Hipokalsemiye bağlı semptomatik nöbet geçiren hastaların değerlendirilmesi
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Amaç: Hipokalsemi nedeniyle nöbet geçiren hastaları değerlendirmektir. Gereç ve Yöntem: Konvülziyon nedeniyle acil servise başvuran ya da başka bir nedenle yatışı sırasında konvülziyon geçiren ve yapılan tetkiklerinde hipokalsemi saptanan hastalar incelendi. Hastaların yaş, cinsiyet, nöbet tipi, varsa EEG bulguları ve antiepileptik tedavi başlanma oranı değerlendirildi. Bulgular: Hipokalsemi nedeniyle nöbet geçiren 14 hasta incelendi. Hastalarda en sık jeneralize tonik klonik nöbet görüldü. Hiçbir hastada epilepsi gelişmedi. Sonuç: Hipokalsemi nedeniyle geçirilen akut semptomatik nöbetlerde başlanan antiepileptik tedavi akut dönemden sonra kesilmelidir.
Aim: To evaluate patients who had seizures due to hypocalcamia. Materials and Methods: We included patients in whom hypocalcemia was diagnosed after an admission to the emergency department because of convulsions and patients who developed convulsions during their hospital stay for another reason. We examined age, gender, seizure type, available EEG findings and the frequency of anti- epileptic drug treatment. Results: A total of 14 patients were included. The most frequent seizure type was generalised tonic clonic seizures. None of the patients developed epilepsy. Conclusion: When anti-epileptic drug treatment has been started in patients with acute symptomatic seizures because of hypocalcemia, the treatment should be stopped after the acute period.
Aim: To evaluate patients who had seizures due to hypocalcamia. Materials and Methods: We included patients in whom hypocalcemia was diagnosed after an admission to the emergency department because of convulsions and patients who developed convulsions during their hospital stay for another reason. We examined age, gender, seizure type, available EEG findings and the frequency of anti- epileptic drug treatment. Results: A total of 14 patients were included. The most frequent seizure type was generalised tonic clonic seizures. None of the patients developed epilepsy. Conclusion: When anti-epileptic drug treatment has been started in patients with acute symptomatic seizures because of hypocalcemia, the treatment should be stopped after the acute period.
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Van Tıp Dergisi
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Tekatlı, B. Ç., Çelik, N., Gürer, Y. K. Y. (2012). Hipokalsemiye bağlı semptomatik nöbet geçiren hastaların değerlendirilmesi. Van Tıp Dergisi, 19(4), 182 - 184.