on translation of a poem, because these kinds of literary works are produced privately by a commercial concern. A reader who is willing to read such translated texts and make an effort to understand the content or the main idea of the work somehow tries to find the traces of characters' identities more or less noticeably with the help of the personality of the author or another one. Translators translate poems and readers read the translated poem. Even in poetry, the dilemma of translation is to create a text that allows a reader to have access to the original text, or create an admirable poetic text that is formed by being inspired from the original text. Therefore, it is better to think hard in a detailed way and try to make some distinctions about the purpose of the translation of poetry. Today, because of developments in the science of translation, the activity of translation covers a wide range of areas. In this study, taking into consideration the approach of translation scientists to the theoretical and practical problems encountered in one of these areas, the translation of poetry, the formation of variance encountered in the translations of selected poems from the source language (French) into the target language (Turkish) was examined using translation techniques
Anahtar Kelimeler
Turkish Studies (Elektronik)
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri